Grow up quickly (3)

"Oh!" Peach was about to stand up, but she felt her knees go weak and she almost fell down again.

Fortunately, Shen Mochen's eyes were sharp and quickly grabbed Peach by her arm, preventing her from her second close contact with the sandy beach.

"What's wrong?" Shen Mochen's deep eyes landed on Peach's knee and where she fell. There happened to be some gravel on where she fell. Her knee was scraped and some blood oozed out from her wound.

"Why were you so careless, didn't I just tell you to run slowly?" Shen Mochen turned around and squatted down slightly, implying that she should get on his back.

Peach obediently climbed up onto his back and wrapped one arm around his neck, not forgetting to carry her huge coconut in the other arm.

"Hehe, it's okay. It doesn't hurt."

Shen Mochen said angrily to Peach, "Who cares if you're hurt or not. I have to piggyback you if you fall." Pushing her further up his back, Shen Mochen walked slowly towards the gazebo.


Fine. Peach felt wronged as she did not fall on purpose.

Despite what he said, in the end, he still piggybacked her without any hesitation.

Thinking about this, Peach suddenly rejoiced.

Hugging him tightly with one arm, she rested her round face on his shoulder. Tilting her head, Peach continued to drink her coconut juice carefreely.

From far, Peach's father saw Shen Mochen walking over with Peach on his back. He quickly stepped out of the gazebo and hurried over to them, and asked, "What's happened? Peach?"

Peach replied with a grin, "It's nothing, I accidentally fell while walking and scraped my knee."

"Why are you so careless?" Peach's mother approached them and glanced at the Peach's slightly red knees before motioning Shen Mochen to put her down in the gazebo.

He Yue dug around in her backpack, and fished out a small first aid kit. Opening the lid, she looked inside and took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide solution and handed it to Peach's mother, "Here, help Peach disinfect her wound. Fortunately, I usually bring along a first aid kit with me when I travel."

"Okay." Peach's mother took the bottle of hydrogen peroxide from He Yue. Then, she asked Peach to lift her legs up. After pouring some hydrogen peroxide on a piece of cotton swab, Peach's mother carefully swabbed Peach's wound and its surrounding skin with the cotton swab.

White foam quickly formed where the hydrogen peroxide had been applied.

Peach looked curiously at her knees. "Eh? Why are there white bubbles?"

Glancing at Peach's wound, Shen Mochen explained patiently, "Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant, so when you apply it on wounds, it oxidizes the wound, thereby sterilising it. In the process, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen. When oxygen is released, it mixes with water to produce foam."

"Oh I see…" Peach nodded. Although she did not understand the terms he mentioned, she briefly understood some of the principles.

"Okay, does it hurt?" Peach's mother put away the hydrogen peroxide and looked at Peach worriedly.

"It doesn't hurt, I just scraped some skin." Peach stood up and jumped on the spot to prove that her legs were fine.

He Yue praised Peach with a grin, "Okay, as long as you're fine. When traveling, it's inevitable that there might be some accidents and injuries. You're very brave, Peach!"

At noon, they ate some lunch in the scenic area. Then, they continued wandering around the area in the afternoon before returning to the hotel. After dinner, the four parents bought two decks of playing cards from downstairs and returned to the room to start playing cards.