Who Do You Think You Are?

Jiangnan City, Tong Ren Medicinal Hall

Guo Yi circled the shop and found that the medicinal ingredients were extremely expensive. Decade-old ginseng could fetch the price of ten thousand, and the thirty-year-old one was an eye-watering one hundred thousand.

"Do you have century-old ginsengs?" Guo Yi asked.

The shop attendant took a glance at him and frowned. "Century-old ginseng will be sold based on its weight. The cheapest we have here cost about eight hundred thousand…"

Guo Yi's tongue was tied as he heard that.

He had been following Sage Beiming around the world all those years. While they treated and saved many, they never took a single dime, fully depending on fate. Guo Yi just returned and barely had a penny to his name, much less eight hundred thousand.

As Guo Yi was hesitating, a voice rang out behind him.

"You again?"

Guo Yi turned back and noticed, was that not his fiancée, Liu Ruyan? Guo Yi kept quiet.

"Buying ginseng?" Liu Ruyan sneered. "Century-old ginseng? The cheapest one will cost you ¥880,000, and the most expensive one is ¥3,780,000. Which one do you want?"

Next to Liu Ruyan was a young man of similar age, and he was clearly head over heels for her.

"Ruyan, who is he?" the man asked as he measured Guo Yi.

"My fiancée in name!" Liu Ruyan was forthcoming.

"Huh?" The man was shocked. He looked at Guo Yi with hostility as jealousy and envy twirled within his eyes.

Liu Ziheng was the scion of the Liu Group and a diehard fan of Liu Ruyan. However, never once had he managed to garner her affection. Despite that, he never gave up and continued to pursue her. With a scornful sneer, he said, "For someone dressed so haggardly, where did this country bumpkin find the right to be your fiancée?"

"It's not that I wanted it. It was determined by my grandpa." Liu Ruyan was frustrated. After all, Guo Yi was the total opposite of her.


Guo Yi just scoffed as he turned and left.

"Stand right there!" Liu Ruyan suddenly shouted.

Guo Yi turned around and looked at her. His goodwill for the woman had all but worn off. At first, he was slightly attracted by her looks during their first meeting, but her speech and actions totally ruined his impression of her.

"What gives you the right to make me stand right here? If not for the past relationship between our families, I would kill you here and now!"

"Bloody hell!" Liu Ziheng was enraged when he heard that. "Who do you think you are?!"


"F*ck, is he for real?!"


"Looks like I need to teach this bastard a lesson!"


A killing intent flashed through Guo Yi's eyes; he was about to hurt someone.

"Wait!" Liu Ruyan saw that Guo Yi was pissed off and quickly intervened to stop the two. If Guo Yi laid his hands on Liu Ziheng, he was as good as dead. Ziheng's family members were not people he could go against. Regardless, her family and the Guos were friends in the past, so by right, she should protect Guo Yi. Liu Ruyan quickly added, "I know you want one for your father! I'll give it to you!"

After she said that, she quickly got the staff to pick the best ginseng for him.

Guo Yi took the ginseng and said, "I, Guo Yi, will never owe anything to anyone, much less the Lius."

While he spoke, he threw a jade amulet to her. It was slightly smaller than a baby's palm, yet it was unusually smooth.

"This jade amulet is worth cities. I'll pawn it for your ginseng for now. I'll come back for it some other day."

As he said that, he left with his hands behind him.

"What lousy amulet is this?" Liu Ruyan said mockingly. "To say that this thing is worth those ginseng roots? He has to be insane!"

"F*ck, he actually thinks that highly of himself?" Even Liu Ziheng was exasperated.

Liu Ruyan simply looked at Guo Yi's silhouette as he walked away.

He was proud, cold, and deadly.

Liu Ruyan reckoned that the young man was what she had imagined. Perhaps the incident eight years ago had impacted him so hard that he cultivated such a conceited, raving mad attitude. Behind that façade was probably an extreme sense of inferiority.

So be it, she thought. Seeing how close their two families were in the past, she would help if she could as long as he did not bug her about the marriage. Plus, was Guo Yi even a match for her?

Feiyu Corp had a net worth of over billions, and all of the Tong Ren Medical Halls were under their name. For ginseng priced in the hundreds of thousands to be given away just like that was a testament of their wealth.

"Ruyan, are you letting him go just like that?"

"If not?" Liu Ruyan shot back icily.

"Nothing. He's just a brat anyway, not worth your time." Liu Ziheng shook his head.


Making elixirs out of the century-old ginseng, would assure excellent potency, and based on the Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor, medicine saves lives, acupuncture extends it.

Of course, elixirs would also allow Guo Yi to hit the Qihua glass ceiling. If he managed to break through, then he could run rampant across the world with no one being able to harm him. The Lianqi state he was in allowed him to have the strength of a thousand man, and he could easily shatter rocks with his fist.

The Xuanti state gave him the strength of ten thousand men, allowing him to lift a bronze furnace and shatter boulders. The Huaqi state, on the other hand, would allow him to topple mountains and part seas, piercing through rocks with just his fingers.

To create a proper elixir was not easy, and the century-old ginseng alone was not enough. He needed many other ingredients. Yet with the ginseng, he could at least refine simplified versions of the elixirs.

So, Guo Yi set out to do what he said he would as he locked himself in the room.

He pulled a small bronze furnace out of his pocket and stuffed the ginseng into it before he used a small flame to purify it.

Guo Yi was no alchemist and had only learned a little from his time with Sage Beiming.

After much effort, he managed to complete it. The big ginseng was refined into two Elixirs of Marrow Cleansing the size of a soybean. Well, they were not considered Elixirs of Marrow Cleansing, rather miniature versions of them. Their potency was less than ten percent of a true Elixir of Marrow Cleansing, but it was more than enough. A single pill was enough to allow him to break through that barrier.

Half-way through the process, Chen Anqi came back home to send Guo Yi his dinner since she got him to look after the home. She also got him a laptop to ease his boredom.

Little did she know, Guo Yi had little use for those things.

After some thought, he realized that this was not the place for him to break through, so he left a note for Chen Anqi as he left the district.

Baizhang Peak.

The spiritual vein of Jiangnan province, it was a hundred feet tall and shaped as if someone had slashed right across it.

Guo Yi then looked for a hidden spot for him to perform his breakthrough. If he could do so, he would have little worries from then on. If he could not, it was also no big deal.

With that, he sat down in a meditative state as he put the elixir into his mouth.


Baizhang Peak was indeed the spiritual vein of Jiangnan City because it was bountiful in spiritual energies compared with the district he was in. After he entered into a trance, the spiritual energies around him rushed into him as he started to guide his Qi based on the scripture.

Qi guidance was the most basic of training methods, and as the name suggested, it was to guide the energies from the outside into the eight meridians within the body before anchoring them down in every corner of the flesh.

The night was dark...

Yet, above Baizhang Peak, it was bright like day as a large amount of spiritual energy had converged into a thick mist at the mountain's peak while light flickered within it.

A day soon passed...

Then, three days...


Amid the thick fog, heaving could be heard.

"It's here!" Guo Yi closed his eyes as he could feel a pressure coming from the heavens.


He quickly bit into the elixir in his mouth, and at that very moment, his body felt light as the sweet, raging spiritual power within the elixir rushed into his body and lightened the pressure.