Chapter 010: Such an Arrogant and Reckless Bodyguard... Truly a Rare Sight Series


Mo Shiqian supported her shoulders, then straightened the trench coat wrapped around her.

Of course, it was still his clothing.

The man's actions were meticulous and focused, and even though Chi Huan coldly repeated the three words "Don't touch me," he acted as if he hadn't heard, continuing with his own movements.

But Chi Huan did not violently reject his "approach."

To be precise, she had no reaction at all, silent and still, allowing the man to tidy up the coat that was only tightly wrapped but quite messy, and casually brushing the hair from her forehead behind her ear.

Just now, a young female police officer also tried to touch her, almost causing her emotions to spiral out of control on the spot.

The tall and chilly man knelt before her, his fingers resting on her knee, and in a deep and quiet voice said, "Shall I take you back first?"

It was a question, but the questioning intent was very weak.

Chi Huan remained silent, but the fine trembling of her body had subsided considerably.

He watched her pale little face, and continued to ask in a low and faint voice, "Is it back to the Chi Family's villa, or your own apartment?"

She still had no intention of speaking.

Therefore, Mo Shiqian no longer continued to ask, and bent down to circle his arms around her waist, lifting her whole person out of the chair.

Mou Xigu's expression turned cold, and he reached out to stop him.

Chi Huan's delicately drawn eyebrows silently furrowed.

At the same time, the tall and chilly man looked at him with indifference, his deep voice even colder, "Mr. Mou, Miss said you would pick her up, why did a sleazy offender show up instead?"

He held Chi Huan in his arms, easily as if he were holding a petite, soft, and awkward cat. After glancing at Su Yabing, who seemed restless, he narrowed his eyes, and slowly a sharp sarcasm brewed in his gaze, "I wonder how Mrs. Mou would react and blame Mrs. Yang if she knew what had happened."

Mou Xigu's face changed slightly—the man was threatening him.

He glanced at Chi Huan, who lay quietly in the man's arms with her eyes closed, and said coldly, "Mo Shiqian, you are merely Chi Huan's bodyguard, responsible for her physical safety. Matters between her and me are none of your business."

A thin, cold curve played upon Mo Shiqian's lips, his smile ambiguous, "So, Mr. Mou, why did the current husband of your ex-girlfriend, driving your car, pick up Miss and attempt to violate her?"

Mou Xigu's brows furrowed, his face darkened, and his tone worsened, "I will naturally investigate this matter."

"Need to investigate?"

Although Mou Xigu was quick to stay calm, facing the cold and thick mockery in Mo Shiqian's eyes, a fire still flickered in his heart.

A smile devoid of warmth spread across Mo Shiqian's handsome face as he said faintly, "So, there's no need for Mr. Mou to trouble himself, lest people start making some unpleasant speculations and thoughts."

Su Yabing finally stepped forward, anxiously saying, "This has nothing to do with Xigu, my husband he…"

The man's indifferent gaze turned towards her.

It was merely a dismissive look, yet Su Yabing felt an inexplicable tremor in her heart.

But Mo Shiqian's gaze only swept past her and he left behind a light, dismissive remark, "If you can't even ensure your fiancée's safety, Mr. Mou, you'd better not meddle in your ex's affairs."

Having said that, he carried the woman in his arms and strode out, without glancing at anyone.

The police chief, the female officer, and the other officers watched Mou Xigu's expression turn icy, exchanging glances with each other.

They had seen their share of arrogant wealthy people.

A bodyguard with such a cold and insolent attitude... was truly something to behold.

So, who exactly is the fiancé?


Outside the police station, Mo Shiqian silently placed the silent woman in the passenger seat.

As soon as he closed the car door and turned around, he saw a handsome man of similar height to him, puffing out smoke and watching him with a smile, "Although you won't be a bodyguard for much longer, taking someone's fiancée away in front of so many people, aren't you being a bit too unrestrained?"

The late autumn evening breeze swept by.

Mo Shiqian responded indifferently, without concern, "Is that so."

"Do you like this girl?"

He tugged at his lips, "The woman I like, could she become someone else's fiancée?"

"But the woman you don't like can still end up as your fiancée."

Mo Shiqian didn't answer him, "Anything else?"

The man flicked the ash from his cigarette, "After all, you saved your miss, aren't you going to say thank you?"

"First, clear the thanks you owe me."

Having spoken, he didn't bother to spare him another glance as he walked past, circling around the front of the car to the driver's seat of the white Ferrari.

Mo Shiqian's overcoat was given to Chi Huan, leaving only a dark, thin sweater on him. The texture was indistinguishable, but on him, it carried the air of an aristocrat's elegance and aloofness.

He leaned over to the passenger side, his long, distinctively jointed fingers securing the seatbelt for the woman in the seat.

The man's breath was clean and crisp, the interior of the car silent and still.

He stared at the woman who was silent with downcast eyes, "I am very sorry about tonight."

Chi Huan closed her eyes, "Take me back to the apartment, I won't go to the Chi Family."

After a moment of silence, he asked indifferently, "How would you like me to deal with that man?"

She hugged the man's coat around her, her head resting against the backrest of the seat, resting with her eyes closed, murmuring, "Whatever you want."

Mo Shiqian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Fine."

The white Ferrari departed quickly from the police station.

Streetlights stood on both sides of every street, illuminating the traffic.

Mo Shiqian drove while speaking on his earpiece, his voice clear and cold, "Director Sun."

The director obviously recognized his voice, his tone quite courteous, "Is Miss Chi feeling better?"

"Let that sleazy creature out of the detention center tomorrow morning."

"Ah?" The director asked, surprised, "Is... is that Miss Chi's wish?"

Mo Shiqian spoke dispassionately, "Follow my instructions and there won't be any trouble, Director."

"But... but Mr. Xigu's intention was... to keep him locked up, to let the other inmates teach him a lesson."

"I still have use for him, so let him out."


The director hesitated and felt troubled. After all, Mou Xigu had already given a heads-up, but on Mo Shiqian's side, there was Chi Huan and... the mayor behind Chi Huan.

Mo Shiqian smiled, "Director Sun surely wouldn't want to disturb the mayor over this matter."

"Alright, alright, I understand, I'll release him tomorrow morning."

After hanging up, he dialed another number.

His hand steadied the steering wheel, his deep and calm eyes focused straight ahead, "Do something for me."

On the other end of the phone, a languid and sexy male voice responded, "Hmm?"

"He can't die, and for now, he can't be crippled either. Take care of today's trash for me, he will be let out tomorrow morning."

"Let him out for what?"

Mo Shiqian spoke dispassionately, "Without reason, how could he be driving Mou Xigu's car, how could he know where Chi Huan was?"