Grow up quickly (5)

The corner of Shen Mochen's mouth twitched slightly. Hooking his finger at her, he gestured for her to come closer and said softly, "You're still a kid, Peach."

"I'm not a kid!" Peach hated it when other people called her that, especially when it came from Shen Mochen.

"Humph." Shen Mochen answered faintly, looking at Peach who was right next to him. Her skin was fair and smooth, her face was slightly flushed, and her large clear eyes were twinkling as she looked at him. Her rosy little mouth was pouting because of what Shen Mochen had said, making her round face look adorable.

"I don't have the heart to do it." Shen Mochen's deep voice coupled with the sound of the waves barely reached her ears.

Peach raised her head and looked at him strangely. "Eh? Don't have the heart to do what?"

"Well, I don't have the heart to let you know what a husband really means…"

Peach watched as Shen Mochen's handsome face came closer and closer to hers. She did not realise it when he gently stretched out an arm and wrapped it around her petite shoulders to bring her closer to himself. Then, a warm sensation landed on her lips.

Unlike when she had kissed him previously, his lips did not leave hers right after they touched.

Shen Mochen's warm and soft lips remained on her rosy lips and caressed it lightly. Her lips were soft, smooth and tender, like a slippery jelly.

Peach's mind was blank. Although Shen Mochen had taken the initiative to kiss her, she wondered why his kiss felt different as compared to when she kissed him previously.

A soft, numbing sensation spread on her lips, leaving her lips tingling.

Shen Mochen's eyes, which were closed, opened slightly. He saw that Peach had an endearingly silly expression on her face and the corners of her lips were turned up slightly. Gently covering her eyes with one hand to block out her curious gaze, Shen Mochen took her soft lips in his mouth and licked them with his tongue.

Peach felt her legs turning into jelly and her heart was palpitating wildly.

Shen Mochen held onto her tightly with his strong arms, so that she would not slip down.

Seemingly unsatisfied with the slight warmth of her lips, his satiny tongue gently entered her little cherry mouth with a hint of curiosity and innocence. By accident, his tongue bumped into her soft little tongue. Before Peach could react, his tongue wrapped around hers, gently sucking on it he was lingering around her, gently sucking her sweetness.

At that moment, the sound of the waves seemed to have softened, and the round moon in the sky quietly hid behind the clouds, becoming bashful because of these two young sweethearts.

Reluctantly, Shen Mochen left her soft lips and gently held her in his arms. She was still so tiny, like a thin doll whom he could crush if he exerted some force.

"Peach, you have to grow up quickly. I'll wait for you," Shen Mochen murmured softly in her ear. His warm breath lingered beside her little ear lobe, carrying with it an inexplicable gentleness and enticement that greatly touched her heart.

"Umm…" Nodding involuntarily, Peach stared at Shen Mochen with large confused eyes. He was smiling softly at her and had a gentle expression on his face that she had never seen before.

At that moment, all she could think about was that Shen Mochen was extremely handsome when he smiled.