
I spoke to the my planets government through Brian's strange communication device and told them about my findings out while I was collecting minerals from asteroids, at the edges of our solar system, and when they asked.

"are you sure it is a new intelligent alien life form?"

I answered while staring at Brian.

"yes, he looks very similar to us, but the only difference is that he doesn't have pointy ears, and he to have more thicker muscles than our male Elves."

they responded.

"can he communicate?"

I answered.

"he speaks a strange language but I did manage to teach him the basics of our language."

they ask.

"can you fly his ship."

I reply.

"no, his ship is filled with strange technology that I have ever encountered in my life."

they respond.

"okay makes sure to keep him at ease while we send a tow ship to being you guys in to a government facility."

I reply.

"sure I can do that."

I place my hand on top of Brian's hand and say to him.

"trust me."

he smiles at me and nods, I blush and think to myself.

"stop getting so worked up, all you did was show tour half naked body to him."

I continue blushing remembering that, I then slap myself and say to myself.

"get a hold of yourself Xuilana, this discovery of a new alien life will end with a huge pay day for you."

after a while of waiting they start contacting me again through Brian's communication device, he hands it over to me once again, and I ask.

"is the tow ship here?"

they answer.

"yes so make sure to keep him calm and try get him to he understand that he is in no danger."

I reply.

"sure I think I can do that."

I take a deep breath and grab Brian's hand and say to him hoping that understand me.

"my people are going to help us so don't worry when your ship starts getting towed."

he tilts his head confused and asks


I sigh frustrated, and say to myself.

"I should have payed more attention in alien communications class."

as the ship starts to get pulled, Brian reacts by putting his hands on the ship's throttle, I grab his arm and shout.

"no Brian!"

I pull him away off of his chair and he stumbles towards me, and we both fall down with Brian on top of me, he looks at me with a worried look on his face, and says.


he stands up and helps me off the floor, I then say to him with a simple sentence as I point to the window.

"help outside."

he nods and replies as grabs my hand.

"okay, I trust you."

I then think to myself.

"damn this alien, out of everyone in this galaxy, he's the only one to make me feel so nervous and insecure."

he squeezes my hand as the tow ship pulls us inside the planetary defense station, orbiting my home planet, Nibius Prime one of the many colonies established by the Great Elf Empire, I try to reassure Brian that everything will be fine, and that he doesn't have to worry about, as we start docking inside the hangar, I then think to myself.

"should I be blunt and ask for a reward?"

Brian slowly leads me to the ship's airlock door, while still holding my hand, he then presses a button that opens it, and on the deck of the hangar, we are surrounded by many Elf soldiers pointing their assault rifles at us, I look to Brian, who is slowly reaching for his sidearm that is attached to a belt on his jumpsuit, I make him look at me and then I shake my head as I say.

"Brian, No."

I then let go of his hand, and I put both my hands in the air, to show the soldiers that we are no threat, Brian sees me do this, and also does the same, after one of the soldiers pats us down, he takes away Brian's sidearm, and talks into his wrist watch that allows for communications.

"General Nadezhad, we have unarmed both targets."

we stand in the same position until a well dressed elf in a dark green uniform, steps forward and says as he clears his throat.

"my name is Conti Nadezhad, and I'm the General of this fine soldiers, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Miss."

I slowly lower my arms and also clear my throat.

"Xuilana Sorokin, and I'm a space miner, from the mining guild in Nibius Prime."

he gets closer and shakes my hand, he takes a look at Brian and asks me.

"so is that the Alien you speak of?"

I answer.

"yeah that's him."

he approaches him to get a closer, and as he is inspecting hing, he asks.

"are you sure he isn't some mutated elf, he almost looks exactly like us."

he pauses and looks at his ears and his bulky frame.

"well except for the ears and those muscles."

I reply.

"he claims to be from another galaxy."

he looks into Brian's eyes and asks.

"has he told you his name?"

I answer.

"yeah, he told me that it his name is Brian."

he mumbles something and replies.

"that is a strange name, but then again if he really is from another galaxy, then."

he pauses and as his eyes widened, he asks.

"okay Miss Sorokin, can you get him to follow us to a more welcoming and accommodating environment?"

I respond.

"yes I can so that, but what will you do with him?"

he answers.

"Well first we're going to have him meet the President since he's already on a flight over heading here and then we'll contact the capital, so that they can send their brightest scientists and biologists."

I reply.

"oh I see."

I look at Brian feeling guilty putting him through this stressful situation, I then grab Brian's hand and say to him.

"follow me."

we walk together as we follow General Nadezhad, Brian then asks me.


I nod smiling.

"yes, friend."

General Nadezhad opens a door that lead us to a luxurious room with a beautiful view to the planet, I look around amazed and ask.

"will Brian be staying here?"

he nods and says.

"yes he will stay here in the meantime, while we determine on what course of action we'll be taking with him."

he pauses and continues.

"Miss Sorokin, tell him to stay here, I want to have a little chat with you before the president arrives."

I reply.

"he only understands some basic words, so there is no need to leave him alone."

he sighs and responds.


I ask.

"what do you want to talk about?"

he replies.

"obviously your reward for this discovery, and I also want to know the details on your encounter with him."

I think to myself.

"jackpot, this day was not a complete waste."

I then respond.

"well I went out to edge of the solar system to mine minerals on asteroids, and while I was doing that, a weird hole opened up in space and his ship came flying out of there."

the face of disbelief told me everything I needed to know, and I think to myself.

"could this discovery, be what completely changes the history of Elfkind?"

he then says with excitement.

"Miss Sorokin, if what you say is true then you your name will go down in history."

I look at him speechless and I think to myself.

"after all of my hard work, I finally get a break."

he composes himself and asks.

"so what happened next?"

I answer.

"well I tried communicating with his ship, but there was no way to understand each other, so I just assumed it was an enemy ship, and shot at him."

he asks curiously.

"so you caused the damage that is on the ship?"

I reply.

"no, my weapons did nothing to it, if anything his ship came out already damaged."

he follows up with another question.

"so does that mean he shot your ship?"

I answer.

"yes, but then he boarded my ship and carried me safely to his ship and that is how we ended up here."

he rubs his chin and says.

"I see."

he stops and asks.

"Miss Sorokin, may I ask you for a favor?"

I respond.

"what would that favor be?"

he asks.

"can you keep him company until the president arrives, if it isn't too much of a burden for you?"

I nod and reply.

"yeah I don't feel like leaving him alone to you guys just yet."

he leaves the room and says.

"well if you will excuse me, my soldiers are going to report what they have found on his ship."

Me and Brian wait around the room for several hours, until we hear a knock on the door, I slowly open the door and I'm greeted with an older looking elven gentleman in a black suit and tie, dress pants, shiny black dress shoes.

"Hello Miss Sorokin, this is President Pyotre Shataluv."

I nervously reply.

"hi mister president it is pleasure to meet you."

he responds.


he looks around and asks as he sees Brian.

"I'm assuming that he is the alien that General Nadezhad was telling me about."

I nod and reply still feeling nervous.

"oh um please come on in."

he comes in, and then a few other individuals follow from behind, I then ask curiously.

"who are they?"

he answers.

"oh these bright individuals are the ones that communicate with the other empires in our galaxy, and they are going to use that experience to teach him our language."

I sigh in relief and reply.

"oh thank the gods, it was hard trying to get him to understand our language."

I watch them greeting themselves to Brian, who is staring at them confused, and as he looks at me, I say smiling.


President Shataluv, then asks me, as the language specialists begin their with Brian.

"Miss Sorokin, are you planning on going back home soon?"

I reply as I look back at Brian.

"I wanted to, but I don't feel right, leaving him like this."

he replies.

"well that's good, at least that saves me time from trying to convince you to stay by his side."

I ask.

"why do you want me to stay by his side?"

he answers.

"it's obvious, he has come to trust you, so if you stay with him, it'll be easier for us to get along with him."

after hearing him say that, I grin and use this little favor he's asking to my advantage.

"on second thought, staying here with him, will be

an inconvenience to me, and I wouldn't gain much from doing this."

President Shataluv sighs.

"we are willing to give you proper accommodations and on top of your discovery reward, you will be paid handsomely for your time."

I ask.

"and how much is handsomely Mister President?"

he replies.

"how does three thousand credits each month sound?"

my jaw drops and I think to myself.

"that's twelve times more than what I make each month selling minerals!"

he smiles and says.

"I'm guessing that's yes."

he leaves the room and says.

"make sure he focuses on he's language studies, because I'm dying to have a conversation with him."

after he leaves, I take a good look at Brian and as I smile, I say to myself.

"you have completely changed my life for the better Brian."

I then think to myself.

"not only that, with just one months pay doing this, I can pay three years worth of rent, without having to work at all."

but then I interrupt myself and say.

"no stupid Xuilana, your thinking small, because with this amount I can finally buy and own a house."

I lay down on the bed excited about my future for the first time ever.