Peach's Troubles (3)

Her face was round and fair as usual. Her long eyelashes were trembling slightly in her sleep while her rosy mouth was slightly opened, as if she was having a wonderful dream.

As Peach continued on sleeping soundly, she suddenly felt an invisible pressure assaulting her senses. It was as a large rock had been placed on her chest, leaving her breathless.

Opening her eyes, she saw a pair of eyes that were as dark as night, staring at her intensely.

Peach froze for a moment and blinked a few times before snapping out of it and realising that it was Shen Mochen.

When Shen Mochen saw that Peach's eyes were open, he stood up straight and said lightly, "Hurry and get up. If it gets any later, the scenic spots will be packed."

"Okay… Okay…" Peach nodded rapidly. Leaping out of bed like a carp, she dashed straight to the bathroom with bare feet. After swiftly washing up and getting dressed like lightning, Peach was ready and standing beside Shen Mochen in just three short minutes.

Peach's mother's lips twitched slightly. Her daughter was so fast. Instead of taking half an hour to get ready, she only took three minutes. She was in disbelief at the lightning speed at which Peach got ready.

Casting a complicated glance at Shen Mochen, Peach's father wondered, "Is my daughter destined to be with this rascal?"

On the other hand, He Yue did not appear particularly shocked. When Peach lived at their house, Shen Mochen would be the one who woke her up and she remembered that Peach usually got up very fast. She did not understand why Peach's mother would say that Peach needed half an hour to get ready.

Now that Peach was all set, the group of them walked out of the hotel's door. They then boarded a bus bound for the scenic area known as Tianya Haijiao and set off towards their destination.

It was like the saying 'If you go to Beijing, you won't be considered a proper person unless you visit the Great Wall of China.' The same went for Hainan. If one did not visit Tianya Haijiao, they would have made a meaningless trip.

Although it was still early when they arrived at their destination, there were already a lot of people queuing up to buy entrance tickets at the gate of the scenic area. Tour guides wearing peaked caps could be seen raising their poles with small flags in the air.

Peach's father shook his head helplessly and sighed, "No matter how early we come, there are still so many people. Seems like if we want to visit Tianya Haijiao in peace, we should only come at night."

"Godfather, why don't we come here at night?" Peach asked curiously as she looked at Professor Shen with wide eyes.

Shen Mochen glanced at her and answered brusquely, "Silly girl, the scenic area is not open at night."

"Oh… Okay." Peach hung her head in shame. It was her first time here, how would she know the opening hours of the scenic area.

He Yue whacked Shen Mochen's head and looked at him in contempt as she chided, "Smart aleck. Peach is so much cuter."

Shrugging indifferently, Shen Mochen muttered under his breath, "Pigs are also pretty cute."

"Chimpanzees are also very clever," Peach looked at He Yue and answered very earnestly. She remembered her teacher saying that the smartest land animal is the chimpanzee.

"How dare you compare me to a chimpanzee!" Shen Mochen bellowed. Annoyed, he reached out and tugged on her braid. In pain, Peach grimaced and shrieked for help.

"You compared me to a pig too." Tears welling up in her eyes, Peach rubbed her braid. She secretly thought about whether she should cut her hair short, so that Shen Mochen would not be able to tug on her braid in the future.

"Humph." Shen Mochen looked at her in contempt before turning away and ignoring her.