There's Nothing You Can Do About It

When school was dismissed, before Peach had finished packing her belongings into her backpack, Li Tingting poked Peach's arm and whispered, "Peach, your husband is here to fetch you."

Looking out of the classroom, Peach saw that it really was Shen Mochen standing there.

Several girls were already curiously looking out of the classroom. Chen Xiaoxin, who sat behind Peach, was also secretly glancing at Shen Mochen.

Hurriedly packing up, Peach then skipped out of the classroom. Holding Shen Mochen's hand, she smiled and exclaimed, "Let's go!"

Glancing towards the hand that Peach was clutching tightly, Shen Mochen frowned, but did not break free.

When they arrived home, Peach's mother happened to be making dumplings. Seeing them coming home hand in hand, she greeted them with a smile, "Peach, Chenchen, welcome home."

"Hi." Peach released Shen Mochen's hand and ran over to her mother. Placing her backpack on a chair, she enthusiastically rolled up her sleeves and gushed, "Mom, I'll help you!"

"Stop right there!" Peach's mother swiftly restrained Peach's hand that was already reaching out for the dough. Turning Peach's hand over to look at her palm, Peach's mother chided Peach with a frown, "How did your hands get so dirty? Wash your hands and do your homework. You can help after you complete all your homework."

"Okay…" Peach grumbled unwillingly and hopped off of the chair. She glanced at Shen Mochen who was still standing in the middle of the room and waved him over, "Let's go and wash our hands."

Shen Mochen looked up at Peach's mother. He thought about it for a while before greeting her, "Hello, Auntie."

"Chenchen, you're so polite. Go on and wash your hands before doing your homework. You'll have dumplings to eat later on. Peach's father is at a dinner party tonight, so he won't be back for dinner. It'll just be the three of us.

"Okay." Shen Mochen nodded before following Peach to wash his hands.

After they had both finished their homework, Peach rushed over to help her mother make dumplings. Shen Mochen sat next to them, reading his own book while watching them wrap dumplings.

The dumplings that Peach's mother had wrapped were all plump and neat, just like a mini ingot. On the other hand, the dumplings that Peach wrapped all looked listless and slanted, as if they were drunk.

After watching for a long time, Shen Mochen could not take it anymore. He threw the book that he was reading onto the table and went over to Peach. Snatching the dumpling wrapper out of her hands, he said sullenly, "Let me do it instead. You're just wasting all the ingredients."

"What?" Peach stared wide-eyed as Shen Mochen snatched the dumpling wrapper from her. Then, he skillfully scooped a spoon of fillings and placed it in the middle of the dumpling wrapper. Using his small hands, he then aligned the edges of the wrapper. With a final pinch, a plump dumpling lay obediently in his palm.

"Chenchen, you even know how to make dumplings?" Peach's mother asked curiously after witnessing his skills at wrapping the dumpling.

"No," Shen Mochen replied briskly. He then glanced at Peach who was next to him, and continued to wrap dumplings while explaining, "I saw how you wrapped it just now and picked it up."

"Wow! Husband, you're amazing!" Peach gazed at him in adoration.

"…" Peach's mother looked helplessly at her daughter. Sigh… They are both children. Why are they so different? Occasionally, when they had nothing on, Peach would help her mother to wrap dumplings, but the dumplings would always look rather ugly. Chenchen had never even wrapped a single dumpling before but the moment he attempted it, he was able to wrap a perfect dumpling.