New Contact

The intercom keeps broadcasting the same unknown language, I try to decipher whatever it is trying to say, but no matter how hard I pay attention to a single word, it just doesn't make any sense without some context on what it is trying to convey, I sigh frustrated and think to myself.

"It sounds like I may have made contact with some unknown intelligent alien lifeform capable of communicating, but I can't even talk to it."

this is history in the making of it really is intelligent life, since we never ran into any kind of life like that in the milky way galaxy, I pace back and forth down the cramped corridors of the ship until suddenly, I feel the ship's floor vibrate beneath my feet, I return back to the cockpit and see a strange looking ship firing at my ship, but the projectiles it is using, doesn't seem to be doing much damage to my ship's shield, I get mad that the ship starting firing upon me even when I didn't show any signs of aggression, I sit down on my chair and fire my laser turrets once, and with one shot the I destroy the wings on each side, therefore disabling the weapons, and I think to myself.

"they must not have shields built into that ship."

I then make a decision to board the ship and see what kind of intelligent life was piloting it, I make my way to a small compartment that contains two space suits, and the laser weapons, I quickly change into the space grab the weapons and also bring in tranquilizer darts to avoid possible bloodshed with this unknown alien, I then make my way to the ship's airlock and ready myself to jump across to the other ship, I use the thrusters on my boots and gloves to help me maneuver around the vacuum of space, and as I get closer to the ship, I get a good grip on ship's edges and I use it to move towards the huge hole on the side where the wing used to be at, I slip inside and get a good look around the design of the ship, and I think to myself.

"the interior looks like an industrial age factory."

I active the magnets on my feet so that I can walk around without the worry of floating around,

fascinated by the primitive design, reminded me on how the first interstellar ships used to look like during humanity's early space travels, I continue to walk around until I ran into a humanoid alien with long pointy ears, brown hair tied into a ponytail, and light brown eyes, wearing ragtag clothes that resemble what a ship mechanic would wear, and the face is completely covered with a glass mask connected to a large tank, and I think to myself.

"it must have passed out while putting on the mask."

I put the alien over my shoulder and inspect the the tank and use my space suit oxygen detector, to confirm if this alien breathes oxygen like me, the results comeback and it tells me that the tank contains oxygen, I then grab the tank and put it under my free arm and leave the damaged ship. After returning to my ship, I take the mask off of the face of the unconscious alien and I carry it, to the small living quarters that has a bunk bed, and I lay it down on the bottom bunk, I then sit down next to it and exam it's features more closely, and I think to myself in complete awe.

"it looks almost exactly like a human, but the obvious difference, is the pointy ears and slimmer body."

I stroke the hair and determine that it feels the same as mine, I also touch the skin on its face and conclude that even the skin feels the same as a human, I the look at ragtag clothes it is wearing and think to myself.

"well if I remove the clothes, it should tell me it's gender, if it really has two biological genders just like us."

as I begin to remove the shirt, the alien opens it's eyes and screams in terror, and speaks with the similar unknown language, was broadcasting through the intercoms, I then show it the tranquilizer dart and say.

"if you don't calm down, I won't hesitate putting you to sleep."

it stares at the dart and it seemed to understand the gist of what I mean, I then take a deep breath and as I point at myself, I say.


I point at it hoping that it would understand the gist of what I'm trying to convey, the alien points at itself and says.


I try to repeat what it said.


the alien give giggles and shakes it's head as it repeats the same word while pointing at itself.


this time I successfully repeat the word, and the alien reacts with a cute smile while it clapped, I then think to myself.

"holy shit, this is so surreal, I'm actually interacting with an intelligent alien."

I point at myself again and say enthusiastically."


it understood what I was trying to convey this time and it repeats after me.


I pump my fists in the air, feeling accomplished that I managed to communicate something basic like our names, I stand up and say to the alien.

"stay there, I'm going to bring you some water."

I leave the living quarters and I instantly notice the alien following me, I sigh and think to myself.

"it's fine, if it doesn't attack you, then there should be no problem letting it walk around with you."

I pour water into a glass cup and hand it over to the alien, it grabs the cup and it immediately sniffs it before drinking it, I then wonder.

"can't really blame it for being so cautious, since it woke up im a foreign environment, and with an alien it probably hasn't encountered before."

I then start pacing around the ship thinking of ways on how we can communicate properly with each other, while Xuilana just stares at me while sitting down on the co-pilot seat wondering, what the hell I'm doing, I then sit down at the pilot's chair and begin pointing at objects as I say the name of the objects, hoping that Xuilana catches on so that it can also do the same thing by saying the name of the objects in it's own language, and to my surprise Xuilana understood exactly what I was trying to do and we began to exchange different words describing certain objects. We spend several hours exchanging words, and In that time I at least manage to pick up on several basic words from its language and I point to myself I say.

"Brian, flying ship, um"

I think hard trying to remember the words that I want to say unsure.

"flying space, other galaxy."

she asks like if she is trying to confirm what I just said.

"other galaxy?"

Xuilana points at the throttles and the only word I understood was.


I then think to myself.

"is it trying to ask if I can go back home, or is it saying that it wants to take me to it's home." Xuilana stands up from the co-pilot's chair and walks towards me and once again the only word I understood was.


I wonder in my thoughts again.

"if it is trying to take me to it's home, then it would be a good idea since I don't even know where we are, but the only problem with this plan is if it can fly this ship."

I sigh and continue my train of thought.

"maybe it doesn't need to fly it, I should just use the wide range sensors so that I can map out this solar system and have Xuilana point out it's home and I'll fly the ship there."

I stand up from the pilot's chair and activate the ship's wide range sensors to scan this solar system, so that it can at least locate large objects in this solar system, I then show Xuilana the map that is displayed on the touchscreen after the scan finished and ask.


but Xuilana doesn't answer because it is staring at the touchscreen in awe, it places it's finger on the screen, and gets surprised when the display scrolls at whatever direction it's finger moved, I then interrupt it's fun by waving my hand in front of it's face and ask as I point at the screen.


Xuilana gets embarrassed for getting awestruck and enthralled with the touchscreen and takes a moment to study every object on the screen and then finally replies as it points to one.


I sit back down on the pilot's chair, and turn on the plasma thrusters again and I think to myself.

"at least I don't have to worry about manoeuvring around enemies."

I pull on the throttles and start flying towards the object, using the map as my guide, I then get reminded about Emilia.

"I can't keep her in cryo stasis forever, because these night wing ships aren't equipped with cryo tubes capable of preserving life efficiently."

I sigh frustrated and continue thinking.

I can't take her out now, or she will not survive in her condition, but I also can't keep her in cryo stasis for long because of the high risk of her heart completely failing will keep rising."

according to my ship, we are due to arrive at her home in about an hour, and while I continue to fly, I think to myself.

"it is still bothering me that I haven't found out what gender Xuilana is."

I then switch on the autopilot and as I stand up from my chair, I ask Xuilana in my language.

"what gender are you?"

Xuilana stares at me blankly about what I just asked, I then take a deep breath and as I start unzipping my jumpsuits.

"I'm going to regret doing this but, I need to show

Xuilana what I'm trying to ask."

Xuilana reacted by it's face turning completely bright red and gibbering several words nervously that I didn't understand to itself, and I think to myself.

"that reaction is very similar on how a human female would react."

I finally reveal my myself in nothing but my briefs, I say.


I point at Xuilana and say in her language.


Xuilana understood what I wanted it to do, so it stood up from the co-pilot's chair and slowly strips off it's close, while it's face was bright red like a tomato, and it's body shaking.

"I think I should make it stop, Xuilan is a female of it's and I'm obviously making it uncomfortable."

but before I could stop it from doing it, I find myself staring at Xuilana's small breasts covered by a bra similar to the ones that human females wear and her bottom half is covered with panties, and then as she points at herself, she says while stuttering nervously.


feeling ashamed of myself for forcing a female undress in front of me, I quickly grab her clothes and as I give it to her, I say with guilt in my voice.


the both of us silently put our clothes back on, and sit back down, I then turn off auto pilot and start flying the ship, I then scold myself.

"damn it Brian, you meet the first female alien and you already made her hate you."

while flying the ship, I would occasionally see Xuilana fidgeting around with hers fingers nervously, but when I turn my head to look at her, she would quickly turns her head to avoid making eye contact with me, I sigh disappointed on myself. I look at the map and see that I'm aligned correctly to what I assume is Xuilana's home planet and I activate the ship's hyperdrive, and in instant we jump out off FTL, and arrive in the orbit of an earth like planet, Xuilana rejoices as we hear her language being transmitted to my intercoms, I grab it and hand it over to her, so that she can speak to them, and as they finish their brief conversation, she places her hand on mine and says in her language.

"trust me."