Chapter 293: Kill with a Zither

The Medicine God Temple's people are truly full of arrogance.

Guo Yi had seen enough.

"You must be mistaken," Guo Yi shook his head softly, as if idly viewing flowers among drifting clouds, "I am not here to see this ten-thousand-year Spiritual Medicine."

"Then what have you come for?" The elder furrowed his brow, thinking to himself that this young man couldn't possibly be here to cause trouble, could he?

"Today, I am here to take this ten-thousand-year Spiritual Medicine," Guo Yi said softly.


The elder's body suddenly stiffened, his face turning dark as iron.

"What audacity!" The elder was furious, his anger seemed to pull at the surrounding air, his beard trembling. "You dare declare you'll take the ten-thousand-year Spiritual Medicine from the Medicine God Temple. Do you have a death wish?"

Rustle rustle...

At that moment, scores of Medicine God Temple disciples surrounded him. Everyone saw Guo Yi as a great enemy.