I’m Back

"That person looks violent."

"Stay away, I hope he's not at the hospital for revenge?"

The crowd soon shuffled away from Guo Yi.

His aura coiled around him, forming a shapeless wall. To the surrounding people, it was killing intent, an ill-intent. Even a butcher only emanated a tiny speck of it after a whole life of slaughtering pigs, yet for Guo Yi, the intent took form.


He let out a deep breath, and the wall seemingly disappeared as he slowly walked into the hospital.


The fourth floor.

As he stood before the room door, Guo Yi hesitated. It had been eight years. He was no longer the person he was, and how could he face his loved ones?


Before Guo Yi could even open the door, someone else opened it.

Two pairs of eyes met, but the lovely eyes turned red first. Chen Anqi could not believe her eyes. That boy, he had returned!

"Little Yi, is that you?" Chen Anqi stared at him in astonishment.

It had been eight years, yet their bond still remained strong. She never changed and was always a fragrant blossom in bloom. However, the marks of tribulation were abundant in her eyes.

"Sis Chen!" Guo Yi held his arms out and gently pulled her into his embrace. "Little Yi is back!"

"Yes, yes!" Chen Anqi hugged Guo Yi tightly, fearing that he would once again leave her. With a choked voice, she said, "It's good that you've returned. Don't… Don't you ever leave again. Ever!"

It was a single word but within it was a thousand longings.

It seemed so short. Nevertheless, for eight long years, the warmth remained. Only true emotions could achieve that.

Chen Anqi was an abandoned child.

About twenty years ago, Mrs. Guo adopted her, and she grew up in the Guo household. She was three years older than Guo Yi, and eight years ago, if it had not been for her, Guo Yi would have been dead.

A group of rogues wanted to end the Guo bloodline, and Chen Anqi hid Guo Yi in an undercroft. Even when she was brutally beaten up, she never revealed where Guo Yi was. For that, Chen Anqi's body bore wounds that could never be removed.

On his sickbed, Mr. Guo had a dazed expression. His skin was a pallid yellow as he stared at the ceiling in a stupor.

"Has my father been like this all these while?" Guo Yi asked.

"Yes." Chen Anqi nodded. "Papa has been that way without any signs of recovery."

Guo Yi took a deep breath as he gently stroked his father's dry hands. That tragedy eight years ago had probably caused permanent scars to him. His family was ruined; his wife was dead, and his son went missing. It was only thanks to Chen Anqi who took care of him for so long.

"Sis Chen, thank you for the past eight years." Guo Yi's expression was cold like ice.

"Little Yi." Chen Anqi bit her lips as she said, "It's good that you've come home."

All those years, Chen Anqi had suffered, but she weathered through it, and now she was a department manager in a company. She earned a good income and poured almost every cent of it into Mr. Guo's ward. The room itself was a costly single room, and it was Chen Anqi who had used her connections to get such a room. Much had been spent all those years.

Chen Anqi looked at Guo Yi, the young man. His gaze had changed altogether. It was filled with determination that was as cold as frost.


Chen Anqi sighed. Perhaps, the past eight years had been difficult for Little Yi as well.

Suddenly, a series of sobbings could be heard from outside.

Guo Yi frowned.

"Eh, did Elder Tang in the neighboring room pass away?" Chen Anqi panicked a little. "Little Yi, come with me, and let's pay our last respects."

Guo Yi did not want to, but if Sis Chen wanted to go, he would naturally follow along. From that moment on, he would make sure that he was always by her side.

The neighboring room was covered by luxury of a totally different level.

A twenty-year-old lady was crying, her face stained with tears. The room was filled with people, and from their getup, one could tell that they were not your usual folks. An elderly man lay on the bed with his eyes wide open. His face was thin and pallid while his jawbones were protruded as he seemingly tried to hold on to that last breath, as death would take him if he ever let go.

By the bed...

"Master Liu, is there no other way?" A middle-aged man in a black suit and golden-rimmed glasses pleaded to an old man who was standing behind him. "Even if it's just for another three months!"

"Sigh… such is fate, and his time is almost up." An elderly man with rosy cheeks shook his head. "Elder Tang has reached the limit of his age, and his organs are failing. Even the Golden Eternals won't be able to save him!"

That sent sorrow to everyone.


However, a soft sneer suddenly rang out.

"Who goes there?" Master Liu frowned.

Everyone looked at Guo Yi, the unkempt young man. Guo Yi remained silent as Chen Anqi quickly tugged at his hand and apologized to Master Liu. "My apologies, Little Yi did not mean that."

"Did you sneer earlier?" Master Liu looked at Guo Yi.

"Yes!" Who knew, Guo Yi looked up and stared daggers at the former.

"What is the meaning of this?" Master Liu was a renowned physician across the country and held the title of the Savior of Lives. Many of the rich and famous stumbled over themselves to seek his treatment.

"You call yourself a master, but you're no better than dogsh*t." Guo Yi gave him a dismissive look while a cold glint swept through his eyes. "This old man is still very much alive and has three more years to go. Yet, you're pushing him into an early grave."

"You!" Master Liu almost jumped the moment he heard that.

Everyone else was stunned.

Master Liu, whose full name was Liu Guoyi, had been a physician apprentice since he was young. His master, Zhang Yuansu had the title of Master Xinglin and the epithet of Hua Tuo incarnate.

Yet, he had been literally barked down by a young man.

"Young man, may I know who are you?" the middle-aged man with the gold-rimmed glasses quickly asked.

"Me?" Guo Yi's expression was cold as an equally chilling smile across his face. "I'm the only person who can save him!"


Everyone gasped.

"Hahahaha…." Master Liu let out a drawn-out laugh. "If you can save Elder Tang today, I, Liu Guoyi will definitely take out the tea set and bow in homage to you."

Things started to get heated.

Chen Anqi panicked as she gently tugged Guo Yi's hand. "Little Yi, don't go courting trouble. This… This is not a place we can afford to cause any problems."

"Sis Chen, don't you worry, I won't add to your troubles." Guo Yi's smile was only reserved for Chen Anqi. His smile was warm and gentle as he gently touched her cheek. "Now that I'm back, I'll protect you from all harm."

"Boy, Elder Tang has very little time left. If you don't hurry, you're dead meat." Master Liu sneered, and contempt seeped out of his every word.

At that moment, the girl crying by the door apparently grasped onto a saving grace as she looked pleadingly at Guo Yi. "I beg you! Save my grandpa! If you save him… The Tang Family…will definitely treat you as our savior. We will reward you lavishly and accede to your demands!"

She was a beautiful girl, but sadly, Guo Yi only had eyes for Mu Zhiruo and Sis Chen.