Chapter 163: Love is the Undying Desire

Chi Huan glared at her, "You really do have quite the imagination."

Ning Youran took a sip of her juice, her carefree smile beaming, "Just thinking, there's no harm in that."

Chi Huan stirred the fruit pulp that had settled at the bottom of her drink with a straw, drawing out her words, "Someone told me love is just a negative emotion."

Ning Youran's words slipped out without passing through her brain, "Then he must come from a broken home, grew up in an unhealthy environment..."

Mid-sentence, she suddenly realized something and stopped abruptly. She looked cautiously at Chi Huan, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, Huanhuan."

Chi Huan drank her mango juice, watching her lower her head and pout, lightly snickering, "There's no need to be so jumpy, I'm not that fragile. It's a fact that I come from a broken home, and indeed, my upbringing wasn't the healthiest, but there's nothing wrong with saying that."