Responsibility on Him

So she was drunk, or rather, intoxicated, or, obviously, under the influence of certain substances… could the man not see that? How could he still act his way around a girl like that? 

A sound could be heard coming from the bathroom and Xia Yanxi quickly found herself a robe to put on. Rage was building up inside of her as she stomped towards the bathroom, eyes reddened with anger and fist clenched with fury. 

She pushed the door open, ready to unleash a speech she had concocted along the way to whomever was inside the bathroom. However, when she saw the person inside, she could not bring herself to even make a peep. 

The man had a face, so refined and flawless like he was marble statue chiselled to perfection. His jet black hair was still wet, with water dripping from it. Her eyes, as if mesmerized, traced the flow of the water down to his supple lips, his manly, refined jaws… It did not stop there. No, her eyes, like gravity, went lower down as she examined his abdomen… Every muscle that was visible to the eyes, were honed to perfection. Especially those testosterone-filled six-packs… 

Xia Yanxi felt as if every vessel in her body was about to explode. Explode with… 

She quickly stopped looking and turned around, covering her eyes before running away like a shy little girl. 

Not long after, the man came to her, now dressed in a white undershirt and a pair of black slacks; exuding nothing but regal and elegance. 

Instead of addressing the girl, his gaze went right through her, like she was nothing but air. He walked over to the other side of the bed, the side where he had slept, obviously, and put on an expensive-looking watch. Xia Yanxi could not help but feel awkward and ashamed. However, when she realized that her purity had been tainted, the anger in her resurfaced. 

Her fist clenched tightly, determined, as she walked to face the perpetrator. 

"You, sir. Did you not know that I was clearly drugged last night? How could you still take advantage of the situation?" 

The man continued to dress himself. Slowly, and with precise movements, he buttoned the last three buttons on his shirt before glancing at her once. After that, he continued to ignore her and walked towards the closet. There, he took out a blue-striped necktie. He closed the door to the closet, faced the mirror, and started to straighten his attire. All of his actions were done with such precise and refined movements. 

Seeing as how the man was not apologising for his "deeds", blood rushed to her head and it felt like it was about to burst. 

She moved closer to him, close enough to see the emotionless expression hanging on his flawless face. Unable to control her rage, she screamed at him. 

"I'm still at such a tender age! How could you do that to me?! You'd better believe it when I say I'll report you to the police for ra-ra-rap--" 

Before the last word could be articulated, the man moved forward. With a cold pair of eyes, he stared down at her enraged eyes and said, "Tender, you say?" 

The thin yet supple lips of his arched into a smile that was so faint that it was barely discernable. His eyes slowly traced downward and landed on her protruding chest. 

"Tender is not the word I would use to describe you" he said. 

Hastily, she covered her chest and glared angrily at him before barking at him. 

"Dirty ruffian!" 

Before she could leave his side, Qiao Yanli cupped her jaw with an appropriate amount of force, not too much nor too little, just enough to hold her still. 

He lowered his gaze. The undeniably handsome young man came closer to her face and said, "little one, you best remember who was the one that started this entire thing." 

The two of them were too close to each other. His breath, as he spoke, could be felt. At this point, her cheeks and ears had reddened visibly. 

Memories flashed through her head. Images of her proactively trying to embrace him, kiss him, even reaching out to caress his chest and body… 

After recalling all the terrible memories, she felt utterly ashamed. If she could, she would have dug a hole and hidden under it forever. Tears started to form from the corner of her eyes. 

As her body slackened in defeat, she was filled with unspeakable shame, anger, pain, and guilt, Qiao Yanli loosened his grip on her jaw. His abyssal dark eyes stared into hers. 

"I will compensate you for what I did to you." 

Xia Yanxi, struggling to cope with the assault of a plethora of emotions, barely heard what he said. She gazed up, through the blurriness of her tears, and said, "what?" 

Qiao Yanli turned back to face the mirror once again and started to fix his tie. The cold, emotionless expression returned, and with that, he said, "I can marry you!"