Lover's Spat (2)

"Peach, did you make this rabbit? It's so cute." Hu Yucheng noticed the handmade rabbit immediately after he ran up to Peach.

"Umm… yeah…" Glancing at his sparkling eyes, Peach nodded hesitantly.

"Can you give it to me?" Hu Yucheng looked at Peach with his narrow, fox-like eyes which were now full of anticipation.

"But…" Peach hesitated for a long time. She had specially made the rabbit for Shen Mochen during her art lesson. However, seeing that Shen Mochen did not reach out to receive it, she handed it to Hu Yucheng, and hesitantly said, "I suppose if you like it… "

Before she finished talking, Shen Mochen gently grasped the rabbit in his fingers.

Looking at the rabbit in his hand, Shen Mochen frowned. Briefly glancing towards them, he casually commented, "Such an ugly rabbit and yet somebody still wants it. Fox, your aesthetic judgement is going from bad to worse.

Gawking as Shen Mochen put the little rabbit into his backpack, Hu Yucheng mumbled, "I think it's very cute. How is it ugly? If you find it hideous, why did you take it?"

Shen Mochen pretended not to hear what he had said and walked off without looking back.

"Hey, Husband! Wait for me!" Delighted that he had finally accepted the rabbit, Peach skipped behind him carrying her backpack.

"Peach… Wait for me…" Hu Yucheng followed Peach closely. Unwilling to let it go, he asked, "Peach, can you also make me a rabbit?"

Without even thinking about it, Peach refused his request, "I don't want to. I hate crafting."

Hu Yucheng froze for a moment. His young heart was bleeding like a river.

The next day after class, Li Tingting sneakily moved closer to Peach, and whispered, "Are you very familiar with Shen Mochen from the third class in second grade?"

Scratching her head, Peach thought about it before replying, "Yeah."

"In that case, can you help me pass this to him?" Li Tingting asked. She then carefully took out a pink envelope from her bag and secretively stuffed it into Peach's hand.

"Huh?" Staring at the envelope in her hand, Peach questioned, "Why don't you give it to him yourself?"

"Well, it isn't mine. Chen Xiaoxin who sits at the back asked me to help…" Li Tingting secretly pointed towards the girl sitting down two rows behind them and continued whispering, "I'm not well-acquainted with Shen Mochen, but I see you going home with him every day after school. You should be quite close to him, so please do me this favour."

Looking at the envelope in her hand, Peach hesitated to agree, "But he's been upset with me these past few days…" When she gave him the rabbit two days ago, he seemed fairly unwilling. She did not know if he would be upset with her again if she passed him this envelope.

Li Tingting patted Peach's shoulder and cheered her on, "Even when he was angry, he still went home with you every day. I'm sure you'll be fine. You just have to place the envelope in his hand."

At that point, Peach did not know what a love letter was. Thinking that it was an ordinary letter, she nodded and agreed, "Okay then. I'll try."

After school, Peach eagerly waited outside Shen Mochen's classroom. When she saw Shen Mochen coming out, she hurried to catch up. Passing him the pink envelope, she said loudly, "For you!"

Shen Mochen looked up at her with a strange expression on his face.