Chapter 016: Meeting Ye Xiaoyu Again

Hou San's inner rage surged to his mind.

"General Manager Hou, what are you saying?" a few classmates asked.

"Hmph..." Hou San let out a smile and said, "Yesterday, I ran into Guo Yi at the West Street intersection. That kid was making a big show, swindling and deceiving. I guess that Mr. Tang must have been tricked by him!"

"So that's what happened!"

"I knew there was no way that guy looked like a grandmaster."

The classmates suddenly realized.

Human nature is selfish, especially when seeing others doing better than oneself. Guo Yi is nothing but a down-and-out nobleman, as the saying goes, a phoenix without feathers is not as good as a chicken. Right now, Guo Yi isn't even as good as a chicken.


He returned home.

Chen Anqi had already gone to bed early.

Guo Yi also regained his composure.

He needed to be calm and content, needing purity and few desires. Anger would only bring his cultivation to a precarious state. He was no longer the nobleman from eight years ago, who only knew how to be hysterical and furious. The current Guo Yi had his own thoughts and formidable strength.

However, the words of Liu Ting kept him from sleeping.

The brothers who were dragged down by him, the friends who were implicated by him, the families who were ensnared because of him.

This time, his return was not just about repaying kindness but also about seeking redemption for himself.

That night, Guo Yi had a dream in which he saw his master, the North Ming Honorable One, who earnestly taught him medicine, imparted spells to him, and even taught him the principles of dealing with the world. Guo Yi felt a heartfelt respect for his master.

"You must remember that there are six laws to being human," the North Ming Honorable One said seriously, "Regulate the heart, regulate actions, regulate oneself..."

This time, the North Ming Honorable One allowed him to return so that he could elevate his cultivation.

A cultivator cannot be stubborn and do things alone. Neither can they close their doors and build a cart in isolation.

The North Ming Honorable One was from the ancient Dao Qing school. He took up medicine as a path, used the path to practice medicine. Simply put, it means to take healing others as the method of cultivation, to advance one's own cultivation through saving lives, to achieve the goal of salvation for all beings, and thereby stabilize one's own spirit and improve cultivation.

Guo Yi also understood that the reason his master allowed him to return was to let him gain experience in the world.

The dream was chaotic.

When Guo Yi woke up, it was already the next morning. Chen Anqi had left a note, telling Guo Yi that breakfast was already on the dining table, reminding him to eat on time.

Looking at the handwriting on the table, a rare smile appeared on Guo Yi's face.

He had a simple breakfast.

After breakfast, Guo Yi planned to make another trip to West Street.

After all, he still had two Marrow Cleansing Pills and two Heart Cleansing Pills. These elixirs were not as good as he had hoped, so he planned to sell them and then use the money earned to buy better medicinal ingredients to refine superior elixirs.

Moreover, his master had also instructed him to use his cultivation to aim to do good for the world.

Therefore, Guo Yi intended to set up a stall on West Street, to see patients every day, especially those who were poor. This too was a form of his cultivation. The essence of cultivation does not lie in its scale, but in the state of mind. If he could alleviate the suffering of the common people at the bottom, it would also be a form of mental cultivation. His master had said that if his mind was unstable and he did not practice in the world, he could easily break down. The mind is the foundation, cultivation is the towering building. If the foundation is not solid, the building will collapse.

After a quick tidy up, Guo Yi hurried to West Street.

West Street was still bustling with people.

After yesterday's incident, many people on West Street had some impression of Guo Yi. However, doctors often held their own skills in high regard, and no one thought less of their own medical prowess. Even if they encountered Guo Yi, they merely offered a faint smile.

"Grandmaster," suddenly, a voice called out.

Guo Yi turned his head to look, and it was Ye Xiaoyu from yesterday.

"Is it you?" Guo Yi looked at her.

"This is wonderful, absolutely wonderful!" Ye Xiaoyu was beside herself with excitement, saying, "Grandmaster, I didn't expect to run into you here today. This is fantastic."

"What do you need from me?" Guo Yi asked.

"Do you still have any of the elixirs you sold me yesterday?" Ye Xiaoyu asked eagerly, "Last night, my son took your elixir, and he felt much better, and moreover, this morning, his complexion was rosy and he was bouncing around, as if he had never been sick. So, I want to buy one more to reinforce his recovery. Don't worry, I'll pay double the price!"

"No need!" Guo Yi waved his hand, saying, "One hundred thousand is enough."

Having said that, Guo Yi handed her a Heart Cleansing Pill.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Ye Xiaoyu was so moved she was close to tears.

For her, the Heart Cleansing Pill was tremendously important; her son was the apple of her eye. She would give anything for her son, including her own life. Yesterday's scare had almost killed her. Fortunately, Guo Yi's intervention had prevented a lifetime of regret.

Ye Xiaoyu quickly wrote out a check for one hundred thousand. Guo Yi accepted the check and looked around.

Ye Xiaoyu seemed to notice Guo Yi's behavior and curiously asked, "Grandmaster, are you... do you have some matter to attend to?"

"Yes!" Guo Yi nodded, saying, "I'm planning to set up a stall here on West Street to practice medicine and heal people."

"Ah?" Ye Xiaoyu was surprised.

Such a grandmaster planning to set up a stall in a place like West Street to practice medicine and heal people? Ye Xiaoyu was a bit flabbergasted. Although she was no expert in medicine, the skills Guo Yi displayed yesterday were truly of a grandmaster level. Perhaps even the Imperial Physician in Jingdu wouldn't be much better. This kind of person would surely be welcome wherever he went, so why would he choose to practice medicine and heal people here on West Street? Thinking of this, Ye Xiaoyu immediately made up her mind. Such a grandmaster, definitely a saint of the medical world, if she could get him to join her company, it would undoubtedly be a profitable venture.

Without showing her thoughts, Ye Xiaoyu said, "Grandmaster, if you don't mind, you could come and see patients at my pharmacy."

"Oh?" Guo Yi raised an eyebrow.

Seeing that Guo Yi was interested, Ye Xiaoyu quickly said, "I have several pharmacies, and one of them is also a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy here on West Street. If you're willing, I'd be honored to accommodate you. We could arrange a space to your liking in the pharmacy for you to treat and diagnose patients. What do you think?"

"Agreed!" Guo Yi nodded.

It would be satisfactory to have a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy. Most importantly, the pharmacy would have plenty of medicinal herbs available for his own use.

"As for the compensation…" Ye Xiaoyu smiled and said, "What would you like, Grandmaster?"

"There's no need!" Guo Yi waved his hand, saying, "I treat people without charge."


Ye Xiaoyu took a deep breath. Treating patients and diagnosing illnesses without charge? How would one make any money? Ye Xiaoyu quickly stabilized her emotions and said, "Indeed, indeed. Why don't we head to Mingyang Pharmacy first, Grandmaster?"

"Yes!" Guo Yi nodded, walking with his hands clasped behind his back.

Mingyang Pharmacy in Jiangnan City was considered a large pharmacy. Although it wasn't on the same level as Tongji Hall, it had its own reputation and credibility.

This branch of Mingyang Pharmacy on West Street was quite large.

Since West Street mainly catered to practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, this pharmacy followed suit and specialized in Chinese medicinal materials.

[Thank you to "You Will Never Meet Another Me," Qi Ming, and "Big Cat" for the rewards. Thank you.]