She Does Not Want Responsibility

Such a proclamation was like a rod of thunder, striking down with such tenacity from above and into her very soul. 

Did she hear him wrong? 

She had not noticed until now, the man was wearing nothing but branded, premium, clothing that did not make him stand out from the crowd. A man that could dress with such elegance, not to mention being able to afford a night in the presidential suite, must be a man of great wealth. That being said, a handsome man like him who possessed the body of a greek god, surely did not lack the touch of women. 

After evaluating the man thoroughly, she could not help but think how he had only spent one night with her, and had decided to marry her. 

She wanted no more than to have him compensate for taking advantage of her. However, when he made such a proclamation, her mind failed her completely. 

She forced herself once more to look at the man directly, the man who exuded nothing but princely elegance. When she tried to utter her first word, she stuttered. 

"S-S-Sir, y-you're not serious now, are you?!" 

In this modern society, one would find it hard to find a man taking responsibility after spending a night with a woman. 

Qiao Yanli smiled again, in the same indiscernible manner, and said, "I'm serious." 

Her stare met his glare, and even though she could not tell whether he was smiling or not, she was certain that the man was not making a fool out of her. 

To think that the situation had turned out this way… Xia Yanxi was stupefied. Her fingers laced together, and she nervously rubbed her hands. She was apprehensive as to how the man was literally asking for her hand in marriage. 

"S-Sir, you look like a man of experience. Do you always propose right after being with every woman you have touched? To ask for her hand in marriage?" 

"That's where you're wrong. You are the only woman that has ever touched me." 

'Is he… was he a virgin before?'

Xia Yanxi twitched. She had completely forgotten the fact that she was the victim here. She was the one that had been taken advantage of. Right now, all she could think of was ways she could have a clean slate. She did not want the man to take responsibility to that extent! 

He noticed her reactions; the twitching and flinching about. The man came closer; a hair's length away from her face. His lips curled up, albeit indiscernible, and asked, "What is your answer? Have you thought about it? Will you marry me?" 

"Please… let me… How about I compensate you instead?" said the girl as she quickly rustled about on the floor to find her clothes. After finding what she was looking for, she took out some money and thrusted them toward the man. 

"I'll give you all I have and if you think this isn't enough, I can give you 10,000 more!" she said. However, the moment she thought about money, she felt a prick in her heart. She tried not to think too much about it and lifted an index finger. 

"Only 10,000! No more than that!" 

The man adjusted his posture to that of a gentleman, retreating out of her personal space. His onyx-colored eyes stared down at Xia Yanxi and said, "Very well. I won't press on if you do not want to marry me. From here on out, we are both unrelated, unaffiliated." 

He walked toward the closet to retrieve a bespoke black suit and headed toward the door, not once turning back. 

There was a man who was standing nonchalantly there, unbeknownst to Xia Yanxi. When Qiao Yanli approached him, he stifled a laugh. As he patted Qiao Yanli's shoulder, he said, with forced compassion, "I'm so sorry for you! To think that your first proposal to a woman was rejected!" 

"Chu Muzhi!" 

Qiao Yanli stared at Chu Muzhi for a brief second. Chu Muzhi shrugged before handing him a large flattened plastic package. 

"I got someone to buy it. The woman's clothing you requested for."

"Give it to her," Qiao Yanli muttered before leaving the room without even looking back once.