Don't Hurt the Child

The Xia Family's living room.

"Since you said that the child does not belong to Xu Yan. Then tell me, who does this child belong to?" Father Xia, Xia Guopeng, had a cold look and sat on the master seat as he barked out a question.

"…I don't know." Xia Xingchen knelt down on the floor with a pale face while her voice floated in the air.

"You don't know?! How dare you continue to lie!" Xia Guopeng was enraged that he slammed the table with a loud 'bam.' "I'm going to ask one more time. Whose child is this?"

"Dad, you don't have to ask further. No matter how many times you ask me, I still don't know."

She also hoped someone could tell her the answer to this question.

"Guopeng, I have finally seen your eldest daughter's true colors. She may look pure and clean on the outside but we don't even know how she hangs out with people outside." Xia Guopeng's wife, Li Lingyi, fanned the flames and said, "If we don't teach her a lesson, she may lead our Xingkong astray."

"Mom, what are you talking about? I won't be the same as my big sister… No, what I meant was I won't mess around with boys, not to mention get myself pregnant. I won't embarrass the Xia Family like that." Xia Xingkong looked docile and had a soft and gentle voice, and yet the words she spoke added fuel to the fire.

Xia Xingchen threw a cold glance at her. "Xia Xingkong, can you shut up?"

"I… Sorry." Xia Xingkong's eyes turned red with aggrievance. "Dad, I shouldn't have spoken out of turn and made big sister sad."

Xia Guopeng immediately became so furious that his face tensed up. He stood and slapped Xia Xingchen. "You've done something wrong yet you still gave your younger sister this kind of attitude?! Xingkong did not say anything wrong. You really embarrassed our Xia Family's face!"

Xia Guopeng's slap was harsh. At that moment, the only thing that Xia Xingchen could feel was the chaos that ensued in her mind and the stinging pain in her reddened face. But, she gritted her teeth and continued to kneel there, refusing to admit that she was wrong.

She was not wrong at all! This slap did her no justice but as long as she still had a chance to meet that man again, she would definitely slap him back.

"Abort the child! Now!" Xia Guopeng gave the last order.

When Xia Xingkong left, she heaved a sigh. "Big sister, big brother Xu Yan treated you so well. You really shouldn't have…"

Xia Xingchen's heart ached as though a needle pierced through it but she knew she was no longer worthy of Xu Yan now.

Xia Xingchen took a leave from school and proceeded to the hospital to abort the child.

Li Lingyi followed her in fear of any incidents happening.

"Xia Xingchen!"

The nurse called Xingchen's name. She stood up and felt that this was all a dream, a nightmare. She closed her eyes hoping that the nightmare would all disappear when she woke up.

"Take off your pants and lie on the operating table! Prepare the anesthesia!" The doctor's voice was icy cold.

Xia Xingchen got onto the operating table. She had mentally prepared herself and thought that she could calmly face the situation, and yet she was cold—so cold that she shivered.

She was filled with hatred.

She hated the man who made her pregnant.

But, the ridiculous thing was… she actually did not know that man at all! How could she have faced such a ridiculous situation?!

As her imagination ran wild, the operating room's door was suddenly pushed open.

A person wearing a large white coat hurried in. He had a solemn look on his face as though he was facing an enemy.

"Director!" The doctors and nurses quickly stood up straight and greeted the person. Xia Xingchen lay on the operating table and could not be bothered with him.

"Xia Xingchen! Who is Xia Xingchen? Has she had surgery?" The director asked and one could tell his tone was anxious and panicky.

Xia Xingchen furrowed her brows and sat up.

The nurse pointed at her. "Director, are you looking for this Xia Xingchen?"

The director took out a photograph and compared it with her face. He immediately nodded his head. "Yes! It's her! Has she undergone the surgery?"

"We are preparing for it!"

"Don't move! Nobody is allowed to conduct the surgery!" The director gave a command which made all of them confused.

The director's assistant whispered into the doctor's ear. "We have just received a call. They have ordered that no hospital or person should conduct a surgical abortion on Miss Xia's child. If they do, they have to bear the consequences!"

The doctor was curious. "Who was the one who called?"

The other party inched closer to her ear and her voice became even deeper. The director's assistant mentioned a name and upon hearing it, the doctor was so shocked that she froze on her spot and her jaws were left gaping for a long time. The way she approached Xincheng suddenly turned from cold to a more respectful and polite one.

"Miss Xia, I'll have to trouble you to come with us!" The director personally welcomed her. A person had already cautiously helped her down the operating table. "Please be careful. Don't hurt the baby."

Xia Xingchen furrowed her brows in confusion. "Why can't I abort the child?"

"Miss Xia, please don't ask for the reason. As for your child, you definitely can't abort it. Not a hospital here in Country S will help you, most especially our hospital. If you won't mind, you can stay here in our hospital over the period of your pregnancy. Please follow me to the office and I will personally conduct a check up on you and dispense health supplements."

"Was the person who called you my child's father?" Xia Xingchen stared at the director. After such a long time, she had strangely calmed down and her gaze was cold. "Director, who is he? Why does he have the authority to prevent me from aborting my child?"

Earlier, she could only vaguely hear the director's assistant mentioning a name in the doctor's ear. His surname was Bai, she could not clearly hear the rest of his name.

The director shook his head and he seemed troubled. "Miss Xia, please do not put me in a difficult situation. I don't know if he is your child's father but if you're unwilling to give up, feel free to try out in other hospitals as well."

Naturally, Xia Xingchen would not give up. She could not have this child hence she proceeded to another hospital.

However, in every hospital she went, a flock of people respectfully invited her into their office after having compared her face with the photograph that circulated around. She had not undergone the surgery and instead, brought back a bunch of health supplements.

Li Lingyi initially felt a little disdainful and thought that the first director was just scaring them. With Xia Guopeng being the deputy mayor, what kind of situations have Li Lingyi not experienced?

However, in the end, they had already walked into six hospitals and every single time had her jaw drop with how they were treated with such ostentatious behavior. No matter how powerful the deputy mayor was, he could not possibly have all of the hospitals under his control! Hence, the person behind all this must be more powerful than Xia Guopeng?!

Moreover, Xia Guopeng received good news that very day. He was initially competing with another person for a mayoral position and he did not put any hopes on it. However, the tables suddenly turned when the leader decided to promote him.

On the other hand, Xia Xingkong who has been dreaming of joining her dream dance crew was accepted. One must understand that the dance crew only accepted internationally recognized dancers and Xia Xingkong was the first exception.

Yet, for all of these to happen, the prerequisite was:

Xia Xingchen's child has to live!