Chapter 098: Are you... hired by Mo Shiqian?

Some men look at women with such low-class eyes, Chi Huan thought.

If it were in the past, she would've already greeted such a disgusting man who got this close to her with a slap.

"Isn't this Miss Chi?" The man reached out to touch her face, which Chi Huan avoided with a turn of her head. He wasn't angry, "Tsk tsk, a true young lady indeed, unlike those plastic flowers in the entertainment industry — feeling silicone breasts and hyaluronic acid-filled faces grosses me out... Your skin is really nice, though."

Chi Huan couldn't dodge and took a bag off her shoulder, hitting him with it unexpectedly.

It struck the man squarely on the forehead.

Her bag was made of genuine leather, tough in texture, and the corner caused a cut that bled on impact.

After hitting him, she pushed him away forcefully, and the man, caught off guard, staggered back a few steps.