Grow up quickly (6)

At that moment, all she could think about was that Shen Mochen was extremely handsome when he smiled.

Seeing how she nodded and promised to grow up quickly despite the confused expression on her face, the corner of Shen Mochen's lips turned up involuntarily. Gently kissing Peach on her forehead, he said, "Silly, whether you grow up or not is not up to you."

"Then who has the final say?" Peach touched where he had kissed her on her forehead, and felt warmth spreading through her heart.

Hugging her shoulders, Shen Mochen turned his head towards the sea. Looking at the calm and sparkling sea, he gently spat out one word, "Time."

"Oh." Peach nodded in half-understanding.

Following his gaze, she looked at the surface of the sea. The dim street lights were winding next to it. The mist covered water extended into the distance and the waves crashed lightly onto the shore. Under the veil of the night, there were some lights flashing on the sea, far away from them. The salty sea breeze gently lingered around them.

"Let's head back and rest early. We are going to visit Yalong Bay tomorrow." Once again, Shen Mochen glanced at the sea with his deep eyes. After which, he turned around and headed towards the hotel, with Peach's hand in his.

"Okay." Obediently, Peach nodded her head. She felt that Shen Mochen was a little different than usual today, displaying an indescribable gentleness.

When they returned to the hotel room, the four parents were ecstatically playing cards . They glanced at the two children before telling them to go to the next room to sleep first, and that they would return to their respective rooms after the game was over.

Shen Mochen did not respond and silently pulled Peach to the next room. After which, he made sure that Peach obediently went to bed after washing up. He then took a magazine and sat on the sofa, and flipped through it nonchalantly.

Lying sweetly on the bed with the quilt covering her, Peach stared at Shen Mochen's side profile, which was illuminated under the light from the table lamp, and slowly drifted off into dreamland. Before falling asleep, the only thought running through her mind was that it would be wonderful if Shen Mochen could always treat her with such tenderness.

Early the next morning, Peach's parents looked helplessly at Peach who was sleeping soundly. They could not wake her up no matter how they tried.

"It's weird. Normally, even if she doesn't get up, she'll still mumble a vague reply. Why is she sleeping so soundly today?" Peach's mother looked helplessly at Peach's father.

"Could it be that she's exhausted from playing too much yesterday?" Peach's father sat next to her bed and stretched out his hand to gently pat Peach's little face. "After all, Peach is still young and we did spend the whole day walking around the scenic area yesterday. It's not just her, even I feel like I can't move anymore."

"What should we do? We still have an itinerary to follow today." Peach's mother looked at Peach with a frown on her face. Peach was very cute when she was asleep. With her fleshy little face being squished together by the pillows and her rosy mouth pouting slightly, she looked like she was sleeping so sweetly that no one could bear to wake her up.

After thinking for a long time, Peach's father reluctantly proposed, "Should we ask Chenchen to come over?"

"That's a good idea!" Peach's mother's eyes brightened and she urged her husband to go to the next room and call Shen Mochen over. "Next time, if we can't wake Peach up, we should get Chenchen to wake her up. It'll save a lot of time and I'll be able to sleep longer in the morning."

After hearing this, Peach's father suddenly regretted his decision.