Chapter 009: Miss Chi seems to have been quite upset and doesn't allow anyone to get close to her...

Chi Huan's fingers began to tremble uncontrollably, and her mind momentarily went blank.

Despite trying to stay calm, she was just a young woman in her early twenties.

"If it's because of this matter, then let me go. I promise you, my fiancé will definitely not bother your wife again,"

she said, almost holding her breath, "and you should be aware that only I can stop Mo Xigu from appearing by your wife's side."

Whether she could or not, she didn't know.

But that was all she could say for now.

However, the man didn't pick up on her words, his face instead revealing a sinister smile, "Are you a virgin?"

Chi Huan was startled, her face beginning to pale as her delicate and curly eyelashes trembled densely.

"When my wife married me, she was no longer a virgin. I know, she dated Mou Xigu... Mou Xigu slept with my wife!"

She dug her fingernails into her palms, raising her voice, "I'm not, I just slept with Mo Xigu last night..."

A loud and crisp "slap" sounded.

Chi Huan's face was struck fiercely with a slap.

"Promiscuous woman, why don't you have any self-respect? Why sleep with a man before marriage?"

He continued talking to himself, completely absorbed in a state of madness. As his anger crescendoed, another slap landed on Chi Huan's face, numbing half of it.

The man suddenly threw the knife in his hand aside. Before Chi Huan could react, a vulgar face zoomed into her field of vision, his hand reaching towards her clothes and ripping them viciously.

Her mind tensed to the breaking point in an instant, her screams uncontrollable, "What are you doing?"

"Mou Xigu slept with my wife, and now I'm going to have his woman," Chi Huan's trench coat was quickly pulled off, and her only remaining sweater was also torn and misshapen, "Quit pretending... you promiscuous and vile women."

The man, a stranger, had a ferocious face.

When he pushed her down on the back seat and pressed his mouth against her face, the sensation of their skins rubbing together caused every nerve in Chi Huan's body to snap, leaving her completely devoid of reason.

She screamed, "Get off—"

Psychological fear is an innate human instinct.

When psychological fear reaches a certain depth, it can become uncontrollable and turn into physiological fear, commonly known as a mental disorder.

As Chi Huan faced this forced violation, she nearly went insane.

Lucid and fearful, the revolting man on top of her, and the extremely dirty memories in her mind came rushing forth, overwhelming her consciousness like a flood.



Half an hour later, at the police station.

A group of helpless police officers looked at each other, then turned to the woman who was crouched in a chair, her head down, trembling nonstop.

Ten minutes earlier, Chi Huan had been brought in by two men who had filed the report, along with the perpetrator of the attempted rape.

Five minutes earlier, the chief of police had rushed in to handle the situation personally.

The chief had initially breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that Chi Huan had been "fortunately saved" by passersby, but as he approached her to speak, his hand barely extending, he was met with her extremely uncontrollable emotional rejection.

He didn't dare to provoke her any further.

Since her arrival at the police station, Chi Huan didn't allow anyone to get close to her.

Regardless of gender.

Even a female officer who tried to give her a glass of water had the glass smashed by her.

Anyone could see that she was extremely emotionally unstable.

Though she had only been slapped a few times, and her clothes were torn to reveal a lot of skin, the important parts were still tightly guarded by her, and she had not suffered any substantial violation.

Yet her reaction outdid that of a woman who had actually been violated.

Mou Xigu received the message and immediately rushed over.

But he did not come alone, following behind him was a timid Su Yabing, who had not even changed out of her hospital gown, simply draped in a thick coat.

The moment he entered, he saw the woman curled up in the chair.

And then he was stunned, for he had never seen Chi Huan like this.

In his memory, Chi Huan was the typical proud lady, a pampered mistress, charming, radiant, initiative-taking, carefree.

He had never seen this Chi Huan with a pale complexion like paper, her petite body trembling continuously.

Mou Xigu's heart tightened, and he quickened his steps, bent down, and his hand reached out towards her shoulder.

"Go away."

She didn't move, a word spat out from her pale lips, repeating the same few words she had said countless times that night, "Don't touch me."

Mou Xigu's pupils contracted, his hand freezing in mid-air.

Since he had known her, Chi Huan, despite being proud and capricious towards the entire world, had always been all smiles in his presence, not to mention, telling him to go away.

Only when she initially entangled herself with him had he impatiently uttered that word.

He had always thought he knew her well enough, but at this moment, that certainty suddenly felt a traceless crack.

The on-duty police officer came over and whispered, "Mr. Mo, it seems Miss Chi has been severely traumatized, she doesn't allow anyone close to her..."

They had originally thought it would be different when her boyfriend arrived, but it turned out to be the same.

In the distance, a young and handsome man watched the scene as if unconcerned, a sarcastic curve appearing on his lips when his gaze fell on the lonely Su Yabing standing beside Mou Xigu.

In the end, he looked down at his subordinate beside him, "That girl really wasn't hurt in any way?"

"Definitely not, when we got there, that scumbag had just started to strip her, but a woman's appearance when being forced is really frightening, like they're fighting for their lives."

The man stopped talking, squinting his eyes, seemingly in thought.

A slight movement sounded, and another man walked in through the door.

Shiqian, dressed in deep-colored clothes, was cool and imposing, his handsome and chilly face was dark enough to drip water, emanating an intimidating and cold forbidding aura.

He looked at the woman surrounded by people, curled up like a frightened cat, his eyes darkened, his thin lips pressed into a straight line, his long legs moving forward, walking straight toward her.

Since this man appeared, he emitted a silent yet powerful presence.

As he passed by, he brushed unintentionally or intentionally against Mou Xigu's shoulder, knocking him half a step aside.

Then, he did the same thing Mou Xigu had done—

He reached for Chi Huan's shoulder.

"Don't touch me."

Chi Huan's eyes did not move, still those same three cold words.

Mou Xigu looked at the handsome and indifferent man beside him, who, even as just a bodyguard, seemingly ignored everyone else, and when he heard Chi Huan say those three words as well, his tense nerves somewhat relaxed.

Shiqian might seem silent and humble, but aside from his true employer Chi Huan, whom he treated with courtesy, he never really paid mind to anyone else.

He did not love Chi Huan, but subconsciously he couldn't accept that in her heart, there was a man more special than him.

But the next second—