I Seek Vengeance

"Daddy, how's Grandpa doing?" The weeping girl walked in.

"Tang Ru, he's awake now," the man said.

"Grandpa…" Tang Ru immediately threw herself into Elder Tang's embrace and instantly turned into a sobbing mess.

"Ru-er, don't cry." Elder Tang was touched by the expression of familial love.

The Tang Family was large and influential, with many sons, daughters, and even grandchildren. However, Elder Tang doted on Tang Ru the most. The two of them were always together, and their relationship ran deep. When Elder Tang was about to pass away earlier, only Tang Ru cried her eyes out. Tang Ru's love for Elder Tang was obvious.

"Where's the master who saved you?" Tang Ru quickly asked.

"He left." Elder Tang shook his head.

"Ru-er, let Grandpa rest. He still needs to look for the master after three days to extend his life," the middle-aged man said with a sigh.

"What's with that person? Such audacity."

"Yeah, for him to demand that the elder go look for him? Why can't he come over instead?"

"The elder is already so weak. That person's just too full of himself, right?"

Many of the Tang Family members were grumbling, and they clearly held deep prejudice against Guo Yi. Even Tang Ru was surprised. "Daddy, why won't he come to our place?"

"We are the ones asking for help after all," the man said.

"Tang Zhan," Elder Tang spoke, "go and do a little research on his background."

"Yes, Father!" Tang Zhan nodded.

Tang Zhan was Elder Tang's youngest son, and he was 45 years old. He was one of the most important members of Jiangnan City Council, and was a department-level cadre. Both his prospects and background were impressive. Not only that, but he was also one of the rising stars in the local officiates, so his future was bright.


Back at the ward.

Chen Anqi kept quiet. The young man was not the person he was eight years ago, and he was equipped with an ability that even the famous Master Liu had to bow to.

"Sis Chen, I know what you want to ask me." Noticing her silence, Guo Yi said, "I'll let you know everything I can reveal to you, but now's not the time."

"Then…" Chen Anqi lifted her head.

A steely glint flashed through Guo Yi's eyes. "The Lius of Jiangbei, the Chens of Hedong, and the Lis of Jiangnan… I'll have every single one of them pay this debt with their own blood to appease my mother's spirit in heaven!"

Chen Anqi was shocked.

The young man had not forgotten the vow of vengeance. It was only hidden within him.

What had he seen in the past eight years?

What had he been through in the past eight years?

He did not sleep or eat well during those eight years, yet he never forgot. The vow of vengeance was engraved into his very bones.

Chen Anqi shook her head. "Little Yi, forget about it. That was all in the past, and they are no longer the people they once were!"


Everything had changed in the past eight years. The Lius, the Chens, and the Lis were no longer the small families they were. They were all illustrious rich people, new age nobility with influence and authority across the land. Surely, they were beyond Guo Yi's reach now?

Guo Yi sat in a chair as he gently tapped his fingers on the armrest and looked at Chen Anqi with a gentle gaze. "Sis Chen, they are no longer themselves, and Little Yi is no longer himself too."

Chen Anqi looked at Guo Yi.

"Little Yi, you managed to save Elder Tang earlier, but why didn't you save Father?" Chen Anqi suddenly asked.

"Physical wounds are easy to cure. The wounds of the mind and soul, however... There's no cure for them." Guo Yi looked at Mr. Guo.

"No cure…" Chen Anqi's gaze drooped as she was on the verge of tears.

At that moment, the nurse on duty walked in.

"Visitation time is up. You should leave and not disturb the patient's rest!" the nurse reminded them.

Once they left the hospital, Chen Anqi brought Guo Yi to Xiandaihuafu.

"How did you know that I live here?" Chen Anqi asked curiously.

"Actually… I returned a few days ago." Guo Yi wore a wry smile.

Chen Anqi nodded and said nothing else. The two siblings knew each other well.

Chen Anqi then took a half-day leave as the two caught up on old times at home.

Chen Anqi was a department manager in Feiyu Corp. While her salary was high, most of it had been invested into the care of Mr. Guo. The remainder was supposed to cover her rent and food, so her budget was obviously stretched thin. Now with Guo Yi's return, there was another mouth to feed at home.

Chen Anqi said nothing about it, but Guo Yi knew.

"Sis Chen, don't let me hold you back. Go to work." Guo Yi looked at her.

"Alright." Chen Anqi realized that things were difficult at home. Taking leave would only see her salary being deducted.

Hence, she left.

Guo Yi was now alone at home. The place was simple and spartan with two rooms and a hall. There was no air-conditioning and no fridge. The television in the hall was just a mere twenty-one-inch Konka TV. While the house was rudimentary, Guo Yi had no complaints. He would even sleep by the roadside if that meant he got to live with Sis Chen.

The most important thing was his return!

"Sis Chen, I will not let you suffer from poverty any longer!

"I will make you rich, I will make you influential!

"I will make you a woman that every other woman will be dead jealous of!"

Guo Yi then stored his negative aura away as he sat down with his legs crossed.

The room he was in was wide and empty.

With his hands on both of his knees, Guo Yi fell into a meditative trance. Instantly, countless tiny human figures floated in an ethereal light before him.

If Master Liu had seen that, his eyes would have dropped off right away. It was the lost Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor.

Guo Yi was a handpicked disciple of Sage Beiming.

Eight years ago, the sage took pity on the dying Guo Yi and saved him. Later on, he discovered that Guo Yi had the body of pure Yang and took him as his eighty-seventh disciple.

Guo Yi then followed Sage Beiming across the world to save the ill and the afflicted. A year later, the sage taught him the Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor. Another year after, Guo Yi's initial progress turned into exponential growth as he grew and grew until he broke through the limits of his body. With his abilities now honed, he was released by Sage Beiming.

The Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor was divided into two parts. The first one was to heal and mend, with two acupuncture techniques: the Immortal Golden Needles and the Primordial Silver Needles. The second was about tempering one's body, and there was a complete set of training instructions in it; something that many would kill for.

Sadly, only the first part of the scripture itself was taught and inherited. But even that was incomplete, not to mention the two acupuncture techniques that came with it.

To use both the Immortal Golden Needles and Primordial Silver Needles required one to temper his body and spirit into an apex Xuanti state.

Once Guo Yi got started, he was released by Sage Beiming as the tempering training began with one entering the Xuanti state.

After all, any training taught by a master would still be dependent on the disciple, and with Guo Yi already at the apex of his Xuanti state, there were few who could go up against him in this world. Hence, Sage Beiming released him to let him establish his own following, train himself, cure the ill, and aid the poor.


Yet, temperance training was not something one could complete in a day. Guo Yi trained hard for many years just to reach that state. His master, Sage Beiming was 530 years old, and he had barely scratched the pinnacle of the Huashen state. Difficult did not even begin to describe how hard it was to break through.

Guo Yi let out a breath of negative energy as an all-consuming glint appeared in his eyes.

"I'm about to break through Xuanti very soon!" Guo Yi demurred. "If I have enough medication to nourish my body, I should reach it sooner."

Those who had reached the physical apex would find themselves scant of foes who were capable of taking them on. If Guo Yi could enter the next stage—the Qihua state—he could run rampant across the world.

If he wanted to protect his loved ones and let Sis Chen live a life of luxury and power, he needed to reach the Qihua state.

Time to buy some medication! Guo Yi said to himself.