Child Abduction

In the evening.

After coming back from the hospital, Xia Xingchen immersed herself in a water bath while she was still in a chaotic state of mind.

Who exactly was that man whose surname was 'Bai'? He was such a mover and shaker that he could easily control all of the hospitals in country S. He could even control the future of her father and everyone related to her. She could not even make a choice on whether she could abort the child or not when she was the one pregnant with it.

Since he wanted the child so much, did… that mean that as long as she kept the child, he would one day appear again?

Thinking about it, Xia Xingchen came out of the water and heaved a heavy sigh. She had already made other plans.

She did want to see what kind of sacred person this mysterious mastermind was! She must avenge the slap she received!

Five Years Later…

Xia Xingchen initially thought that on the day she would give birth, that man would definitely appear.

However, she was met with disappointment.

He did not appear!

Five years have passed and she has already graduated from her foreign language major. She found a good job in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and left the Xia Family. Dabai was already four-years-old and yet, the man still did not appear.

Not even once.

Xia Xingchen slowly erased that man from her memories. Now, she and her son depended on each other and lived a very simple and peaceful life. She could only pray that no one would suddenly appear and interrupt her blissful life. She was also very relieved that she had given birth to the child.

Although she had taken a lot of flak during the past few years and her parent's focus has since shifted onto Xia Xingkong, Xia Xingchen never regretted it.

After work, she took her keys and opened the door to enter the house. The rascal at home was watching the television while lying on the sofa. It was another one of his super boring finance channels.

"Dabai, you are still a kid, can't you watch something suitable for your age? How about we change it to"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf "?"

Xia Dabai gave a flat denial. "I don't want to. That show is for childish kids."

"…" His words had hurt Xia Xingchen because she actually quite liked"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf "and moreover, she was labeled as childish by a four-year-old rascal!

"You are a kid right now and kids should watch childish shows. I'm changing it."

"Alright, alright, you can change it. I already know that stupid big babies don't understand finance channels." Dabai obediently passed the remote controller to Xingchen.

"…" Xia Xingchen's mouth twitched and harshly hit the back of his head. "Can you not criticize my intelligence? How annoying!"

Xia Xingchen felt that giving birth to Xia Dabai seemed as if she had found a big treasure on the streets.

Not only was he obedient and dutiful, but he did not cry like how other kids do when they find out that they had no fathers. Moreover, this rascal's IQ was even very high.

All in all, he liked to play with things she didn't quite understand.

For example, those random and messy numbers on finance pages or the various airplane models at the exhibitions or even those brain teasers shows on television. Those were all peanuts to him.

Xia Xingchen initially thought that having a lower IQ than the child was a very shameful thing. However, after being poke fun at many times, she actually got used to it. It was a very honorable thing to bring such a handsome little rascal out to the streets, if anything. She also had sneakily looped in many arranged marriages for him.

"Alright, Dabai, Mommy is going to change her clothes and then we will go out to eat." Xia Xingchen patted his tiny brain and he waved his hand at her in response. "Go on, go on!"


Xia Xingchen changed out of her working attire and took a bath, after which she chose a cadmium yellow dress to wear.

Although she was already a mother of a four-year-old, she was only twenty-three years old and was in her prime. Cadmium yellow was very bright and it suited her very well. It made her skin look even fairer like snow.

She dressed up and walked out of the room. However, there was not a single soul in the living room.


She called his name but nobody responded.

"Xia Dabai, quickly come out! We are running out of time," urged Xingchen while she opened the kid's room door. However, there was nobody in the room.

It was empty and she froze momentarily.

She did not know why but her heart took a dip and an ominous feeling crept up her heart. She quickly walked towards the washroom.

It was empty!

It was also empty!

"Dabai! Xia Dabai!" Xia Xingchen forced herself to calm down and searched every single corner of the room. "Dabai, quickly come out! Now isn't the time to play hide and seek! If you don't come out now, I am going to get angry!"

She pretended to be angry and raised her voice. Her pitch turned higher.

Normally, he would have come out by then! But today… he did not…

Xia Xingchen knew that he was no longer in the house and rushed out in a hurry. She searched the staircase thoroughly but she still did not see any traces of her child.

She quickly fished out her phone while preparing to call her mayor father.

"Xingchen, I saw your Dabai just now!"

She had not made the call yet when her neighbor came running over. Xia Xingchen looked as if she had seen her savior and held her hand. "You've seen him? Where?"

"Downstairs. You should quickly take a look. A few men had carried him down."

Xia Xingchen's heart took a dip and she rushed down without even saying thank you.

Could he have been kidnapped? Although she was not as poor as a church mouse, as a single mother, what kind of valuable things could she possibly have? The most valuable thing she ever had was just Dabai.

Xia Xingchen rushed down in a flurry.

When she ran to the district, she saw ten cars lining up at the gate and every single car were luxury cars in a uniform color. It was full of momentum.

The neighboring residents had never seen this sort of situation before and looked around. They were eager to go forward however were stopped by the men dressed in black suits. Nobody was allowed to go nearer than fifty meters.

"Xingchen, your Dabai is in that car! They carried him in just now!"

Somebody pointed at the third black Bentley.

Xia Xingchen wanted to rush over but a human wall blocked her, and the said human block consisted of two men with faces void of expression. "Miss, please move back. This is not a place you can come close to."

"Did you guys kidnap my son? Why did you kidnap my son? Let me warn you. You are to release him right away otherwise, I will call the cops!" said Xia Xingchen while taking her phone out.

However, both of them remain unmoved. "His… Young master wants to take his son back. It is not against the law."

"His son?" Xia Xingchen was stumped.

Could they be… the men sent by Dabai's father?

Xia Xingchen side-eyed the third Bentley in the line. The car window was partially opened and she could see a man in the backseat of the car from afar.

His side profile seemed as if he was a quiet person and he had a tall and slender figure. He seemed to have heard her and turned his head slightly to face her. His mysterious gaze was sharp yet cold and it was filled with dreadness.

It was as if Xia Xingchen suddenly stood rooted to the ground while she felt as if she could not catch her breath.

She did not come back to her senses until the cars slowly drove off and the man disappeared from her sight while the other men entered their cars.

She panicked and chased after them. She clearly knew that her efforts were futile but she still took out her high heels and ran forward like a lunatic.

No! They cannot be so heartless and take away her kid!

Even… until today, she still did not know who that man was!