The Future Wife of the President

The President's office.

A streak of golden light passed through the clouds and shrouded on the ground. The neatly trimmed green grass patch was wet with rain dew and everything looked lively.

In the center of the White Plaza, the large needle made a 'pang' noise as it solemnly dropped.

In front of the majestic golden door, an orderly group of ceremonial guards passed by with magnificent presence. The country's red flag was gradually raised towards the sun.

He was at the White Palace. The civilians who accompanied him sensed the arrival of dawn and awoke. Everything seemed to be in order.

Outside the palace, civilians who were staring at the country's flag saw him from afar and agitatedly rushed towards the palace like a sea wave in hopes of being close to the President's admirable grace. However, they were stopped by the palace guards who stood not too far away.

Although President Bai had just taken over the position, he was the youngest President in history and was most loved by the civilians. During his campaign speech, he inspired many and thought deeply for the civilians. He won over their hearts and easily defeated Vice-Presidents' Song and Yu with high votes.

Bai Yeqing stood at the top and waved to them from afar as a form of regard.

The civilians' greetings and supportive voices rang out and the masses were excited. He remained indifferent and used the most elegant posture to respond to them—respond to his people.

He enjoyed the happiness derived from the paramount authority given to him and even bore the responsibility and… the danger that came along with the rights he now had.

At that moment, Leng Fei rushed in and in his deep voice, he whispered, "Your excellency, Vice-President Song has arrived."

Bai Yeqing gave a light 'hmm' and said, "Let him come into my meeting room."

"He seemed to know about the incident regarding the building of a factory," Leng Fei softly said.

He furrowed his brows and was not surprised. "We can't hide this sort of thing from him."

"About the secret weapon…"

"Whoever dares to spill the beans faces death immediately." The last three words were cruel, ruthless, and laced with coldness.

Leng Fei understood and never dared to speak of it again.

When Bai Yeqing entered the meeting room, Song Guoyao was already waiting. Compared to how youthful Bai Yeqing was, Song Guoyao was already in his middle-age years. He sat there while holding a cane and only stood when Bai Yeqing entered and made the others leave.

"Your excellency."

Although he had a respectful attitude, Bai Yeqing was aware of the indignance in his heart.

"It's so early in the morning, so is there anything important the Vice President wants to talk about?" Bai Yeqing sat at the master seat and had a polite smile.

"There is no important matter but there is a good matter to share." Song Guoyao laughed. "I don't know if your excellency still remembers my family's Weiyi?"


"Yes. She had just returned to the country a few days ago. When she came back, she told me that she admired your excellency for a long time already and wanted to meet you. Is it possible for you to spare some time from your very busy schedule to meet her? Consider it as satisfying a small wish from a young girl."

Bai Yeqing smiled back. "It's rare that she's so thoughtful and still remembers me. I definitely have to see her even if I'm busy. In a few days, I will personally invite Miss Song to my place to welcome her back. What do you think about it?"

"Then I will tell her that your excellency has agreed to meet her. She will definitely be over the top when she hears this news."

Bai Yeqing gave a slight nod before taking a brocade box out of the drawer and passed it to Song Guoyao. "This is the gift for Miss Song. I have to trouble Vice-President Song to bring it back for me."

Song Guoyao's smile became even brighter and immediately said, "Your excellency is so considerate! Your excellency is so considerate!"

After he sent Song Guoyao away, the smile on Bai Yeqing disappeared.

Leng Fei said, "This sly old fox actually talked to you about Miss Song instead of the military matter."

"He is thinking about having a joint marriage between both of our families."

Leng Fei wanted to say something but stopped himself. Bai Yeqing glanced at him. "Say it."

"Although merging the Bai and Song family is not beneficial to us at all… I'm scared that if you reject Vice-President Song's marriage proposal, he may propose marriage with Vice-President Yu instead. If that happens, the merging of Song and Yu Family will become the biggest threat to us."

This point was also his worry hence he had prepared a gift for Song Weiyi as early as possible.

Saturday afternoon.

Xia Xingchen helped Xia Dabai wear his breeches and passed him his horsewhip. It was Bai Yeqing who had given him this set of clothes and he personally had them sewn for him. He looked handsome in those clothes.

"Let the chauffeur uncle send you to the racecourse. Don't ride for too long." Xia Xingchen nagged and carried his water bottle as he sent him downstairs.

She could not accompany him this time. Her official test was scheduled on Monday, hence she should not be careless and worry about her work problems more.

"I know. Go and settle your work. I can take care of myself." Xia Dabai waved at her before getting in the car with the chauffeur uncle. He did not forget to give her a flying kiss.

At that moment, the butler received a call and rushed over to her.

"Miss Xia, a distinguished guest is about to arrive in the President's Manor, so… if it's possible, please immediately proceed upstairs. If you have any important matter, you can ring the bell in your room and instruct us," the butler said with a strict look.

Xia Xingchen got curious. "In the past, the President has never seen any guests. This time…"

"This time, the Vice-President's young missy is coming. She may very well be our future President's wife. So, Miss Xia, please understand."

The future wife of the President…

"…I see," Xia Xingchen murmured and smiled. "Then, I will proceed upstairs. Please rest assured, I will not interrupt them."

With that, Xia Xingchen turned around and walked upstairs. She flipped the book open and read it with a serious attitude.

But, her heart was no longer into it.

She was very curious about how the girl he fancied looked like.

Hmm, it must be because that girl is going to be Dabai's stepmother thus she was so curious!

But, once she realized that Dabai was going to call another person as his mom, she could not help but feel depressed.

At that moment, she heard car noises downstairs. She immediately put down the book in her hands and peeked from the window.

As usual, there was a long row of cars. With one look, Xia Xingchen could tell Bai Yeqing was in the third car.

The row of cars stopped at the manor and well-trained bodyguards got out of the car first. The entourage opened the Presidential car door and he got down the car.

Right on the heels of…

A beautiful image of a woman appeared in her eyesight.

The woman's figure was graceful and she was wearing a long yellow skirt. The wind blew up her skirt and it swirled lightly. It looked very beautiful.

She and Bai Yeqing walked side by side. She raised her head as she talked to him. His expression remained calm as usual but he would occasionally nod his head as a form of response.

It was such a beautiful scene. A handsome lad and a beautiful maiden, they suited each other very well.

Xia Xingchen retracted her gaze and bent down to close the window for this kind of world was not for her to pay attention to.

When the window closed until there was only a narrow slit left, a young girl's voice was suddenly heard.

"Eh? Who is she?"