Lover's Spat (4)

"Silly girl," Peach's mother chided gently. Tapping Peach on her head, Peach's mother whispered, "This is a love letter."

"Oh I see." Peach nodded. It was just a love letter, she did not understand the need for all the secrecy.

"A love letter means that someone likes Shen Mochen, and wants Shen Mochen to be her husband," Peach's mother explained, rolling her eyes unbelievingly. She wondered if Peach was truly her biological daughter. How could she be so slow-witted?

"What?" Taken aback, Peach hopped off of the chair. Looking at her mother, she exclaimed, "How can that happen? Shen Mochen can only be my husband."

"Then why would you help someone else pass him a love letter?"

"I didn't know." Anxiously looking at the pink envelope in her mother's hand, Peach said, "Hurry, pass it back to me. I'll return it to my classmate tomorrow."

Sighing, Peach's mother handed the envelope back to Peach, "Take it back." Sigh… Her daughter is so foolish… So foolish that if her husband is kidnapped by others, she would likely help the kidnappers count the ransom money. Fortunately, Shen Mochen was a committed boy. The more Peach's mother thought about it, the more she thought highly of her son-in-law. Luckily, Peach had been engaged to him since a young age, or else with her intelligence she would definitely not be able to compete with other girls.

"What should I do about Shen Mochen? He is still angry," Peach asked as she stuffed the envelope into her backpack again. She planned to return it to her classmate the next day. Peering out of the window, Peach saw that Shen Mochen's front door was still tightly shut.

Shrugging her shoulders indifferently, Peach's mother cheered her on, "Don't be discouraged. Besides, it's not the first time he has ignored you." After saying that, she turned away and headed back into the kitchen. She called out, "I'm going to cook dinner now, hurry and complete your homework. There'll be no food for you if you don't finish it."

"Fine…" Peach mumbled as she trudged towards her room. Seriously… When did her mother learn from her Godfather to threaten her with no food if she did not complete her homework? She looked at the door of Shen Mochen's house again. Taking a final glance, she then reluctantly went into her room to do her homework.

The next day, Peach arrived at school earlier than usual. Grabbing Li Tingting's hand, Peach harshly stuffed the love letter into her hand and said honestly, "Tingting, my husband said that he doesn't want this."

"Well, I guessed as much." Li Tingting held the envelope in her hand helplessly and sighed. A moment later, she realised something. Shaking Peach's shoulders, she screamed, "What did you say? Your husband?"

Violently shaken, Peach was confused and dizzy. She shouted, "Be quiet and stop shaking me!"

"Oh. Right." Li Tingting finally stopped shaking Peach and surveyed her surroundings. Fortunately, it was still relatively early and there were not many students in the class. Lowering her voice, she asked, "What did you just say? Shen Mochen is your husband?"

"Yeah." Peach looked at her bewilderedly, "Do you have to be so surprised?"

Li Tingting explained, "Of course I'm surprised. It's Shen Mochen. He usually doesn't like talking to boys, let alone girls. If the girls in his class manage to talk to him, they would be over the moon for a long time."

"How do you know so much about his class?" Peach questioned.

"You don't need to know this." Li Tingting pulled Peach over and scrutinised her carefully before nodding. "The girls in Shen Mochen class were certain that he did not have a girlfriend and said that you were just his sister. I can't believe that you're really his girlfriend."