Truly Dangerous Man

The woman's voice was melodious. Her articulation, her tone, her voice especially, was soothing to the ear. He was only listening to the sound of her voice, not the content. To be honest, he was filtering them out. 

Xia Yanxi had said what she wanted to say. When she was done, she turned, only to see that the man was smiling. His eyes narrowed a little, it looked as if he was enjoying this bid. 

She had no idea what he was thinking. Did he really think what she said was funny? The way he was now, compared to when he was before, was different. She remembered him being the coldest man alive, probably even void of all emotions. 

"Sir, did you hear what I said?" she asked.

The car was coming to a stop. The lights had turned red and Qiao Yanli stepped on the brakes. His overwhelmingly handsome face, enough to render anyone to either flock to him, or avert one's gaze to prevent oneself from falling in love with him, turned toward Xia Yanxi. 

She wanted to distance herself but his hands shot to her chin, holding her head in place. 

"We are getting married! What's with "sir this and sir that? Hmmm?" 

That last hum was purposely dragged out. As a result, whether intentionally or not, successfully increasing his attractiveness. It was the kind of sleaziness, a mix between a sloth and a sort of harshness, like an invisible hand holding and striking her entire being. Her face reddened instantly. 

Her heartbeat, the fluttering of her breath, the sudden jump in her body temperature, was none of love. She knew it. She understood it. It was all because of this man. His eyes, his breath, and his voice were as if they were perfectly tuned and crafted to lure women into his arms. 

She blinked, and her eyelashes, like a butterfly's wings, fluttered. Under the gaze of the pair of onyx-like eyes, she forced a smile and said, "But I… I don't know your name." 

He came in closer. His lips almost pressed against the lobe of her ears. With a deep, husky, commanding voice, he enunciated three words, "Qiao Yanli." 

She felt his breath. His words were like a feather, brushed against her entire being, sending goosebumps all over her body. 

She turned to look directly at him. Again, with a forced smile, she said, "Then, I shall address you as Qiao Yanli--" 

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt pain on her earlobe, where she had her earrings on. 

The man was nibbling down, as a means to punish her. Her face was flushed, making her look like a ripe tomato. Her hands were then pressed against the man's protruding, firm chest, wanting to push him away. 

"Qiao Yanli, did you not listen to what I said? We are only in this together for our own benefits. Please do not… attempt such intimate moves on me…" 

No matter how hard she tried, Qiao Yanli was not budging in the slightest. His hands, like a snake, slithered to her jaw. His voice, growing luscious, could be heard saying, "That night… the night we spent together. Have we not learned enough about each other?" 

Xia Yanxi was speechless. Was she really going to marry this handsome… truly dangerous man?

Seeing as how the woman was speechless, he let go of her ear and faced her directly. 

"Lose the surname and say my name again." 

Cars behind had started to honk relentlessly. Someone had even come over and knocked on the window angrily. 

"What the hell are you doing?! Find a room and do it there! Get going now or the light will turn red again and we'll have to wait for another ninety seconds!" 

Xia Yanxi was ashamed, and when someone else came to scold them, she hated the fact that she could not find a means to escape the situation. Alas, she gazed at the man who was poorly illuminated. Swallowing her pride, she finally caved in. 




The man was still standing outside the car. 

Xia Yanxi was helpless. Her voice was already soft to begin with, and if she made it any softer, she would be making a sound akin to that of a cat's purr, like that of a country girl with a voice like an angel. 


Qiao Yanli, satisfied, cupped her tiny head with his hands. 

"Good girl. Your voice truly is, enticing."