Chapter 070 Continuous Quarrels

"Your mother is really beautiful, so beautiful. She must be in her forties now, right? Standing with us, she still puts us to shame," Ouyang Huihui still wanted to use Ling Ruonan's situation to blackmail Luo Ziling, but fearing his actual retaliation, she decided to say a bit.

Luo Ziling remained silent, listening quietly as Ouyang Huihui continued.

"My sister is now the number one beauty in Yanjing, and your mom was the former number one beauty of Yanjing. They are both really pretty."

At this point, Ouyang Huihui paused, knowing that this would pique Luo Ziling's curiosity.

Luo Ziling was indeed shocked; he had never expected his mother to have such a reputation.

Ouyang Huihui originally thought Luo Ziling would ask her something, but after he heard her, he remained silent, which surprised her. She said indignantly, "It seems you really aren't interested, forget it, I won't say more."

With that, she walked away swiftly.