Chapter 006: I want to ask, does he have a girlfriend?

Regarding looks, physique, and even the seemingly natural air of casual indifference that surrounded him.

He confronted the dandyish young master opposite him, looking nothing like a lowly bodyguard but more like a high-ranking individual with a faintly disdainful gaze, especially since the slight smile he wore clearly hid a silent mockery.

Chi Huan watched the man she had always been familiar with, yet suddenly felt like a stranger, and her heart fluttered slightly.

Among the group, one angered individual immediately wanted to come at him but was promptly held back by someone else.

Although they lowered their voices, Chi Huan still heard them clearly.

"Don't be rash, Young Master Xu, fighting with him wouldn't advantage us."

"This man's been in the military and the underworld, heard that he can take down dozens alone."

"Let's go, it's not worth it to mess with this type of person, it's beneath us."


In the end, the young master whose bones Mo Shiqian had just crushed spat out viciously, "Chi Huan, you'd better hope you never fall into my hands."

Chi Huan's red lips curled into a cold, stunning smile, "Even if that day comes, you would still be nothing but a coward who can only bully women."

Wary of Mo Shiqian, they finally left.

After they left, Chi Huan looked down at her wrist, entwined by the man's fingers.

Just as she was about to speak, Mo Shiqian had already let go and withdrew his hand.

A low, indifferent voice sounded above her head, "My apologies, Miss."

Chi Huan stepped back a couple of steps, putting some distance between them.

Having given her coat to Chu Xi, all she had left on was a thin, beige V-neck sweater.

Against the backdrop of the man's tall and imposing figure, she looked even more delicate and slender.

She looked up, eyeing him suspiciously, "Why are you here? Are you following me?"

She'd told him to come pick her up later, so could he have arrived this early?

Chi Huan stared at the handsome face before her and, inappropriately, her mind drifted back to last night's events, making her instantly uneasy, her thoughts fluttering uncontrollably.

Was this man truly so dutiful and concerned for her safety that he came over so early, or was it that…

The beautiful Chi Huan thought somewhat awkwardly and pridefully, could it be that he… likes her?

Thinking it through, he had been with the Chi Family for ten years, spending two or three of those at her side. She had never seen him with another woman, nor had she seen him intimate with any female.

Basically… he was always by her side.

Well, it wouldn't be strange for him to like her, given she was a beauty of her caliber.

But what if he truly liked her…

Although she didn't disdain his background, she already had Xigu, so should she pretend to be unaware, or should she fire him to put an end to his hopes?

Still, it seemed like he had some sort of an arranged fiancée back in his hometown.

Mo Shiqian looked down slightly, completely unaware of the drama she had concocted in her mind in just a few seconds, and replied with his usual composure and detachment, "I came to handle some matters and just happened to see you."

Chi Huan watched him, drawing out a long "Oh."

The man maintained a respectful yet distant demeanor, "I'll go handle my affairs. You go meet your friends as planned. Once the event is over, call me, and I'll come to pick you up."

She was about to nod when she suddenly felt a chill.

It was natural to feel cold after giving her clothes to Chu Xi.

Chi Huan frowned, hugging her shoulders, "Mo Shiqian, I'm a bit cold."

Mo Shiqian glanced at the thin sweater on her, paused for a moment, then said, "I'll ask the owner to turn up the heating."

Chi Huan, "..."

It's not even winter yet, still autumn. Why turn on the heating?

She said unhappily, "That would make others feel too hot."

Mo Shiqian furrowed his brows.

After a while, he said, "I'll make a call and have someone send over a piece of clothing."

"But I'm cold now."

Mo Shiqian finally noticed that the woman's gaze was fixed on him.

He looked away, but still raised his hand, took off his black, lightweight overcoat, and personally helped her put it on.

Chi Huan let him dress her, and as she raised her face she inadvertently saw his firmly curved chin. The man's eyes appeared very cold, yet focused.

But this posture was ambiguously intimate yet natural. Perhaps it was too close; her breathing became slightly difficult, and she quickly looked away.

"Won't you be cold wearing your coat?"

The man's voice was as always low and indifferent, "It's not a problem for me."

"Well, if you feel cold, just go and buy something at random nearby."

She was actually just asking out of courtesy.

Mo Shiqian didn't respond verbally, but after he finished putting the coat on her, he withdrew his hands and said indifferently, "I have to get back to what I was doing."

After saying that, he stepped back and then turned to leave.

His figure was tall and solitary.

Chi Huan watched his retreating figure and pursed her lips. She had been following him for two or three years now, yet there was still no sense of closeness.

She looked down and sniffed the clothing on her, a very crisp masculine scent.

Just like her memory… when had she even remembered this man's scent.


Pushing open the door of the private room, Chi Huan was playing with a pair of sunglasses in one hand; she leaned on the door frame, posing seductively, her red lips drawn into a lazy curve, her voice just as languid, "The young lady has arrived."

There were about seven or eight people in the private room.

"Tsk tsk, ever since Chi Family's young lady fell in love, she only graces us with her presence occasionally."

"Hey, what's with this new look today? Isn't that coat a bit too large? Or has the fashion world changed so fast that even I can't keep up?"

"That's men's clothing, Chi Huan, you wouldn't be crazy enough to wear Mou Xigu's clothes to show off your love and torture the single dogs, would you?"

Chi Huan stepped in and casually closed the door behind her.

"Others might not do such a thing, but the beautiful Chi can pull off anything. Still, Huanhuan, showing off love can be lethal; you'd better be careful."

Chi Huan glanced sidelong at the speaker, found an empty spot, and sat down on her own. She reached for a glass of wine, tilted her head back, and emptied it in one gulp, then set the empty glass back on the coffee table.

Eventually, she spoke lightly, "Just now downstairs, I saw a few scumbags bullying a woman, dousing her with wine. Being merciful to women, I gave her my clothes to wear. This is my bodyguard's, I'm making do with it."

As she was speaking, a timid and soft female voice spoke up, "Miss Chi."

Chi Huan looked up, "Mhm?"

The speaker was a girl about her age, not particularly familiar to her; she was a friend's friend, a gentle-looking heiress. If Chi Huan remembered correctly, her name was Ji Yu.

Ji Yu looked at her with embarrassment, her cheeks tinged with red, "The bodyguard you mentioned... is his name Mo Shiqian?"

Chi Huan raised her eyebrows, "Yes, Mo Shiqian. Do you know him?"

"I've seen him a few times... I was wondering, does he have a girlfriend?"