Chapter 007: Alchemy (Please Favorite and Recommend)

Earning money would not only help Sister Chen reduce her burden, but it would also allow me to buy more precious medicinal herbs. Hundred-Year Ginseng, already considered nearly a spiritual medicine, would be a tremendous boost to my cultivation if I could get my hands on Millennium Ginseng—it would be like a fish returning to water.


Guo Yi immediately flipped up from the bed.


Although it was not Guo Yi's forte, as a Cultivator at the Qi Transformation Realm, it was not a difficult task. With a casual effort, Guo Yi could concoct elixirs that could soothe the mind and spirit, or even save lives and heal the wounded.

However, creating elixirs was no easy feat.

To perform alchemy, one must have herbs before pills can be made; without them, even a skilled cook cannot produce a meal without rice.

Without money, one cannot purchase the necessary herbs.

In Chen Anqi's room.

"Sister Chen," Guo Yi knocked on the door to Chen Anqi's room.

"Little Yi, you..." Chen Anqi, looking at Guo Yi, smiled and asked, "What's wrong? Can't sleep?"

"I was thinking…" Guo Yi appeared somewhat embarrassed.

Even though he was a dignified Cultivator, asking a mortal for money would make him the laughingstock if word got out. But Sister Chen was the most important person in Guo Yi's life, so for her, he could put aside his pride. Besides, wasn't earning money also for the purpose of providing for her? For giving her a stable home?

Chen Anqi was very astute; she immediately grasped what Guo Yi meant.

"Do you need some money?" Chen Anqi smiled and said, "A few days ago, I heard from Hou San that you have a class reunion the day after tomorrow. Now that you're back, you should reconnect with your classmates. I'll give you some money so you can buy a decent outfit and attend the reunion without losing face."

"Hou San?" Guo Yi looked puzzled.

Before Guo Yi could recall who that person was, a complex look flashed in Chen Anqi's eyes, "It's... it's nothing!"

With that, she quickly took out a wallet from the wardrobe, emptied it completely, not leaving a single bill behind, and handed it all to Guo Yi.

A subtle touch of emotion flickered in Guo Yi's eyes.

Even though Guo Yi lived a life of simple desires, Chen Anqi's gesture truly moved him.

Holding the money, Guo Yi earnestly said, "Sister Chen, give me time, and I will promise you a lifetime of prosperity."

"Little Yi, I don't need a lifetime of prosperity, I just need you to be safe and sound," Chen Anqi felt worried for this new Guo Yi. Particularly due to the abilities Guo Yi had demonstrated while saving Old Man Tang.

"Definitely!" Guo Yi nodded.


At night, eight o'clock.

The streets were bustling with people, and Guo Yi found a pharmacy where he purchased some ginseng, dong quai, deer antler, and Goldthread…

The ingredients were few, but the prices were astoundingly high.

The more than two thousand yuan Chen Anqi had given him vanished in the blink of an eye.

Carrying a large bag of herbs, he returned home.

Locking the room door tightly, he disregarded all worldly affairs.

Placing the palm-sized Copper Cauldron on the table, Guo Yi decided to concoct some Soul-Reviving Pills and Heart Cleansing Pills.

The Soul-Reviving Pill was intended for those who have lost their souls and had the effect of calming and anchoring the spirit, far more effective than so-called Western medicine. The Heart Cleansing Pill was suitable for those with agitated Qi and blood, with heart conditions; even those with paralysis, stroke, or cerebral infarction would find them to be a cure.

Of course, the quality of elixirs depended on the Alchemist's skill.

He divided the herbs in half and poured them into the cauldron.

Guo Yi supported the Copper Cauldron with his right hand, and a wisp of white mist appeared on his palm.

It looked like white fog, but in reality, this was the temperature only attainable when flames burned to their utmost limit. This cluster of fire had a temperature of one thousand two hundred and thirty degrees, categorized as a gentle flame. The so-called gentle flame burns at a relatively low temperature but with stability, making it suitable for alchemy. Once the temperature exceeds two thousand degrees, it becomes a martial fire. Martial fire is fierce, unstable, and below the Qi Transformation Realm, it is difficult to control and can easily backfire.

There's an old saying: "Gentle flames for alchemy, martial fires for killing."

Guo Yi was already at the level of the Qi Transformation Realm, which made him a cultivator capable of controlling martial fire.

The Soul-Reviving Pill and the Heart Cleansing Pill were low-level elixirs. However, due to the extraordinary poorness of the medicinal herbs, it was destined that the properties of the elixirs would not be strong. To enhance the properties of the elixirs, Guo Yi had no choice but to inject a strand of spiritual power into the copper cauldron.


"Success!" Guo Yi said with a smile.

With a flip of his hand.

The copper cauldron opened, and inside, three Soul-Reviving Pills quietly lay, the size of soybeans, their fragrance overflowing and refreshing to one's heart and spleen.

"Not bad." Guo Yi pocketed the three elixirs.

Methodically, he soon produced three more Heart Cleansing Pills. Six elixirs were now fully formed. Guo Yi tucked them into his bosom.

The next day. Taking advantage of early morning, Guo Yi headed to West Street in Jiangnan City.

West Street was the traditional Chinese medicine market of Jiangnan City, where all sorts mixed together. There were genuine traditional Chinese medicine grandmasters, wandering rural quacks, and scamming itinerant healers. Upon reaching West Street, he found himself in a large marketplace.

Along both sides of the road, there were quite a few stalls. Some selling medicine, others offering medical consultations...

Guo Yi found a corner and stood there without hawking his wares or displaying a sign.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" an old man running a nearby stall asked Guo Yi. The elder wore round glasses and sported a pair of mustaches, which gave him a rather comical appearance.

"Selling medicine!" Guo Yi replied indifferently.

"Where's the medicine?" the old man asked, fanning himself with a folding fan.

"In my pocket!" Guo Yi simply sat down on the ground, ignoring the disdain from the people around him.

Who was Guo Yi? He was the eighty-seventh personal disciple of the revered northern sage. What an exalted status that was. Why should he care about the opinions of these commoners? If he wanted, he could turn them to dust in the blink of an eye. But why would he bother with them? Just as humans don't bother with a few ants on the ground.

The old man laughed: "You're here to scam people, aren't you?"

Guo Yi did not respond, only giving him a glance.

This old man was actually selling insecticide; his stall had a sign that read: "If cockroaches don't die, I die; if rats don't perish, I perish."

"Kid, don't look down on my medicine. This is a famous ancestral remedy!" the old man closed his fan and said, "It kills all sorts of bugs, cockroaches, rats, termites, there's nothing I can't handle!"

Just as the old man was boasting,


suddenly, a black BMW screeched to a stop at the entrance to West Street, its front end nearly hitting Guo Yi's face.

A woman in a white dress, holding a two-year-old child, wept hysterically, crying as if mad with grief, "Master, which master can save my child's life?!"

At the entrance to West Street, a crowd soon gathered around.

The woman's crying was exceptionally pitiful, heartbreakingly sorrowful; the child in her arms had a waxy yellow complexion, with limbs hanging limply, appearing to be on the verge of death.

"Ah..." the old man shook his fan.

"Why are you sighing?" Guo Yi stood up, ready to walk over.

"Hopeless," the old man shook his head and said, "That woman is Ye Xiaoyu, the owner of Mingyang Pharmacy. She's worth millions and has opened several pharmacies in Jiangnan City. A while ago, her son suddenly contracted a strange illness that left both domestic and international doctors helpless. Looks like the child is about to pass, that's why she's here, trying her luck with traditional Chinese medicine."

The woman continued to cry out in a heart-wrenching voice.

"Whoever can cure my son, I will reward them handsomely," Ye Xiaoyu shouted.

ps: Please support with collections and recommendation tickets. Also, tipping the Helmsman adds one more chapter.