Evacuation Of Alpha Orbis

I wake up from my cryogenic sleep, and with the sound of alarms blaring through me ears, and then a dark skinned, and bald muscular fellow helps me find my balance from, as he shouts.

"Private Rodriguez, shake off the cobwebs, the enemy has decided to attack, go and pilot your ship on the double!"

I reply.

"yes sir, Sergeant!"

I quickly run to my locker, and begin to frantically change into my jumpsuit, alongside other pilots that have just woken up, while Sergeant Jackson continues waking up pilots from their cryo tubes,

I then think to myself.

"what the hell, we still had a month to finish evacuating planet Alpha Orbis before the A.I arrived."

many pilots, including myself quickly finish changing, and as we run down the halls in swarms towards he hangar, the Admiral's voice echoes through halls of the battleship.

"battle stations ready, enemy bogeys inbound."

I quickly enter my night wing star fighter, and find

my co-pilot, Private Cooper shouting.

"let's go Rodriguez, we need to protect the evacuation ships."

I strap myself onto the pilot's chair and start up the engine, and shout to Private Cooper.

"alright let's fucking do this!"

the many marshallers in the hangar bay, began to direct traffic and giving the go ahead to take off, I run a quick diagnostics on the our ship, while we wait for the other ships ahead of us to finish leaving through the thin force field that covers the opening of the hangar bay door, I look to Cooper who is staring at his screen attentively, and say to him.

"don't worry about your family Cooper, I'm sure they already boarded on one of those evacuation ships."

he turns to me and replies.

"I appreciate your sentiment Rodriguez, but I need you to let me concentrate, so that we can destroy, as many as those fuckers as I can."

I nod and turn my attention back to the front where I follow the signals of the marshaller and as soon as he gives the go ahead, I take off and zoom past the force field, alongside other night wing star fighters, where we are met with a barrage of laser fire, towards our direction, I maneuver around, trying to avoid the debris, of other blown up ships, I then think to myself.

"shit those damn Dreadnaught capital ships are tearing us apart."

we fly around dispatching many enemy fighters, and then Admiral Lombardi's voice hisses through the intercom.

"new order, for all pilots from the Vittoria Battleship, to focus their efforts and fire upon the enemy Dreadnaught, and let the fighters of other battleships handle the protection of the evacuation ships."

I take a quick glance at, Private Cooper and see that he is wearing a look of anger, upon hearing the Admiral's new order, he scratches his hair with frustration and says to me.

"Rodriguez, ignore that order, and let's go help the evacuation effort."

ad I turn my focus back to the cockpit window, I respond in disbelief.

"no Cooper, I'm not going to disobey orders."

As I turn my ship's direction towards the Dreadnaught, I say to him feeling sympathetic.

"I'm sorry, but we got orders and we are going to follow them."

he begrudgingly turns his attention back to his screen and responds with gritted teeth.

"yeah I get it, just go ahead and start attacking that Dreadnaught, so we can help them with the evacuation ships."

we fly alongside ally ships, eliminating enemies as we approach closer to the Dreadnaught, I think to myself.

"it's still hard to believe that the A.I managed to build classes of ships that are this massive."

I remember back at the academy, when they taught every known ship type, that the A.I used in space battles, and the Dreadnaught can only be described as floating fortress of death, capable of unleashing apocalyptic levels of destruction on planets, and capable of mass producing synthetics, and also A.I controlled star fighters.

As we fly in close proximity of the Dreadnaught,

Admiral Lombardi gives us another order through the intercom.

"I want all pilots to, disable all kinetic artillery cannons, on that Dreadnaught, before it destroys more evacuation ships."

Private Cooper shouts.

"let's go Rodriguez, if we don't destroy those guns, my family will not leave alive!"

I shout back as I shoot down more enemy aircraft.

"you don't need to tell me twice, I'm on it!"

I took whatever chances I could get, to focus my fire on any visible cannons, whenever I took down enemies, or when I evaded any of them, and we kept at it, alongside many other star fighters from my squadron for what felt the longest five minutes of my life, until we finally managed to destroy at least two of their artillery cannons, and as I hear the celebrations of my fellow pilots, through the intercoms, but not me because I know all to well that this is far from over, I then broadcast my voice through the intercom.

"look alive people, there are still active cannons on this Dreadnaught."

the radio chatter dies down, when another voice was transmitted.

"this is Sergeant Vladkowsky, cut the chatter, our fellow star fighters and evacuation ships are still being torn apart by the Dreadnaught's guns."

I manage to destroy a few more enemy fighters, using every basic fighting maneuver that I learned during flight simulation, at Earth's space navy academy, just a couple of months ago, the same academy that both my parents graduated from back when I was about two years old, and since the demand for pilots and soldiers is so high, many children were left without parents due to the war efforts to stop the A.I, that went rogue back when my parents were just kids themselves. I try to keep my mind focused on the task at hand as I move around debris, and then Private Cooper compliments me.

"nice flying Rodriguez, I guess they weren't lying when I was told that you graduated on the top of your class."

I reply while maintaining my focus my fire upon enemy ships and any artillery cannon.

"I appreciate the compliment, but I need you to focus on your job, so that I can do mine properly and get both of us out of here alive."

he responds.

"you're right Rodriguez, I'll keep quiet and let you concentrate."

every passing minute of dead silence, felt longer than the last one, almost as time itself has been slowed through my perspective, but then sudden jolt in the ship, completely takes me out of my concentration, and I shout to Cooper.

"Cooper assessment!"

he responds with a panicked voice.

"damn it our right wing has blown up."

I try to maneuver to the right, but the ship doesn't respond any attempts to do so, and I ask him trying to remain calm.

"any breaches that will compromise our oxygen?"

he doesn't answer as he stares at his screen mumbling something to himself, I then think to myself.

"shit the last thing I need is my co-pilot losing it, especially when I can't use one of my wings to maneuver to the right."

I tighten the grip of my throttles in frustration and

I shout at Cooper.

"damn it Cooper, get your shit together, I need you!"

I glance over and see that he is not made a single movement, even after shouting at him, I slam my fists down on the dash and shout once more.

"Cooper for fuck sakes, I also have a family, everyone that died has a family, please help me!"

he mumbles something and replies.


I return my attention back to front window of the cockpit, and try to do what I can without my right wing, but then I feel something strike me in the back of the head, and I fall out my chair, with my back feeling the cold metal floor, I groan as I grab the back of my head, and I feel a warm sensation on tip of my fingers, I then roll over to the side and see Private Cooper holding his sidearm, he aims at me and says coldly.

"this is your fault Rodriguez, if you would have just listened to me, then we wouldn't be fucked."

I struggle to keep my eyes open, as I watch Cooper sit down on the pilot sit, he then continues talking.

"I'm turning this ship around, so that I can live, and see my family again."

I manage to sit with my back against the nearest wall and I groan to him.

"you will not get away with thia Cooper, I will see to it that you will get court martialed."

he spins the pilot chair around and as he points his gun at me, he says with detached emotion.

"not if you die here."

he fires the gun, but I throw myself to the ground, making him miss as he hits the wall behind me, I quickly pull out my gun and begin to fire back, with my laser shots hitting him twice in the heart and once in the head, right before he got a chance to shoot me again, his body goes limp and falls backward onto the thruster of the ship, causing it to turn all the way to the left, I holster my sidearm and struggle to get myself up, so that I can remove Cooper's body off of the ship's throttle, and as I arrive back to the pilot's chair to remove the body off the throttle, the ship shakes violently, causing me to get flung backwards and hitting my back against the wall, I then think to myself.

"damn that Cooper, now because of his action, I'm going to die too."

I cough in pain and speak out loud.

"Maria, Ruby, and Sergio, I'm sorry but it looks like I'm dying here."

a few moments later my ship violently shakes once more, and I think to myself.

"no wait, there is still a chance that this is still flyable."

I stand up again, and quickly sit down on the pilot's chair, making sure that my safety straps are locked in good, I then look out the cockpit window and see that I'm no longer near the Dreadnaught, instead I see that my ship is slowly being dragged down by the atmosphere of Alpha Orbis, I panic and try to maneuver my ship away, but this time, it's not responding to anything and I think to myself.

"shit, I guess that last hit, disabled my ability to fly this thing."

I quickly turn on my distress signal and broadcast my voice through the intercom.

"this is Private Rodriguez, my ship is badly damaged and I can't it to move around, can someone lend a hand."

a wait a few moments and hear a voice crackle through the intercom.

"may god help those poor souls, the Dreadnaught is launching nuclear missiles towards the surface of Alpha Orbis."

I look out the window and just helplessly watch the surface of the planet get bombarded with the missiles."

I then quickly realize that my ship is heading to a direct course to the surface of the planet, and I think to myself.

"I need to get my radiation suit, if I'm going to have any chance of surviving on the planet's surface."

after suiting up with my radiation gear, I return back to my chair and buckle up once again and take a deep breath as I breach the atmosphere, and descend at a frightening speed, I then close my eyes. I wake up gasping for air and as I clinch my chest, I look around to see that I'm back in my room in Nibius Prime, and I also notice that Xuilana has been holding my hand while sleeping sitting down on a chair next to my bed, I then begin to calm down and think to myself.

"your fine Brian, it's just an old memory."

I then sit up, causing her to wake up, she then asks in a tired and concerned voice.

"are you okay Brian?"

I respond.

"yeah it was just a bad dream."

she replies, while caressing my hand.

"are you sure room, when I came to check on you, I saw you shouting in your sleep."

I reply with a relaxed sigh.

"I just relived an old memory in my dreams."

she asks.

"what was it about?

I answer.

"it was about my first space battle."

she holds my hand with both of hers and asks.

"do you want to talk about it?"

I reply after kissing her hands softly.

"I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet."

she replies with a warm smile.

"it's okay, I just want you to know that I'm here if you need me."

my eyes began to water, as I catch another glimpse of my sister in her, and reply.

"thank you."

I then clear my throat.

"now go get some sleep, you look tired."

she stands up and lifts the covers to lay next to me, I then ask her feeling embarrassed.

"what are you doing?"

she responds.

"getting some sleep dummy, you should do the same."

she closes her eyes almost immediately, and because I don't want to disturb her sleep, I just whispered.

"goodnight then."

I close my eyes once again, until I fell asleep.