Let's Move House (3)

In the end, Peach's father could only mourn his misfortune and condemn his resignation to the matter. He had simply blurted out his thoughts in the heat of the moment and was not really going to build a concrete wall.

That summer vacation, Peach spent it carefreely, following Shen Mochen around, and calling him with a smile, "Husband, Husband."

Sitting at his desk, Shen Mochen turned to look at her speechlessly, his dark and deep eyes stared at Peach intensely. Resignedly, he sighed, "Peach, are you sure you know what a 'husband' means?"

"Huh? I'm sure! Hasn't it been mentioned many times before?" Peach replied as she happily dug into the half of a big watermelon that she was hugging while sitting on the floor of Shen Mochen's room.

Shen Mochen looked at her with a complicated expression on his face. She was only ten years old and still looked like a child with her round face and big eyes. Furthermore, she had not grown very tall. In fact, she had always been a head shorter than him.


Sighing again, Shen Mochen shook his head, feeling like he was preaching to deaf ears.

"Why do you keep asking me this question?" Peach dug a huge spoonful of watermelon and ate it. Her large bright eyes filled with curiosity, she turned around and asked him, "Could it be that you want me to kiss you but are too embarrassed to ask?"

"How is that possible…" Shen Mochen glared at her and retorted angrily. However, before he could finish talking, Peach had put down the watermelon in her hand and went to his side. Bending down, she kissed him on his soft lips.

There was a sweet scent of watermelon on his lips.

As well as the feel of her tender lips.

"Peach, you idiot!" Shen Mochen suddenly felt defeated.

"How am I an idiot?" Peach licked her lips and sat back down on the floor, carrying her watermelon as she continued eating.

Shen Mochen rolled his eyes and stared speechlessly at the ceiling. Turning around, he continued reading his book and made a decision never to discuss this issue with her again in the future.

After moving house, the school became further away from their homes. Unfortunately, Peach's elementary school was far away from Shen Mochen's middle school, so Professor Shen bought him a bicycle for him to send Peach to her school before cycling to his. When school was dismissed, Peach would wait at the gate of her school for Shen Mochen to fetch her.

In middle school, there is self-study in the evenings, but it was not mandatory for the first years in middle school. In addition, Shen Mochen's academic performance was excellent as usual. Hence, it made no difference whether he went for self-study in the evening.

After attending middle school, the number of girls who had a crush on Shen Mochen continued to increase. However, no one dared to approach him due to his cold demeanor.

Yet, there were still some girls who were bolder. Every day after school in the afternoon, they would secretly ride their bicycles behind Shen Mochen, satisfied just by looking at him.

As they followed him, they found out that Shen Mochen would cycle to the elementary school gate every day to fetch a little girl from school.

"Who's that little girl?"

"I don't know. But she looks petite. Could it be his sister?"

"That's possible."

These girls would only follow him for a short part of his journey as in the latter part of his route, there would be fewer pedestrians on the road. If they continued to follow him, he would find out.

However, Peach was unaware that Shen Mochen had become a hot topic among the girls in his middle school.