Chapter 017: Three Treatable, Three Untreatable

He entered the pharmacy.

Inside the pharmacy, there was an old man selling medicine; he was treating a patient. This old man was but a half-bucket of water, brought in by Ye Xiaoyu to prepare medicines for customers, without any medical qualification certificate. Of course, his treatment was nothing more than an act of kindness.

"For your ailment, you need two grams of Angelica, and half a gram of Polygonum multiflorum..." the old man stroked his beard.

"Yes, yes!" The patient nodded repeatedly.

The old man had a kindly appearance and bore the resemblance to a grandmaster; it was very easy to be deceived by his exterior.

"Shut up!" Guo Yi walked over and reprimanded loudly.

"You!" The old man was stunned; he looked at Guo Yi and asked, "You young whippersnapper, what are you talking about?"

"Talking about you!" Guo Yi frowned and said, "This man's complexion is yellowish, his eyes lack spirit, his pupils are lustrous—it's clear that he's suffering from malnutrition-induced disease. What kind of medicine are you prescribing him? It's bad enough that it's useless, but you're also dragging others down."

The old man was greatly shocked.

The patient looked confused.

"Old Lin, listen to the grandmaster here," Ye Xiaoyu hastily interjected.

"He..." the old man was dumbfounded.

"Grandmaster, what prescription would you suggest?" Ye Xiaoyu asked.

After a moment of contemplation, Guo Yi said, "Angelica two grams, Goldthread one gram, Golden Cicada larvae four grams... In the end, use Fish Tears as a medicinal guide. Decoct with three bowls of water down to one."

"Yes, yes!" The patient nodded again and again.

The old man couldn't believe that this kid could determine the patient's illness with just a glance; it was too miraculous. Observing, listening, questioning, and pulse-taking are the four methods of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine, but this young man used only the first—observation—to ascertain the nature of the illness.

After the patient left, the old man asked, "Boss Ye, who is this person?"

"He is the lifesaver of my son!" Ye Xiaoyu promptly replied.


The old man, dumbstruck, took a deep breath. After a long while, he finally said, "Who would have thought, who would have thought... A hero emerges from youth, the new waves of the Yangtze River push forward the old waves."

"Grandmaster, may I ask your esteemed surname?" Ye Xiaoyu asked with the utmost respect.

"My surname is Guo, with a single name, Yi," Guo Yi replied.

"Grandmaster Guo, how about placing your office area here?" Ye Xiaoyu pointed to the most prominent spot in the hall.

Such a grandmaster naturally deserved respect.

Besides, with his remarkable abilities, having him at the Mingyang Pharmacy would surely be a great attraction. The whole city knew that her son was suffering from an incurable disease, but now he had been healed by Grandmaster Guo. Word would spread, certainly drawing crowds.

At that thought, Ye Xiaoyu could almost see the scene of her pharmacy making a fortune daily.

"No!" Guo Yi shook his head.

"What displeases you about the spot, Grandmaster Guo?" Ye Xiaoyu asked anxiously.

"I want over there!" Guo Yi pointed to a very inconspicuous corner, a place where the lighting wasn't very good and which was not the most prominent corner.

Although Ye Xiaoyu didn't understand Guo Yi's intentions, she still agreed: "Okay!"

"First, I must set some rules!" Guo Yi glanced at Ye Xiaoyu.

"Please speak, Grandmaster," Ye Xiaoyu nodded.

"I abide by 'Three Treats and Three Don't Treat'," Guo Yi stated.

"Ah?" Ye Xiaoyu was stunned.

"Orphans and widows, treat! The old, weak, sick, and disabled, treat! Those I wish to treat, treat!" Guo Yi said indifferently. "As for the 'Three Don't Treat': those who bully the kind and fear the wicked, do not treat! Corrupt officials, do not treat! Those I don't wish to treat, do not treat!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ye Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly.

Since it wasn't her own illness, she of course didn't dare to ask for anything from Guo Yi. After all, Guo Yi was the Grandmaster. The initiative was in his hands. The reason she had asked Guo Yi to come to her pharmacy to treat someone was purely because she valued his reputation as a living signboard and his brilliant medical skills.

Just as Guo Yi was about to say something,

his Nokia rang in his arms.

Answering the phone, it turned out to be Tang Ru calling.

"Master Guo, where are you?" Tang Ru asked politely. After being scolded by Tang Zhan the last time, she had become very well-behaved. Because it involved her grandfather's illness, she had no choice but to compromise with Guo Yi and act respectfully.

"I'm at West Street!" Guo Yi replied.

"Okay, I'll come pick you up right away!" Tang Ru nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Guo Yi left some instructions for Ye Xiaoyu, asking her to reserve a table and a chair for him in that corner.

As Guo Yi gestured with his hands and fingers, Old Man Lin watched in confusion, not knowing who the real boss was.

Before long, a black Audi stopped in front of Mingyang Pharmacy.


Tang Ru pushed open the car door, and her slender white legs were dazzlingly eye-catching. Quite a few people stopped in their tracks.

"Master Guo." Tang Ru's smile was polite.

The young lady was wearing a white T-shirt and black skirt, looking pretty and cute, seductive and enchanting. The black skirt perfectly wrapped around her pert buttocks, looking extraordinarily tempting. Tang Ru's face was naturally one in a hundred, with delicate features that were absolutely stunning.

"Hmm!" Guo Yi nodded, unaffected by her beauty.

Ye Xiaoyu caught sight of Tang Ru, and especially upon seeing Tang Ru's respectful attitude towards Guo Yi, she was immediately shocked.

Tang Ru was a junior of the Tangs, but she was Tang Zhentian's most cherished granddaughter. Her status within the Tang family was like that of a Luminous Pearl, and her respect for Guo Yi indicated that he was no ordinary person.

In the end, she watched as Guo Yi got into the Audi and left.

"It seems I have underestimated you!" Ye Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes shifted.

She had originally thought he was just a Grandmaster who diagnosed and treated illnesses, but now she realized his status and position commanded such respect from the Tangs, even reverence. Instantly, Ye Xiaoyu had her own thoughts; it seemed she would definitely have to cozy up to this young man and form a good relationship with him in the future.

In the Audi,

Guo Yi sat next to Tang Ru in the passenger seat. Both of them were silent, creating an atmosphere that was slightly awkward.

Tang Ru was a bit puzzled. With her beauty and talent, how many suitors did she have in Jiangnan City? And with her identity and family background, suitors from noble families were as common as carps crossing the Yangtze River, too numerous to count. However, since this guy had gotten in the car, he hadn't looked at her even once.

So much so that Tang Ru began to doubt her own appearance.

Today, Tang Ru had made a point to dress up before leaving the house, only to end up with such an outcome.

Tang Ru was the first to speak, "Master Guo, about that day... I'm really sorry, I was anxious too!"

"No need to say more!" Guo Yi shook his head.

"I just want to see my grandfather recover!" Tang Ru said.

"Hmm!" Guo Yi nodded.

It seemed there wasn't much for Guo Yi and Tang Ru to talk about.

Tang Ru, becoming a bit anxious, thinking Guo Yi was still angry, quickly pulled over, looking at Guo Yi with a pleading face, "Master Guo, I am truly begging you, please save my grandfather. I didn't mean it that day."

"Drive!" Guo Yi frowned.

Tears nearly sprung from Tang Ru's eyes upon seeing Guo Yi's indifference, and she had no choice but to drive on.

[Seeking recommendation tickets, everyone has them, don't let them go to waste, give them to "Sage Doctor of the City".]