You Are My Fiancée

April 1st, 2017, April Fools' Day.

The 20th floor of Feiyu Corporation.

The general manager's office suite.

Liu Ruyan's eyes were wide open as she looked at the man before her in disbelief.

"Pardon me!?!" Liu Ruyan stared at him in absolute astonishment.

"There, written in black and white, you're my fiancée." Guo Yi looked up and ran his eyes over her. "I'm here to marry you."


Liu Ruyan slipped and almost fell from the luxurious office chair. She quickly recomposed herself, and with her eyebrows raised, she yelled, "You lowly vagrant! Believe me when I say I'll have you thrown out!"

Who was Liu Ruyan? The CEO of Feiyu Corporation, the hand managing the entire corporation.

Over in Jiangnan City, Feiyu Corp was one of the absolute top companies with over billions in net worth, and Liu Ruyan was an all accomplishing girl wonder. Since she was young, she had gotten into the best middle school, the best high school, and the best university before she attended Yale University to study Financial Administration. 

At the tender age of twenty-three, she had taken over Feiyu Corp from her father and doubled their total market value in just two years. As such, she was considered the Golden Flower of Jiangnan.

The line of potential suitors who wanted her hand in marriage stretched all the way from Jiangnan City to Jiangbei City and back.

Now, as for the person before her, not only was he clad in rags, but he was also sloppy in appearance. He was simply wearing a white t-shirt, a pair of casual trousers, and a pair of cheap slippers. His hair was long enough that it could cover his face, and his only saving grace was his somewhat handsome face. Compared with Guo Yi, Liu Ruyan's innumerable suitors were much, much more qualified. What made him think that he had the qualifications to marry Liu Ruyan?

"Yes!" Guo Yi's expression was calm as he measured Liu Ruyan with interest.

She had fair skin like snow, and her features were immaculate. Her peachy lips made her look enchanting even when she was angry. Her figure was eye-catching as her office dress enhanced the shape of her ample chest while it drew an alluring silhouette over her thin waist.

Yet, the next thing Guo Yi said almost had Liu Ruyan in tears as he nonchalantly stated, "You're passable, as my wife!"

"You!" Liu Ruyan almost puked blood.

She wanted to cry but could not. She also felt like laughing but then remembered that it was April Fools' Day. Was this a joke from the heavens?

However, a person who would dare pull such a joke on her… was probably not born yet? After some hesitation, Liu Ruyan finally sighed. It was because of her grandfather's signature. She recognized it. That letter was penned by her grandfather, Liu Changzheng.

In the letter, the patriarch of the Liu Family mentioned that, twenty-five years ago, both the Lius and the Guos would have their children married while they were still in the womb. Now the time had come for the two to get married.

The desire to die soon started to well up within her.

"Wait up." Liu Ruyan's beautiful eyes glistened as she said, "Guo Yi, both you and I have just met. To say that you want to marry me… I'm sure that you're not so willing yourself, right? We are in a new China; we're educated people raised under the red flag, and this marriage in the womb…"

"I cannot deny my father's will." Guo Yi shook his head. "If you are unwilling, you can give your grandfather a call and get him to cancel the engagement. I'll leave without a word then."

Liu Ruyan was stunned.

Get her grandfather to call off the engagement? Impossible. He had been a straight-talking man for his entire life. If the Guo Family were still as glorious as it was in the past, so be it, but the Guo Family was gone.

Eight years ago, the Guo Group was sabotaged, and it collapsed. The Guo matriarch was forced to commit suicide by throwing herself into the river, and the patriarch was now a mad husk of his former self. If she made her grandfather call off the engagement, would it not make the Liu Family a dishonorable laughing stock?

Liu Ruyan was now conflicted.

On one hand, she wanted to protect her grandfather's reputation, one the other, she wanted to call off the engagement.

"Guo Yi…" After a long silence, Liu Ruyan bit her lips and said, "I know that your family's in bad shape, and your father's bedridden. How about… I give you five million, and from today onwards, our families owe each other nothing?"

Guo Yi furrowed his brows and looked a little astonished.

Liu Ruyan did not seem to understand him and took his silence for consent. So, she quickly pulled out her checkbook, then wrote a ¥5,000,000 check and passed it to him.

Five million was a number that most commoners could not even come close to earning in their lifetime. But for Liu Ruyan, it was nothing.

Guo Yi's frown disappeared, and he wore a wry smile.

"So, you agree?" Liu Ruyan asked probingly.

"I agree." Guo Yi nodded.

Liu Ruyan heaved a sigh of relief, but she was grateful, grateful that she would not end up with him. The five million allowed her to see through a person's nature and also get rid of a headache for her. Well worth it!

The moment Guo Yi took the check from her hand, Liu Ruyan's frosty expression returned. From that moment on, the Lius and the Guos would have nothing more to do with each other. The debt of honor the Lius owed the Guos would be over as well.


What Liu Ruyan did not expect was Guo Yi simply tearing the check for five million into bits as if it was nothing but a piece of paper in his hands.

"You…" Liu Ruyan's eyes widened as shock and hesitation welled up within her. Her gaze grew even more conflicted.

"I may be poor, but I won't take any handouts," Guo Yi said, his tone impassive.


With a fling of his hand, bits of paper flew in the air.

"You!!" Liu Ruyan's temper flared, and just as she was about to speak, Guo Yi interrupted her.

"From today onwards, the Guos and the Lius will have nothing to do with each other."

As he said that, Guo Yi stood up. His six-feet-tall frame suddenly looked imposing as he walked out of the room without even looking back.

Proud and self-righteous…

Seeing Guo Yi's silhouette, Liu Ruyan felt conflicted.

"Hmph! You conceited pr*ck. You gave up five million for nothing." Liu Ruyan gritted her teeth as anger roiled in her beautiful eyes. "The Guos are already done for, so what are you being so smug for? You'll come begging me again, mark my words!"


After he exited Feiyu Corp's building, Guo Yi hailed a cab to go to the hospital.

It had been eight years since he left home, and everything the Guo Family had was now gone. The painful scene still bit him like it was yesterday.

He stood before the hospital, catching a whiff of the stinging scent of antiseptics.

"I'm back!" Guo Yi looked at the azure sky as he closed his eyes and basked in the warm sun.

He had returned, he had finally returned. He suffered for eight long years, and everything he did was just for this day.

Eight years ago, his mother was forced to commit suicide, and his father was brought to his knees, never to recover. The Guo Group was torn asunder by crooks, the Guo manor was confiscated by rogues as both father and son were hounded like dogs. All that drove his father insane…

"Father, Sis Chen, Zhiruo, I'm back!" Guo Yi opened his eyes.

There was a murderous glow in his eyes as he stared right into the empyrean, threatening to rip a hole through the sky. The boiling hatred, vengeance, and killing intent in his being made it seem like he was about to massacre everything before him.

"I've said it before, it's either vengeance or death…

"I will make the heavens bow down to me, the earth tremble before me, and drive the world mad for me!"

The flames of anger lit up within Guo Yi.