Chapter 318: Ghost Marriage

Hearing Huang Xiaolong talk about negotiating a deal with a water ghost, Yue Dazhuang and his group couldn't wrap their heads around it.

Moreover, this water ghost was not just a normal ghost, but a legendary Ghost King!

"M... Master…what...what's happening now?" Yue Dazhuang asked, his voice trembling.

"A very enjoyable situation," Huang Xiaolong replied, a satisfied grin on his face.


"Aiyo...Master, stop joking... I'm absolutely terrified... a Ghost King... must be very powerful. If word gets out that there's a Ghost King in my bathhouse...who would dare to come?" Yue Dazhuang lamented, weeping and sobbing. "If I can't do business, I can't make money, and if I can't make money, I can't pay back the bank loan, and if I can't pay back the loan, I'll go to jail..."

"Stop blabbering," Huang Xiaolong said in disgust, glaring at Yue Dazhuang before turning back to his joyful demeanor. "But don't worry, as long as you pay, I'll take care of this properly."