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"Why are you still here?" Jiang Shuxuan walked over slowly and took the basket in Gu Xiqiao's hand. 

Gu Xiqiao chose to put Li Yanmei that still hadn't reacted aside for a moment because she felt that explaining things was going nowhere, so she chose not to. "Brother Jiang, this is Li Yanmei. We grew up together and went to school together too in the past." 

The ink orbs turned over to look at Li Yanmei before he nodded politely. "Hello, Miss Li." 

Even though there wasn't much emotion in his words, it was easy to feel his sincerity. In contrast to people like Tang Qinghong that put on masks and facades, he didn't think of himself as a higher being in the slightest, humbling himself and placing everyone he talked to on the same level as him. 

"Hello, Mr. Jiang." While that was the case, Li Yanmei still didn't know how to react, because some people had naturally intimidating auras, regardless of their intent.