Chapter 319 What the Hell Does This Mean?

Even though their hearts might not be willing, upon hearing Huang Xiaolong mention the benefits of marrying the Ghost King, these girls of the wind and dust couldn't help but look at him with curiosity.

"Honestly, I'm speechless... Your IQs are worrisome!" Huang Xiaolong shook his head. "In some places, there is a tradition. When children are weak and often sick during their childhood, parents would give them in adoption to the gods worshipped in temples or Taoist altars… It's for their protection. But, think about it. There are so many people thanking the gods, even marrying them… how can these gods have the time to bless and care for everyone?"

"So, some directly give their children to ghosts. Ghosts, like gods, can also provide protection. Plus, those who worship ghosts or marry them are few and far between… They would receive more affection and protection."