Chapter 292: I'm Here to Take the Medicine

"What if I don't?" Guo Yi asked with a smile.

"Don't?" The man raised his eyebrows, chuckling, "You have three choices. First, roll back where you came from. Second, if you can push aside that boulder, you may enter our Medicine God Temple through the staircase; heh heh... If neither works, just honestly crawl under my crotch!"


A group of Medicine God Temple disciples burst into loud laughter at once.

Humiliating those in search of medicine, even taking pleasure in it, seemed to have become one of their interests and hobbies. In some cases, these gatekeeping disciples, if they took a fancy to a pretty girl, would use every means to bring her to bed and humiliate her.

And these medicine-seekers, whether desperate for medicine or seeking a shortcut, mostly satisfied their perverted psychological desires.

Guo Yi turned his head to look, the boulder must have weighed several tons.