Repulsive and the Epitome of Grandiose

Xia Yanxi was taken aback, and after only a brief moment of astonishment, she quickly raised her hands and covered her breasts. 

Bai Wenxuan's pupils, expanded before, were now shrinking rapidly as he focused on the glaringly visible hickeys on her lower clavicles. His face turned sour with a dash of anger. 

The events from the night before were still a shock to Xia Yanxi and she had not even recovered from it. And now, how could she explain herself to Bai Wenxuan about it. 

All had been revealed and panic ensued. Confused, she could not help but feel ashamed. 

"Wenxuan, last night, Yao Manlian and Huo Shiyu… They… they wanted to let an old man bed me… So, I…" 

Bai Wenxuan, angered, interrupted her immediately, "Did you let the man sleep with you then?" 

Xia Yanxi had never seen Bai Wenxuan act in this way before. When he glared at her frosted eyes, she bit down on her lips and said, "No." 

Bai Wenxuan scoffed out loud. Last night, after he had failed to call Xia Yanxi after countless attempts, Shiyu called him, telling him that she saw Xia Yanxi leaving in another man's car and had spent the night with him. He could not believe it then but he believed it now. 

Xia Yanxi had betrayed their love when he was gone! 

He could not help but feel a sting in his heart. They had been engaged since they were young and had even developed feelings for each other as they grew older. No matter how close they were, Xia Yanxi had never been intimate with him, never opening herself, her body to him. She had never even allowed the man to kiss her! She kept on insisting that she wanted to wait... to wait until the day they were both officially wedded. 


He had an epiphany, realizing that he was the fool the entire time, the fool that had wasted his entire life! 

Seeing as how pain and despair had corrupted his senses, clouding his sight, Xia Yanxia panicked. She held his hands and said, "Listen to me, Wenxuan. It was all Yao Manlian and Huo…" 

Before she could explain herself, Wenxuan interrupted her again. With force, he wrenched her hands from his, treating her like the most vile cockroach. 

"Xia Yanxi, it is already bad enough for you to let yourself go wild, and now you want to put the blame on auntie and Shiyu? I know auntie Yao is not your real mother but has she not been treating you fair? Everytime! Every single damn time she would stand on your side when you blamed Shiyu!" 

Xia Yanxi's eyes widened in disbelief. Her feet weakened, and she faltered. 

The man she once knew was gone, and now standing in front of her was a stranger named Bai Wenxuan. She could not deny it. At this moment, being challenged by the mother and daughter, she had lost. 

Yao Manlian had covered her tracks well. Everyone had been fed with the impression that she treated Xia Yanxi better than she treated her own daughter. Huo Shiyu had it better. She did not have to move even a muscle to trick others into believing her sweet lies. 

Xia Yanxia drew a breath deep and tried her best to control the tears in her eyes. She choked a little but she was able to utter the following words. 

"Do you believe me, or do you believe Yao Manlian and Huo Shiyu?" 

Bai Wenxuan was calm, albeit still mildly angry, as he said, "I believe what I see." 


With his words, she felt completely defeated. Everything was lost, even the person she trusted the most had chosen to abandon her. 

"So be it. I have nothing else to say, Bai Wenxuan. The engagement is over," Xia Yanxia declared before the tears that threatened to fall actually did. With haste, she turned her back to Wenxuan and left. 


Standing at the entrance was Huo Shiyu, and before she did anything else, Xia Yanxi wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes. 

"Sister, I'm sure there are misunderstandings here. Please talk it out with Brother Wenxuan. The two of you have always been perfect together! Please don't forgo your relationship because of a simple fight!" 

This was the true nature of Huo Shiyu. The one that had always fanned the flames. She wanted no more than to be the shining beacon of kindness, to show the world how humble she was! 

"Shiyu, I'm sure you've eavesdropped on our conversation and know that I'm going to cancel the engagement. Now, you can happily take my place and marry into the Bai family. As such, before I leave, I wish to give you a present." 

Huo Shiyu's voice softened as she replied, "Sister, I've never wanted to get married to a Bai. You don't have to push yourself to give me a gift." 

Xia Yanxi could not have scoffed any louder then. But before Huo Shiyu could react, Xia Yanxi's hand rose high up in the air and descended thunderously, slapping Huo Shiyu on the face. 

"This gift might have cost me a little but compared to what you have done to me… what I have lost… this gift, fares too little!"