Chapter 069 What Do You Want?

When Luo Ziling returned to the dorm room, he was naturally pinned down on the bed and interrogated by the three ready-and-waiting guys.

But Luo Ziling didn't believe in the old saying "Confess and be lenient, resist and be strict." He simply refused to divulge what had happened that day, saying only that the instructor had called him over for something important. As for what it was, he claimed not to be very clear, telling the trio to go ask the head instructor themselves.

Seeing Luo Ziling sticking to his story, Cao Jianhui, Wu Longjiang, and Li Fuming finally gave up. For them, the class instructors were like deities; they wouldn't dare to let out as much as a fart in front of them, let alone go and ask the head instructor about matters.

Meanwhile, Luo Ziling quickly took refuge in the bathroom to take a shower.

He hadn't had dinner yet and was planning to go out for a bite after his shower.