Lover's Spat (5)

"You don't need to know this." Li Tingting pulled Peach over and scrutinised her carefully before nodding. "The girls in Shen Mochen class were certain that he did not have a girlfriend and said that you were just his sister. I can't believe that you're really his girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his wife!" Peach corrected her solemnly, puffing out her cheeks on her small round face.

"Fine, fine." Li Tingting nodded quickly, expressing her understanding. Looking out of the classroom, she gushed excitedly, "Peach, your husband is here to look for you!"

"Huh?" Peach looked out of the classroom, and saw that it really was Shen Mochen standing there by the window. His delicate eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at her.

Swiftly, Peach jumped up and rushed over to him. Exhilarated, she asked, "Husband, are you looking for me?"

Shen Mochen looked at her and remained silent for a moment.

"Well? Are you not looking for me?" Peach reached out and poked his arm. Why was he not talking?

After a while, Shen Mochen grudgingly opened his mouth, "My dad has gone to Guilin with my mother for a few days and they asked me to stay at your house whilst they're gone."

Peach said, "Oh, that's great! This morning, my mom mentioned making dumplings with your favourite filling for dinner. I was going to call you over tonight to eat with us." Many a time, it would be her parents who had to go on business trips and would leave her at Shen Mochen's house. For the first time in many years, Shen Mochen's parents were both not at home and he had to stay over at Peach's house.

Gloomily, Shen Mochen looked at Peach. He opened his mouth but was stumped. In the end, he simply instructed Peach, "Wait for me after school." Then he turned and headed back up to the second floor for class.

Before going to bed last night, Shen Mochen had gone to the bathroom. When he walked past his parents' room, he heard them whispering.

He Yue said, "Chenchen has been ignoring Peach for a long time now."

Professor Shen commented, "They're children. They'll be fine after a few days."

He Yue said, "I heard that there's a third party involved this time."

Professor Shen asked, "Where did you hear this from? They're still so young, why would there be a third party?"

"I heard it from Peach's mom," He Yue replied.

Professor Shen was stumped, "…"

Then, He Yue suggested, "Why don't you take some annual leave? We can go out and have fun, and at the same time, it'll also give them an opportunity to spend time together."

"Okay," Professor Shen agreed.

Hence, before they headed out that morning, Shen Mochen's father suddenly told him, "Chenchen, your mom and I are going to Guilin to attend an ex-classmate's wedding. We'll not be home for the next few days, so you'll be staying over at Peach's house. Your mom has already mentioned this to your mother-in-law. "

Shen Mochen scrutinised his father with a frown, and felt that his father looked somewhat flustered.

Just then, He Yue played her trump card, "Chenchen, you will be late if you don't leave for school now. Peach has already walked out of her front yard. She's pretty far ahead, you almost can't see her."

Carrying his backpack with a scowl on his face, Shen Mochen slowly strolled out of the door. He was still furious with Peach, so he did not want to go to Peach's house. Besides, it was usually Peach who stayed over at his house. Why did he suddenly have to stay at hers?

All in all, Shen Mochen was even more upset and angry now.

On the other hand, Peach was ecstatic. She had been beaming from ear to ear all day long and was in a fantastic mood. She even raised her hands to answer a few questions during class and got them all right. She was then praised by her teacher.

When school was dismissed, before Peach had finished packing her belongings into her backpack, Li Tingting poked Peach's arm and whispered, "Peach, your husband is here to fetch you."