Peach's Troubles (2)

Peach looked down at his hand that was tightly gripping hers. His fingers were long and warm, and his larger palm was wrapped around her smaller hand.

How long has it been since they went to school together holding hands? It seemed to be the first time this year. His hands were no longer soft and plump like a child's, instead his knuckles were clearly defined. Why was everybody except her growing up?

Turning around, Shen Mochen saw Peach's thoughtful expression and frowned without saying anything. He gripped her hand tightly and headed towards the airport exit.

This time, they did not join a tour group. They were on a self-guided tour.

Professor Shen used to travel to Hainan for business trips previously and would stay on for more than half a month. Hence, he was extremely familiar with the cities Haikou and Sanya, and volunteered to be their tour guide.

On the first day of the trip, they took a plane directly to Sanya Phoenix International Airport, and headed directly to the famous Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area. After checking in at a nearby hotel, the sky had gradually darkened. They took a short break before going out to grab a bite.

Early the next morning, while Peach was still sleeping, she felt the quilt being lifted from her body and the cool air from the air conditioner slapped her body instantly.

Blearily opening her eyes, Peach saw her father holding her quilt in his hand. Looking at her mother with a proud expression on his face, he boasted, "See, this is a high standard wake-up call. The way you usually wake her up at home is so gentle that it's useless. She won't wake up unless you call her for at least half an hour."

Peach's mother speechlessly cast him a scornful look.

Reaching out, Peach pulled the pillow over her curled-up body which helped to block off a bit of cold air. She then drifted off to sleep again.

Peach's father's prideful face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

"Peach… Peach… my obedient daughter … Wake up…" Peach's father helplessly tried to wake Peach up in the same gentle, affectionate tone that he had picked up from his wife.

Peach replied in a muffled voice, "Okay… Let me sleep for another ten minutes."

Usually on weekdays at home, Peach's mother would have to wake Peach up half an hour in advance to ensure that Peach woke up on time and was not late.

However, they were out travelling today and the attractions would not wait for them. If they went there late, there would be a huge crowd in the scenic area. By then, they would not be able to see any scenery.

"Knock, knock!" Just then, there was a rapping on the door.

Peach's mother opened the door and saw Shen Mochen's family standing at the door. They had already washed up and gotten dressed.

Glancing at Peach's mother who looked refreshed, He Yue asked casually, "Peach's mom, is your family ready to head out?"

Unexpectedly, Peach's mother shook her head in embarrassment and apologised, "My husband and I are ready, but no matter how I shake her, Peach refuses to get up. Hah… I forgot that at home, I usually have to call her for half an hour before she gets up. I thought that since we're out travelling, she would not lie in."

"She's not up yet?" Shen Mochen frowned habitually and went directly into the room. In one glance, he caught sight of the person who was curled up and sleeping in bed, with her pillow functioning as a quilt.

Marching over to Peach's bed, Shen Mochen bent down, and studied her carefully.

Her face was round and fair as usual. Her long eyelashes were trembling slightly in her sleep while her rosy mouth was slightly opened, as if she was having a wonderful dream.


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