Grow up quickly

"Humph." Shen Mochen looked at her in contempt before turning away and ignoring her.

On the other side, Professor Shen had already bought the entrance tickets. He then led them into the Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area.

At the back of the scenic area was Maling Mountain while the scenic area faced the vast sea with its crystal clear water. One could see sails dotting the water, coconut trees swaying in the wind and unusual rocks. The water and sky seemed to have merged into one.

Professor Shen was undoubtedly a Professor of ancient history. He knew the classical stories related to the scenic area like the back of his hand and could share the stories with them in a lively and realistic manner. The way he told the stories was more interesting than the way tour guides did, and it even attracted many people who started to follow them around the area.

As Peach was already petite to begin with, when she was jostled by the crowd, she was instantly shoved a few feet away from her parents and Shen Mochen's family. Seeing those tourists standing in front of her like humongous stones, Peach could not help but feel anxious. It would be terrible to be separated from her family in this crowd.

As Peach desperately raised her head to survey her surroundings, a warm hand gently held onto hers.

Her gaze landed on the warm hand and looked up to see Shen Mochen looking at her expressionlessly.

"Sniff… Sniff… Husband…" murmured Peach miserably.

"Follow me closely, no one will look for you if you get lost." Shen Mochen turned his head away from her and dragged her towards where Professor Shen was.

So fierce…

Peach blinked and looked at Shen Mochen's back as he dragged her through the crowd. Smiling secretly to herself, her two fleshy little hands wrapped around his powerful handd as she beamed and commented, "Hehe, you said that nobody would come to find me, but you still came."

While walking ahead, Shen Mochen suddenly paused. He did not turn around or say anything, but just gripped her hand more tightly.

"Hey, that hurts… Not so tight…." As he was clutching her hand too tightly, Peach burst into tears. This was definitely revenge!!!

"Humph." The answer to her plea was a disdainful snort.

"Do you see that? That's the rock with the inscription of the Chinese words 'Tian Ya'. It was inscribed by Cheng Zhe, the mayor of Yazhou during the reign of Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty. The Chinese words 'Hai Jiao' were inscribed on the boulder next to it. They were inscribed by Wang Yi, the commander of the Qiongya Defense during the period of the Republic of China. Together, the words on the rocks mean "Till the Ends of the Earth"." Professor Shen explained in detail as he pointed at the boulders in front of them.

"What is Yazhou?" asked Peach, raising her round face curiously.

Professor Shen smilingly explained to Peach, "Yazhou is today's Sanya City. The Yazhou Zhizhou is equivalent to today's Mayor of Sanya."

"Oh," Peach nodded in understanding.

"Of course, the two big rocks, 'Tian Ya' and 'Hai Jiao', also have their origins. Legend has it that a man and a woman were in love. However, as they came from two rival families, their families opposed their love. In the end, they were forced to flee to this place where they jumped into the sea together and turned into these two boulders which are always facing each other. Future generations then engraved the words 'Tian Ya' and 'Hai Jiao' to lament their steadfast love. Later on, couples in love would often use the phrase 'I will follow you till the ends of the Earth' to express their love for each other." Professor Shen shared the myth with them as if it were a true story, however, the authenticity of the story had yet to be verified.

"Okay, okay, you're spouting so much nonsense." He Yue waved at Professor Shen to get him to stop. She then turned her head towards Shen Mochen and Peach and called out to them while beaming, "Hurry up, I'll take a picture of both of you standing under the 'Tian Ya' rock."

"Okay!" Peach nodded happily. Holding Shen Mochen's arm with both hands, she obediently stood under the word 'Tian Ya'.