Is He Looking For You?

Jiang Shuxuan carried Gu Xiqiao in his arms as he walked the steps up. He hadn't been here before, but he could accurately pinpoint her room. Placing her on the bed, he gently pressed his palm on her forehead.

He removed his hand after a moment, taking a step back. Seeing that some color had started to return to her face, he felt some relief course through him.

Heading downstairs, the interlinked formations that Gu Xiqiao drew had disappeared the moment she went upstairs. Tang Qinghong had managed to crawl up from the ground, and he was sitting on the stone bench in the yard, looking at the door in a slight daze.

"Why didn't you ask for assistance?" Jiang Shuxuan said as he raised his hand, sending the scattered medical materials in the yard back to its original places.

Tang Qinghong stood up immediately, not daring to look at Jiang Shuxuan's face. "It was my oversight."