Lover's Spat (3)

Shen Mochen looked at her with a strange expression on his face.

"Did you write this?" He glanced at the pink envelope, wondering if the letter was written in Chinese phonetics as she should still be learning phonetics in first grade.

Peach answered honestly, "Umm… No. A girl from my class asked me to pass it to you."

"Humph." Shen Mochen rolled his eyes and walked past her.

"Hey, why aren't you taking it? I promised someone to deliver the letter to you." Peach quickly caught up to Shen Mochen and tried to place the letter into his hands.

"Return it to her yourself and tell her that I don't want it." Shen Mochen glanced at her irritatedly and stormed off towards his house with his backpack.

"Oh… If you don't want it, so be it… Why do you have to be so fierce?" Peach mumbled, touching her nose awkwardly, wondering why he was angry again.

The minute he reached his front yard, Shen Mochen went into his house. "Slam!" Shen Mochen slammed the door without even saying goodbye to Peach.

Shell-shocked, Peach stood in the front yard, staring at the couplet stuck to the door of Shen Mochen's house. She stood there thinking for a long time, but still could not figure out how she had provoked him. Pouting and feeling sulky, she headed home.

By then, Peach's mother had already come home from work. When she saw Peach walking home with an unhappy expression on her face, she dried her hands and approached Peach with a smile. She asked, "Welcome home, Peach. Why do you look upset again? Is Shen Mochen still angry with you?"

"Yeah." Peach nodded, picking up the washed apple on the table and violently bit into it before answering her mother's questions depressedly, "The situation has improved over the past two days, but I don't understand why he has become angry again today."

"Did you have art class again today…?" Peach's mother asked with a slightly awkward smile. She had gone over to Shen Mochen's house yesterday and immediately caught sight of the handmade rabbit on the table in the living room. The rabbit's eyes had been pasted on lopsidedly. With its asymmetric eyes, the rabbit looked cross-eyed. Laughing hysterically for a while, she then patted He Yue's shoulder and commented, "Where did you get this rabbit? It's utterly hideous."

At that time, He Yue had looked at her with a complex expression and hesitated before replying, "Peach made this during art class and gave it to Chenchen."

Her response immediately put an end to Peach's mother's hysterical laughter.

"No, we only have art class once a week," Peach replied and waved away her mother's question. Holding the apple in her hand, she took a few messy bites and rolled her eyes. "This female classmate asked me to pass him a letter, which I did. It was fine in the beginning, but as soon as I said that the letter was from someone else, he ignored me and left."

"What letter?" Peach's mother looked at her curiously.

Peach pulled out the pink envelope from her backpack and handed it to her mother. "There you go. This was the letter."

Holding the envelope in her hand, Peach's mother had a complex look on her face. Children these days were too precocious. They were already writing love letters in the first grade of elementary school. Back in her own elementary school days, children were very innocent and only focused on studying.

"Do you know what this is?" Peach's mother clutched the envelope in her hand and waved it in front of Peach.

Taking a quick glance, Peach answered briskly, "A letter."

"Silly girl," Peach's mother chided gently. Tapping Peach on her head, Peach's mother whispered, "This is a love letter."