Chapter 009: Martial Arts Grandmaster (Begging for Favorites and Recommendations)

Watching Guo Yi's retreating figure, Taoist Qingyang's eyes showed a complex expression.

The old man with sunglasses beside him, with a sly look, said, "This kid does have some skills."

"Of course, he's much better than you, a vendor selling rat poison," retorted the crowd.

Coming out of West Street.

Guo Yi felt relaxed all over, easily making half a million. His luck today was indeed pretty good. But who would cast a spell on a two-year-old child? And why take only the Heavenly Soul?

The Heavenly Soul governs a person's essence, energy, and spirit; the Earthly Soul governs a person's internal organs; and the Human Soul governs a person's life.

Taking away the Heavenly Soul is like seizing a person's essence, energy, and spirit. The person would become listless and spiritless, slowly losing their life.

Guo Yi couldn't be bothered to think too much. He had nothing to do with Ye Xiaoyu, and besides, mere mortals are like ants to him. Why should he care? If they die, what is it to him? The only people in his heart were Sister Chen and Zhi Ruo.

Thinking of this, Guo Yi lifted his head and looked at the sky, clear and blue. He wondered how Zhi Ruo was doing, where she might be, and if she was doing well.

"Hey, Guo Yi?!"

Suddenly, a Porsche Cayenne stopped next to Guo Yi. A man with sky-blue sunglasses peeked his head out of the driver's seat.

Guo Yi looked at him... and did not seem to recognize the person.

"Holy shit, it really is you?" The man hurriedly took off his sunglasses and said in astonishment, "I'm Hou San."

Hou San?

An image of a person immediately surfaced in Guo Yi's mind.

Eight years ago, the Guo family had assets worth hundreds of millions, and were widely respected. Guo Yi was a typical profligate son, surrounded by friends of ill repute. Hou San was one of them. On regular days, he would call Guo Yi 'brother,' but when the Guo family fell into ruin and Guo Yi became down and out, Hou San immediately cut ties with him, even bringing people to Guo Yi's door to settle scores.

This kind of disloyal 'brother' was beneath Guo Yi's notice.

"Heh heh..." Hou San jumped down from the car, appearing smug.

He examined Guo Yi curiously. Eight years ago, Guo Yi treated him like a dog, and if he hadn't disappeared, Hou San would have tormented him to death. Heaven has its ways of sparing life; now that Guo Yi had reappeared before him, shouldn't he repay the past humiliations tenfold, even a hundredfold?

Hou San smiled and asked, "Guo Yi, how have you been doing these days?"

Guo Yi remained silent.

No anger, no joy, no sorrow.

This demeanor, cool as a gentle breeze and aloof as the bright moon, infuriated Hou San even more.

Suppressing his inner fury, Hou San then said, "By the way, we have a class reunion tomorrow. It's been a while since you've seen everyone, right? Why don't you come and join us tomorrow, catch up a bit, how about that?"

"Not interested," Guo Yi shook his head.

"Don't be like that, we're all classmates." Hou San couldn't let this chance to show off slip by. He smiled and added, "I think Liu Ting will be there tomorrow as well."

Liu Ting used to be Zhi Ruo's best friend.

Eight years ago, when he was at his lowest, she took him in and helped him. As a result, she suffered at the hands of the Lius, almost losing her life. If there was anyone in the world he owed the most to, beside Sister Chen and Zhi Ruo, it would probably be Liu Ting.

If he could find Liu Ting, maybe he could also find Zhi Ruo's whereabouts.

"Fine," Guo Yi nodded and said, "Where is the reunion tomorrow? I'll come!"

"First, come to my company to gather. Then we'll all go together," Hou San replied, while also giving Guo Yi the address of his company. He was sure Guo Yi would come. Because he wanted to know the whereabouts of Mu Zhiruo, he would definitely look for Liu Ting.

Even though Hou San clearly knew that Liu Ting had no information on Mu Zhiruo, he didn't tell Guo Yi. He simply wanted to lure Guo Yi over, show off in front of him, and then tell Guo Yi that he wasn't the same Hou San from eight years ago, the one who had been at his beck and call and suffered his humiliations.

Guo Yi turned and walked away.

"This kid, dressed like that, must be a swindler at West Street!" Hou San smirked with a self-satisfied smile, quickly categorizing Guo Yi as a trickster. He drove off triumphantly, looking every bit the contented scoundrel.


As for characters like Hou San, naturally, Guo Yi wouldn't take them to heart.

Back in Modern Huafu.

From a distance, a Mercedes-Benz motorhome could be seen parked at the entrance. On either side of the Mercedes, stood two towering and formidable men clad in black suits, sporting sunglasses, exuding an imposing aura. The residents of the community steered clear, walking around them.

Guo Yi glanced at them briefly; the two men had strong physiques but dealing with such characters would take him mere minutes.

Common folk, no matter how well-conditioned their bodies, were merely grassroots. A cultivator who had just stepped into the early stages of Cultivation could easily deal with these robust men. And what more for someone like Guo Yi, a master in the Qi Transformation Realm?

"Grandmaster," Tang Zhan got out of the car at that moment.

"What are you doing here?" Guo Yi asked coldly.

"I..." Tang Zhan clasped his hands together and said, "Grandmaster, my daughter was presumptuous yesterday. Today, my old man himself has come to beg the Grandmaster to extend his life!"

"The chance has already passed, there's no need to speak further." Guo Yi waved his hand dismissively and walked away quickly.

Tang Zhan watched Guo Yi leave, his brows furrowed.

This young man was far too arrogant. It's alright to be proud and arrogant. But one should also weigh their own capabilities. This young man was merely an ordinary person, full of conceit because of some medical skill. Such a person would absolutely be unable to stand their ground in the official circles, let alone gain a foothold in society. As the saying goes, too hard a steel is easy to break.

"He didn't come?" Inside the motorhome, clad in Tang attire, Tang Lao's eyes opened slightly.

"Father…" Tang Zhan said, bowing his head, "This young man is unthinkably arrogant. Should we not..."

"No!" Tang Lao waved his hand.

How could he not know his own son's thoughts? Yet, the child was indeed proud and self-righteous. However, he had managed to impress Liu Guoyi, which meant he had some ability.

A medical expert with extraordinary abilities deserved to be revered and arrogant.

"Of humble origin, disappeared eight years ago, and now returned as a medical expert." Tang Lao's eyes closed as he mused aloud, "What has he experienced over these eight years?"

"Father, Ru'er says this young man is quite strong," Tang Zhan spoke up.

"Let me think…"

Suddenly, Tang Lao's eyes opened, and a flash of light emitted from his murky eyes, "Could it be…"

"Father, what is it?" Tang Zhan asked, astonished.

"Could it be that he is a Martial Arts Grandmaster?" Tang Lao exclaimed in shock.

"What is a Martial Arts Grandmaster?" Tang Zhan asked, puzzled.

"In this world, there are always some individuals with incredible abilities who can run up walls, walk on water, and harm others with their Qi," said Tang Lao with a complex expression on his face. "Some can even practice alchemy and cast spells to heal diseases and extend life. Such people are known as Martial Arts Grandmasters."

Having lived for forty-five years, Tang Zhan was hearing about the so-called Martial Arts Grandmaster for the first time. However, it sounded very impressive.

"Father, then…" Tang Zhan asked.

"Don't act rashly," Tang Lao said calmly. "If he truly is a Martial Arts Grandmaster, we must seek his friendship. It would be greatly beneficial to you and to the Tangs."

"Yes!" Tang Zhan nodded.

The Tangs were enormously wealthy and influential.

This was all thanks to Tang Lao's reputation. One of China's few generals, he was the pillar of the vast Tang family. If Tang Lao fell, the Tang family would inevitably crumble. And not just that, they would also face threats from other families.

If they could befriend a Martial Arts Grandmaster, who also fully supported Tang Zhan, then who would dare to mess with the descendants of the Tangs? Which other families would dare to provoke them?

"Let's go!" Tang Lao said leisurely.

Extending life was certainly important, but with Tang Lao's status and position, he could not go asking for such favors without shame. Begging in such an abject manner was not something he would do!

Afterward, the Mercedes-Benz drove away slowly.


[ps: Begging for favorites and recommendation tickets. Also, tipping will lead to additional chapters.]