He is a Repulsive Man

When Huo Shiyu and Bai Wenxuan entered the house, side by side, her sparkling pair of eyes, glinted with covetousness and love, unhidden, paraded. 

Xia Yanxi scoffed under her breath. This sister of hers had been taking everything she wanted and now, she wanted to take Yanxi's fiance? 

Bai Wenxuan approached Xia Yanxi, and when they were only two steps apart, he paused. Seeing as how the smirking Xia Yanxi, with a face vibrant with emotions and her stone-cold gaze, somehow, he felt like an alien. 

"Yanxi, how could you address Uncle Huo by his full name? He is your father. Have you not any filial piety? You have grown more and more conceited!" 

Xia Yanxi's gaze of longing immediately changed to that of surprise. 

He had only been gone for half a month, and after which upon his return, his first words were criticisms and reprovals, he was not even bothered about her well-being. 

When she was young and her mother, her real mother, was still around, Xia Yanxi had always been the jewel of the house. She had been taken care, spoiled beyond reasoning and indeed, had grown conceited. Even so, she knew better. Even though she was spoiled, she would never be too arrogant, never stepping out of the line. 

As a matter of fact, ever since her mother left this world, her brother and Bai Wenxuan were the two most trusted, and most loved by her. 

And now… Now, right after seeing her, he lashed out at her, without even a greeting. 

"Big Brother Wenxuan, Elder Sister has always been talking to father that way. However, I think she's not doing it on purpose! Please don't be mad at her," Huo Shiyu held Bai Wenxuan's arm, slightly shaking it, and showed him her shimmering, innocent eyes. 

When his eyes locked onto hers, his entire being softened, like a deflated balloon. He wrapped his long, manly arms around her and patted her head, saying, "Don't cry, Shiyu. Big Brother Wenxuan is not angry at your sister, or anything like that." 

The coldness in Xia Yanxi's eyes intensified. 

What was he thinking? Did he not know that Yanxi hated Huo Shiyu? 

And why… how did he change so much in just a couple of weeks? 

He would never talk to her, or even look at her with such animosity. 

The act did not stop after Huo Shiyu smiled, with a child-like glee, at Bai Wenxuan. She turned her still shimmering eyes at Xia Yanxi and said, "Big Sister, where were you last night? Big Brother Wenxuan has been calling you! He thought that you were in danger!" 

Like a sharpened dagger, Xia Yanxi threw a glare so cold that it pierced through Huo Shiyu's being. 

"You of all people should know why I wasn't around." 

The act continued on with Huo Shiyu shrinking away from Xia Yanxi. She jumped to Bai Wenxuan and held his arms tightly. She even buried her head into his chest, saying, "Big Brother Wenxuan, sister's glare is so scary! It's like she's going to eat me whole!" 

Bai Wenxuan patted her head and consoled her. When he was done pampering the little critter, Bai Wenxuan stormed toward Xia Yanxi, grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs. 

"Uncle, Auntie, please forgive me. I need to take Yanxi upstairs. There is something I need to discuss with her!" 

His strength was that of a bull; she could not even wrench herself away from his vice-like grip. He dragged her to her own room and before she could even say a word, to ask the reason for his actions, he came in like a viper, tearing at her clothes. 

Shocked, Xia Yanxi shrieked, "What are you doing, Bai Wenxuan?!" 

To be fair, her dress was only pulled down. It was to reveal her chest, her hidden clavicles. Lo and behold, there they were. The reddish marks, seething-like infliction, were as glaring as the sun itself. 

Whatever happened last night had now been clarified, exposed. 

Bai Wenxuan could not believe what he was looking at right at that moment. The expression on his face slowly slackened and turned cold.