Chapter 164: Miss Chi was unhappy all night

Chi Huan didn't say anything, withdrew her gaze, bent down to get into the car, and said to the man, "Then I'm leaving."

Mo Shiqian took a couple of steps back, "Call me if you need anything."

She curved her eyebrows and eyes, "Okay."

The man's long hand closed the car door for her.

The white Ferrari reversed and left.

Chi Huan sat in the backseat, looked up at the rearview mirror, and saw the tall figure reflected. Just then, she noticed Manager Song glancing sideways at the man beside her. The exquisitely drawn brows were slightly raised, and the expression in her eyes was indescribable—neither adoration nor entirely a subordinate's gaze toward a superior.

She pursed her red lips, her eyes falling on the beautiful bracelet on her wrist.


In front of the restaurant's parking apron.

Mo Shiqian walked towards where his car was parked.

Manager Song bid farewell to the foreign man she had come with before catching up.

She opened the car door and sat in the backseat.