Chapter 097: I broke up with him


After saying that, she strode past him without giving him a sideways glance.

Chi Huan thought he would grab her hand, just like he had countless times before, and she had even figured out how to shake him off.

But the man didn't reach out. He stood there, tall and silent, motionless and deep in quiet.

The hand holding her chain bag instantly tightened.

As she reached to turn the doorknob, tears welled up and almost simultaneously, she bit her lip hard.

Yet, when she opened the door, she still walked away without looking back.

On the balcony, a man dressed in black lowered his head to look down from the apartment building, one hand propped on the railing, the other holding a phone, his handsome face as calm as still water, his tone detached, "Wherever she wants to go, take her there, and buy her something to eat on the way."

On the other end was An Ke's steady voice, "I understand, Mr. Mo."