Chapter 008: Taoist Qingyang

A group of charlatans from the martial world, seeing the prospect of money, flocked forward. Among them, a man wearing a blue long robe stepped out from the crowd, took the child, and gently laid him on the ground. Although Ye Xiaoyu was reluctant, the child was in dire condition, and they had to resort to desperate remedies.

The man in the blue robe, unruffled, pulled out some low-quality elixirs and stuffed them into the child's mouth before using some crappy talismans on the child.

"That's Daoist Qingyang, he has some capabilities, he should be able to save him!"

The crowd exclaimed.


A sigh was heard.

At that moment, the old man with sunglasses asked Guo Yi curiously, "What are you sighing about, when Daoist Qingyang is taking action, there shouldn't be too much of a problem."

"It's a load of crap!" Guo Yi sneered coldly and said, "What he's doing isn't saving people, it's plainly killing them!"

Guo Yi's voice was loud, and the surrounding crowd heard him.

"Kid, just because you're young and ignorant doesn't mean you can spout nonsense."

"Exactly, so young and babbling what?"

A group of people angrily retorted to Guo Yi.

Daoist Qingyang wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at Guo Yi with disdain, and asked, "Do you have a way?"

The reason he asked this was merely to highlight his own modesty as Daoist Qingyang in front of everyone. Little did he know that Guo Yi was no ordinary person. Guo Yi scoffed, "Which one of you is more skilled in medicine, you or Liu Guoyi?"

"Of course, Grandmaster Liu!" As soon as he heard this, Daoist Qingyang repeatedly gestured with his hands towards the east and said, "Grandmaster Liu is the sage of medicine in Jiangnan City, saving the dying and healing the wounded, effective with every medicine he prescribes. I am just a charlatan wandering the martial world, how can I compare to Grandmaster Liu?"

"Daoist Qingyang, you are too modest."

"Yeah, even though you're not as good as Grandmaster Liu, you're still impressive."

The crowd began to flatter him.

"Then you count for nothing." Guo Yi said with disdainful laughter, "Liu Guoyi has already become my disciple, respectfully calling me Master, let alone you?"


The crowd gasped.

They had seen the arrogant, but never someone this brazen; they had seen the audacious, but never such a reckless individual.

"Impertinent brat, stop your wild ranting!" Daoist Qingyang's face turned green with anger. He couldn't consider decorum anymore and cursed, "Insulting me is one thing, but you dare to tarnish Grandmaster Liu's reputation, watch me not..."

At this point, Daoist Qingyang didn't know what to do.

The old man with sunglasses quietly moved away from Guo Yi, seemingly wanting to distance himself. He feared that if Guo Yi was struck by lightning, he would be involved too. He kept silent, shook his folding fan, looked up to the sky, and made a quick calculation.

"I'll slap you, kid!" Daoist Qingyang fumed.

"What if I can cure him?" Guo Yi had already incited the crowd's rage, and if he couldn't heal the child today, it seemed impossible to leave safely.

"If you can treat him..." Daoist Qingyang gritted his teeth and said, "I will... bite my tongue and retire from Jianghu forever!"

"No need for that, just kowtow three times in front of everyone and call me Master!" Guo Yi's face was icy.

"Fine!" Daoist Qingyang nodded and asked, "And if you cannot?"

"Do with me as you please!" Guo Yi didn't care and strode forward.

Ye Xiaoyu, who had weathered many years in the turbulent business seas and seen countless people, was alarmed by the extraordinary aura of Guo Yi. She knelt down hurriedly, "Grandmaster, you must save my son, I... I will be immensely grateful."

"No need!" Guo Yi waved his hand and said, "Your son's illness is quite simple, someone has cast a spell on him, taking away his Heavenly Soul. All I need is a Resurrection Pill. But this Resurrection Pill costs a hundred thousand. Will you buy it?"

"Yes!" Ye Xiaoyu said firmly, "As long as it can cure my son's illness, not to mention a hundred thousand, even a million or ten million, I will buy it!"

"Very well!" Guo Yi nodded.

With that, Guo Yi immediately took out a soybean-sized black elixir from his bosom and stuffed it into the child's mouth.

Everyone has a Heavenly Soul, an Earthly Soul, and a Human Soul. The so-called three souls and six spirits are indispensable. Now that the child's Heavenly Soul had been taken away, he naturally couldn't live much longer. This showed that the person who cast the spell was incredibly malevolent, to target a two-year-old child was truly despicable.

Although it is said that those who cultivate immortality have no desires and follow their heart, Guo Yi was a kindhearted man who entered the path halfway through his life.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Guo Yi took out his brocade pouch.


With a flip of his palm, the brocade pouch opened, revealing two rows of silver needles.

"Wow, are those... are those silver needles?"

"Indeed, he's a person of the Way, to be skilled in the art of silver needles."

Many people exclaimed.

In the crowd, the expression on Daoist Qingyang's face changed unpredictably, his feelings complex. He had wanted the child to be cured, after all, the child was innocent, yet if the child was cured, he would have to kneel and kowtow. The old man in sunglasses shook his folding fan, a gleam of sharpness flashing in his eyes.

"My needle technique is extraordinary, one hundred thousand per needle, are you willing?" Guo Yi asked.

"Willing!" Ye Xiaoyu agreed without any hesitation.

Whoosh whoosh...

Three needles were placed in the child's Heavenly, Earthly, and Human acupuncture points.

A row of three silver needles shone brightly, and a stream of black blood slowly seeped from the tail of the needles. Before long, the child opened his eyes and, to everyone's astonishment, called out, "Mommy!"

"Tongtong, Tongtong." Ye Xiaoyu burst into tears instantly.

"Retrieve!" Guo Yi commanded.

The three silver needles were swiftly taken back into the brocade pouch.

"The Heavenly Soul returns, the three souls are gathered." Guo Yi looked at Ye Xiaoyu and said, "Your son is fine now. However, he is still very weak. He needs one of my Heart Cleansing Pills to stabilize his foundation. This Heart Cleansing Pill is one hundred thousand per pill, will you buy it?"

"Buying, buying, buying!" Ye Xiaoyu hugged her son tightly.

To regain what was lost is a miracle in life. Her son was the sole support of Ye Xiaoyu's spirit. If she lost him, she wouldn't be able to live on. It didn't matter if the pill cost one hundred thousand, or if she had to spend all her fortune, she was set on buying!


"Good heavens, did this young man just snatch someone from the hands of the King of Hell?"

The crowd exclaimed.

In Jiangnan City, who didn't know that Ye Xiaoyu's son had contracted a strange illness? They had spent over a million, sought numerous domestic and foreign experts, but none could cure him. Today, the boy's condition had worsened, he was hanging by a thread and seemed close to death, when a senior doctor from the hospital found Ye Xiaoyu and suggested that she try their luck on West Street to see if they could encounter an eminent medical expert. And indeed, they had.

Guo Yi put away the silver needles and took out a Heart Cleansing Pill from his pocket, handing it to Ye Xiaoyu.

"The total is five hundred thousand," Guo Yi stated matter-of-factly.

No one around them made a sound.

Five hundred thousand was a lot, but Ye Xiaoyu's son's life was definitely worth more than five hundred thousand.

"Grandmaster, here it is for you!" Ye Xiaoyu hurriedly took out a blank check from her bag, filled it out for five hundred thousand, and respectfully handed it to Guo Yi.

Guo Yi was not in a hurry to take the check.

Turning to look at Daoist Qingyang, his expression was composed. The face of Daoist Qingyang burned with embarrassment. The onlookers started laughing as if enjoying the show.

"Daoist, it's time to kowtow and take an apprentice," someone teased.

"Ha ha..."

Laughter erupted from the crowd; after all, nobody minds a bigger spectacle.

Daoist Qingyang took a deep breath, inwardly conceding that since his skill was inferior, he deserved this.

Then, Daoist Qingyang knelt down on both knees and kowtowed three times. Just as he was preparing to take a disciple, Guo Yi waved his hand, accepted the five hundred thousand check without looking back, and walked away.

PS: Many thanks to the book friends ┳ Bubble 8 Drink 9 Play 10 Still? ┳, Beyond Reach, Qi Ming, Cola @ Bro, Book Friend 1844457018 for their rewards.