Let's Move House (2)

That winter vacation, after careful selection, Peach's and Shen Mochen's family finally selected two attached villas in the southeast corner of the neighbourhood. Not far from their door was a wisteria promenade, and a little further north, there was a small bridge with flowing water beneath it, a gazebo and other other beautiful scenery.

After settling on the houses, they started to renovate. He Yue and Peach's mother were the main decorators. Both of them would meet every day to discuss how to renovate the interior of the house, including the style and materials to use. After which, they would then go back to their respective homes to report to their husbands.

The two men would often listen patiently before passing the motion with a wave of their hand.

The renovations lasted for half a year, up until the summer vacation when Shen Mochen graduated from elementary school. After the grades for the graduation examination for elementary school were released, Shen Mochen was, as expected, admitted into the middle school affiliated to the city's high school.

To celebrate Shen Mochen successfully passing the first important exam in his life, the two families decided to move house together.

However, Shen Mochen, the star of the celebration, was the only one who felt no joy about it.

Please, they would have moved sooner or later. Yet, they had to use his acceptance into middle school as a reason to move. As such, Shen Mochen was in a bad mood for a while.

The whole renovation was basically handled by Peach's mother and He Yue, while the others continued with their lives as per usual, going to work and school, not even willing to supervise the renovations for a short period.

When they moved into their new houses, Peach realised that the houses were connected from the inside through a door in the living room wall of both houses. Upstairs, the wall between the balconies had been knocked down, so that the balconies were directly connected, forming a large balcony.

In short, although the exterior appeared to be two houses, once one entered, one would realise that it was practically one house.

"How's it?" Peach's mother looked proudly at Peach's father, waiting for him to applaud her masterpiece.

Unexpectedly, Peach's father frowned. After taking a tour of the balcony, he returned to Peach's mother and asked her in a serious tone, "If you knocked down the wall between the balconies, does that mean that kid Shen Mochen can just come running into my house?"

"Yeah." Peach's mother nodded with a smile and replied, "Peach can also go to Chenchen's house to play at any time."

"Peach is already a big girl, what if that kid has ill intentions towards Peach?" Peach's father was very anxious. Had he known that they would renovate the structure of the house like this, he would not have been lazy and left all the renovation works to Peach's mother.

"Come on." Peach's mother threw him a derisive look and said in an irritated tone, "Peach is only ten years old, and her body hasn't even started to develop yet. What ill intentions can he have! If Shen Mochen has any cheeky ideas about Peach, I will take on your last name. Don't you see that it's Peach who forcefully kisses him every time? He has never taken the initiative!"

Sighing, Peach's father kept shaking his head, "Anyway, that is one thing and this is another. It'll be too late to discuss these things when Peach's body has developed!"

"In that case, why don't you buy some bricks and seal the balcony with cement on your own!" Peach's mother gave him a nasty look, and casually proposed before heading over to Shen Mochen's house to play.

In the end, Peach's father could only mourn his misfortune and condemn his resignation to the matter. He had simply blurted out his thoughts in the heat of the moment and was not really going to build a concrete wall.