Chapter 007: The Restraint and Coolness of a Celibate Approach to Women

Chi Huan had always known that many women were attracted to Mo Shiqian, and she even witnessed a well-established leading actress from the industry make advances toward him, the kind that was willing to offer herself without expecting anything in return.

Of course, she also saw how his eyebrows remained calm, and he rejected her without a ripple of disturbance.

Despite the fact that the actress was not only a wealthy leading lady but also the hidden object of desire for numerous tycoons, a sensual gem they all secretly coveted.

In front of women, he seemed the modest gentleman, always maintaining a detached distance, yet in a way, this ascetic-like self-restraint and coolness when approached by women...

Were elusive and even harder to access.

Although Ji Yu's appearance and family background couldn't compare to the present her or the former Chu Xi, she was nevertheless an authentic rich heiress and a beauty chased by hordes of men.

Chi Huan asked with a smile, "Do you like him?"

Ji Yu shyly, yet resolutely, nodded her head, "He... saved me once, unintentionally."

Chi Huan spoke lightly, "Although he's my bodyguard, I never pry into his private life, so I'm not sure if he has a girlfriend... However, I heard from my dad that since childhood, he's been betrothed to a fiancée, but I don't know the details."

Regarding Mo Shiqian, even though as her bodyguard he was omnipresent and omnipotent, other than his appearance and name—

She knew nothing.

Ji Yu looked at her with anticipation, "Miss Chi... could you give me his phone number?"

Chi Huan propped her head with one hand, silent, neither saying yes nor no.

Ning Youran, her closest friend, playfully nudged her shoulder, "He is your bodyguard, not your lover. Just give it to her if you have it. Xiaoyu is a good girl, and I think your bodyguard is decent too; they seem compatible."

Chi Huan looked at Ji Yu and, in the end, said nothing, but she wrote down the number for her.

Because of Su Yabing's appearance, Chi Huan was in a bad mood. Although it didn't show on her face, she didn't talk much to Ning Youran or play games with the others.

She sat alone in a corner, drinking sullenly.

From a distance, Ning Youran watched her and eventually sat down beside her, "Huanhuan, why do you look so down?"

Chi Huan glanced at her, leaned in to hug her, resting her chin on her shoulder, and murmured a laugh, "I'm happy. I'm getting married. The man I've been chasing for four years will soon be completely mine."

Though her tone was coquettish, it couldn't hide the profound melancholy in her words.

Ning Youran said, "Who mentioned that women only drink when they're happy, and if they're drinking, it could only mean they're sad?"


"Did you fight with Mou Xigu?"


Chi Huan shook her head, speaking with a nasal tone, "No."

Having been soaked in cold water by Mo Shiqian all night long and feeling better after being on a drip, the cold was minor but not something that could be healed instantly.

Due to Chi Huan's personality, when she was in the mood to have fun, she was inevitably the liveliest one in the crowd.

When she wasn't in the mood, she would sit quietly on the side, and no one would force her to join in.

After watching her for a while, Ning Youran stroked her hair and let out a soft sigh, "Fine then, drink less and go back to sleep early."

Having drunk half a bottle of red wine alone, she leaned sideways on the armrest of the couch, lying there with her eyes closed.

It was noisy around her, yet her heart felt too quiet.

A lonely person either finds a spot so silent that there are no human voices, and stays alone,

Or hides in a noisy crowd, as commotion can sometimes give a sense of security.

Because going back meant being alone, and yet, it was still early.

She had a little drink and took a nap, and when she woke up, she lifted her wrist to glance at her pale gold watch, yawning lightly. It was already past nine.

She fished her phone out of her bag and directly called Mo Shiqian.

The first time she called, he didn't pick up.

Chi Huan's eyebrows furrowed into caterpillars; he was actually not taking her calls?

In all the time he had been with her, such a thing had never happened before.

She dialed again, and this time, the call connected quickly.

The man's voice on the other end was as deep and detached as ever, "Miss."

Chi Huan paused, not sure if it was her imagination, but she sensed a chilling indifference.

She didn't mind and said calmly, "I'm not feeling well and want to go back to sleep early; come pick me up."

After a moment's silence, the man replied, "I'm still busy with things here. May I send someone to take you home in my place?"

Chi Huan didn't care at first and was about to agree when something crossed her mind, and she changed her answer, "No need, I'll call Xigu. I'll have him come to pick me up."

"I apologize, Miss. I'll come to get you tomorrow morning."

Chi Huan was a star, but she was also a student in the performing arts department; when she wasn't filming, she attended classes at school. Due to her wedding plans with Mou Xigu, she had cleared her schedule for the next six months.


After hanging up, Chi Huan in turn called Mou Xigu.

The phone rang for a long time before it was finally answered. The man's voice was evidently fatigued, "Chi Huan, is something the matter?"

"I'm at 1999, Mo Shiqian suddenly got held up and can't take me back. Xigu, can you come get me?"

After a moment of silence, the man on the other end replied, "Okay, I'll be there in half an hour."

Chi Huan immediately beamed, "Great, I'll wait for you."

After ending the call and glancing at the time on her phone screen, she opened a gaming app to play games.

Twenty minutes later, she stood up, running her fingers through her long hair, smiling languidly, "I've had a bit of a cold these past days and haven't fully recovered, so I'm going to head back to sleep early today."

She had left early on occasion before, so no one found it strange.

Ning Youran said with concern, "Huanhuan, should we find someone to take you home?"

Chi Huan smiled sweetly, "No need, Xigu is coming to pick me up."

A friend, who was playing cards, teased, "If you miss your boyfriend, just say so; there's no need to curse yourself with a cold."

Chi Huan didn't bother to explain too much, "I'm fine, see you next time."

She had had some drinks and with her cold not yet gone, she felt a bit woozy, practically floating as she walked.

It wasn't until she stepped outside 1999 and a gust of cold wind hit her that she shivered and started to sober up a bit.

Wrapping her oversized trench coat around her, she bent her head and seemed to breathe in the crisp scent belonging to that man, filled with a long-standing sense of comfort and familiarity.

Mo Shiqian was rarely away from her, and for a moment, she actually felt a bit unaccustomed to it.

The headlights from far away shone over, and Chi Huan looked up to see a silver-grey Lamborghini coming towards her.

That was Mou Xigu's car. Chi Huan's heart leapt, and she hastened her steps towards it.

Eagerly pulling open the passenger-side door, "Xigu..."

The joyous sound of her voice abruptly stopped. The man in the driver's seat was not Mou Xigu.