Grow up quickly (4)

At noon, they ate some lunch in the scenic area. Then, they continued wandering around the area in the afternoon before returning to the hotel. After dinner, the four parents bought two decks of playing cards from downstairs and returned to the room to start playing cards.

Peach was slightly bored from watching television programmes in the other room, while Shen Mochen was nowhere to be seen. The sea could be seen outside the hotel, and the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore was comforting.

After flipping through a few channels Peach felt the programmes were a little boring, so she ran to the window and lay down on her stomach to enjoy the night view outside.

Downstairs, there was a long road that extended over a great distance, lit by dim street lights. There was a guardrail next to the road and beyond the fence was the sea. Tonight, there was a full moon and it shone brightly on the calm surface of the sea, lighting up the surroundings with a faint silvery glow.

A figure that was standing at the guardrail and looking out at the sea caught Peach's attention. From the back, the figure looked like Shen Mochen.

After thinking about it, Peach closed the curtains, Taking the room card, she quietly snuck out of the room, and headed for the ground floor of the hotel.

Slowly approaching the figure, she realised that the figure was indeed Shen Mochen.

The warm sea breeze gently blew his hair, and his fine hair fluttered softly. The round moon hanging in the sky cast a faint glimmer on his body, causing his fair skin to glow under the moonlight. His deep eyes were slightly drooping as he looked at the sea beyond the guardrail.

"Husband?" Peach dashed over to him with a smile and leaned over the guardrail like he was doing. However, as she was fairly short, she had to tiptoe a little in order to put her arms around the guardrail like him.

Hearing her voice, Shen Mochen turned his head around.

For a moment, Peach was attracted by his deep eyes, and felt as if she was falling into a black hole in the universe.

Looking at Peach with a complex look, Shen Mochen's lips parted slightly, and he asked lightly, "Are your knees alright?"

"Yup! It was just a minor injury. It was fine a long time ago." Peach gazed at him with a smile. Propping one hand up to support her chin, she looked at him and asked, "Husband, you're not angry anymore?"

Shen Mochen looked at her strangely and asked, "When did I get angry?"

"You were so fierce in the morning, and you ignored me in the afternoon." Feeling aggrieved, Peach sniffed, her round face looking completely innocent.

Shen Mochen remained silent and did not respond.

"Husband… Husband…" Peach called him relentlessly. Suddenly, Shen Mochen put his face in front of her. Their noses were so close that she could almost feel the hot air he exhaled on her face.

"What's… What's wrong?" Peach asked, becoming nervous for some reason.

Shen Mochen studied her carefully with his deep dark eyes. His long eyelashes cast a shadow under the moonlight. When he was done, he turned his head away to look at the sea again, and sighed lightly. He then muttered in a voice that was barely audible, "Peach, when will you grow up?"

"Eh?" The sound of the waves coupled with the sea breeze easily dispelled his mutter. Staring blankly at Shen Mochen, Peach scratched her little head in confusion and asked, "Husband, what did you just say?"

The corner of Shen Mochen's mouth twitched slightly. Hooking his finger at her, he gestured for her to come closer and said softly, "You're still a kid, Peach."